View Full Version : dog party at dog chapel, vt

10-15-2006, 09:13 PM
Last weekend Sadie and I took a trip to dog mountain - artist Stephen Huneck's gallery - where they have dog parties twice a year. There is also a dog chapel there. It was great - definitely a day and a place for dogs. Dogs were allowed in the store and in the chapel of course. It wasn't really like a dog park cause there was just so much going on and Sadie had a much better time than at a dog park. The web site for the chapel is: www.dogmt.com (http://www.dogmt.com)
the chapel (Sadie is in the picture, to the right, but she's hard to see)
one of the ponds that most of the dogs loved, Sadie went in as far as she could walk but could not understand why the other dogs loved it
labs, labs, everywhere!
big dog
Sadie sitting right outside the chapel and pictures of the inside.
All over the walls are cards people sent in memory of a beloved dog.
as every chapel should have, stained glass windows

10-15-2006, 09:14 PM
they served the people hotdogs but the dogs thought it was for them http://jennandmike.ws/pictures/pettalk/dogparty/beg.jpg
Sadie with drool hanging from her lip :(
Sadie got a burst of energy out of nowhere and sprinted around the pond.
They had several contests. We were late for the one Sadie had a chance of winning - oldest - but there was an older dog there, only by a few months. At 14 years Sadie was certainly most active for her age. These pictures are the frisbee contest, the first one is the winner.
http://jennandmike.ws/pictures/pettalk/dogparty/winner.jpg http://jennandmike.ws/pictures/pettalk/dogparty/dal.jpg
It was so much fun!

Ginger's Mom
10-15-2006, 09:22 PM
It looks like a great weekend. :) And Sadie does look like she had a good time. I love the picture of her running, and the pictures of her with the statues are very cute. I am so glad you both got to go and have such a good time. :)

I tried the link and I kept getting a timed out message. Are the dog parties by invitation only?

10-15-2006, 09:26 PM
Wow!!! What can I type after seeing such a Heavenly Place for Dogs and People!!!!

The whole place is remarkable~~~ Especially the Chapel!!!

Sadie is certainly a very Pretty Senior and she sat so well for that picture just outside the Chapel!!!

What an experience for her and for you!!! I'm so glad that you were there and shared this with us at Pet Talk!!!!


10-15-2006, 09:58 PM
Anyone can go to the dog parties, just show up. There is one in spring and one in fall. It was such a laid back atmosphere. Normal society rules are out the window - dogs welcome in the store, if a dog steals food from you it's your fault, leashes optional, love of dogs mandatory.

10-16-2006, 03:12 PM
Oh, how fun!! I've heard of this place (on Animal Planet) and it was great to hear about your experience there. Look at the gorgeous fall leaves, wow! I love Stephen's art - it's so whimsical.
I'm glad Sadie enjoyed herself, even if she's no water dog. ;) Hugs to that sweet girl!!!
Thanks for sharing!! :)

10-17-2006, 11:22 AM
Hey, I was supposed to go to this too! But I got real sick and haven't gone anywhere in 3 weeks!

I'll have to catch the spring one!

Thanks for the great pictures! Looks like your pup had a ton of fun! Love the running around the pond picture!

10-17-2006, 02:43 PM
Looks like a great place! got a kick out of the sign in front of the Chapel - LOL! I love the pic of Sadie zooming, she must have been feeling reaaally good! Have to check this out, what a beautiful area.

10-17-2006, 02:48 PM
How fun!! That sounds like dog heaven and those pictures are beautiful. Sadie is very good looking for her age. She doesn't look old at all. She is way more active then Sassy, whom is 8 lol, I would love to go there someday!

10-17-2006, 08:03 PM
elizabethann I'll let you know if I plan on going to the spring one, maybe other pet talkers can make it too? It's very far for me but I do want to go again.

10-18-2006, 07:25 AM
That would be awesome! We could make it a PT party!

10-18-2006, 07:30 AM
Wow!! What an amazing place!
You're so lucky to have been able to go there!

Speaking of amazing... the frizbee pictures were GREAT!!!

I also loved the one with the pups waiting for hotdogs! :D
I'm SO glad you went and were able to share pics with us!!

10-18-2006, 12:24 PM
I really loved the "big dog" newfy just like my two. looks like a fun place.

10-18-2006, 08:27 PM
Wow, looks like so much fun!! That has to be one of the coolest chapels I've ever seen, too.

I love the picture of Sadie sitting right next to the carved dog!

10-25-2006, 06:09 AM
I don't know how I missed this when it was posted but I'm glad I saw it now. What a neat place! I had no idea such a place existed! Very :cool: ! I'm going to visit the website in a minute. :)

You got some great pictures and I had to smile at the woman cooking hot dogs with a hungry doggie looking on. That would have been Bella, just sitting there waiting for her to drop one! LOL!