View Full Version : Old posts ...

10-15-2006, 01:57 PM
I was sitting here getting all nostalgic, trying to find an old thread, so I went back to look at old posts. I came across these.

Posted 4th of March 2002:

MEMBERS: 3,217....and growing

THREADS: 9,035 ... creating new ones everyday

POSTS: 100,000!

14th of July 2002

We now have over 4,000 members of Pet Talk!

18th of July 2002

There were 53 users - a new record. That's a lot of chatter!

These are the figues of today:

Members: 10,426
Threads: 107,058,
Posts: 1,551,435
393 (27 members and 366 guests)

... oh, and I almost forgot the latest record:
Most users ever online was 684, Yesterday at 09:19 PM

This goes to show how popular a Forum PT is - it's grown like weed! :eek: ;) :D

By the way, do you think this is good or bad?

10-15-2006, 02:07 PM

I mean whats not to love about this site, except spelling sometimes lol.

10-15-2006, 02:16 PM

Your stats are most interesting - thank you for taking the time to research. Although I have not been a 'poster' on Pet Talk for very long, I originally joined the forum in 2002 :) and have been following this board since. There have been so many interesting people on here - some have left - that may be good or bad. However, many have stayed and become the foundation of what is an amazing community - in my opinion, this is a very good thing.

Most of all, I must say the highlight of Pet Talk for me has been meeting the many, many furbabies - this is what drew me here in the first place. And, the information shared by so many has been interesting and very enlightening at times. The humour and comaraderie is the best.

I congratulate Karen and Paul for their vision and their continued commitment to Pet Talk. You are the best and the stats today prove that point, without a doubt :)


10-15-2006, 02:27 PM
Kudos to Karen and Paul for making such a wonderful forum!

Pettalk sure has grown alot. :eek: I think it's good if we get nice users who don't spam, lie, ect.

Toby's my baby
10-15-2006, 02:43 PM
Wow, it sure has grown!!

I think it is great that it has grown, but, I do miss a lot of the old pt'ers that have disappeared. I wish one day everyone would come back, and at least update us with some new pictures of all of there babies. I miss everyone, but it is nice to have all these new members! :D

10-15-2006, 02:58 PM
Yes, Pet Talk sure has grown and I also miss many of the older members who have now left. As long as there are nice caring pet talkers I will continue to enjoy it here.:) I've really enjoyed being able to meet many pet talkers face to face and also meeting some of their furkids too.:) I enjoy being able to see pictures, read stories, and learn a lot of interesting facts about everyone's furkids. I've also learned so much about cat health and behavior that now some of my friends and people I work with will now ask me advice regarding their cats.:) Thank you Karen and Paul for creating such a wonderful pet friendly website.:D

10-15-2006, 03:03 PM
I too miss some of the members who have left, even since I've been here. I am happy to say I was one of the *684* online last night at 9:19pm, I checked and was private messaging about that time! ;)

10-15-2006, 05:48 PM
There are not a lot of GOOD active "pet" forums, so I am very glad to have found this one. And one that doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon!

Laura's Babies
10-15-2006, 06:07 PM
As the word spreads, I see PT getting even bigger and bigger. This is just to great of a place not to keep growing. Thank you Karen and Paul, you have the best place on the web! (TOPS in my book)

10-15-2006, 06:35 PM
Kudos to Karen and Paul for making such a wonderful forum!

You said it girl!! :D

10-15-2006, 08:11 PM
I found your research "very interesting"~~ Great Job Randi!!!!

And, I do think this forum is WONDERFUL!!!!

All because 2 People felt there ought to be a Forum for people all over the world to talk about their Pets. They called it ~Pet Talk~ :o

And, It certainly caught on, didn't it!!!!!! :cool:

Thank-You again, Karen and Paul.

Yes, I plan on staying in this Community for as long as I can!!! ;)

10-15-2006, 10:22 PM
Wow, from 53 users online to 684...http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/anna66/Smileys/Woohoolittlemen.gif
PT sure has grown in leaps and bounds since I started that's for sure!

Funny that you would bring this up Randi because Mark and I were just talking about PT tonight. I was telling him how the people here are like a second family to me. I've gotten to know so many people and even though I'm not here as often as I'd like to be any more, I can't imagine my life without PT!

And in answer to your question...

I love that we have more members. I just hate the fact I don't know many of the new ones as much as I'd like to.

10-16-2006, 07:52 AM
Wow...I didn't realize PT had grown that much...

I've been here darn near 3 years...the longest I've ever stayed with ANY forum. I have PT to thank for my four wonderful kitties and most of what I know about my furry friends. I feel like I know a lot of you guys...even though I haven't met you in person.

I love PT, and even though I don't post nearly as much as I'd like to, I still check in at least a few times a week.

Thanks Karen and Paul!

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-16-2006, 09:44 AM
Great research Randi!! Wow, PT is really a world-family of petlovers!! I am proud to be part of it :) :)

Miss Z
10-16-2006, 11:58 AM
Wooohoooo! Pet Talk certainly is the place to be! And what a record we have now, certainly something to be very proud of :D

10-16-2006, 12:16 PM
This is interesting to think about Randi.I wonder if there is an easy way
to find each person's very first post? I'm pretty sure mine was about my
RB Buddy. He went through some different surgeries and or had some other
problem, and I always could come here to share stories with others who
experienced some of the same things with their pets.I always felt such
understanding & concern by other posters.I was so grateful for the time
and care that people tried to help each other. :) I am so glad that I finally
took the step to join in & signed up. :) This is a great group of people.

10-16-2006, 12:25 PM
This is interesting to think about Randi.I wonder if there is an easy way
to find each person's very first post? I'm pretty sure mine was about my
RB Buddy. He went through some different surgeries and or had some other
problem, and I always could come here to share stories with others who
experienced some of the same things with their pets.I always felt such
understanding & concern by other posters.I was so grateful for the time
and care that people tried to help each other. :) I am so glad that I finally
took the step to join in & signed up. :) This is a great group of people.
Lizbud, I actually think that your thread/post was the very first one I replied to. It was about a white cat you rescued - or something similar. ;)

If you search for all posts by your name, and then go to the last post, you'll find your first one. :) Remember to check "From the beginning"

10-16-2006, 12:25 PM
I've been wondering myself, if it is at all possible to find my very first post.

I know that it was posted sometime in April of this year ( at least I think it was), and that it was posted in "Todays Dog"~ A dog named Misty, who looked sooo much like Foxy that I couldn't resist clicking onto "Reply" ;)

10-16-2006, 12:32 PM
I've been wondering myself, if it is at all possible to find my very first post.

I know that it was posted sometime in April of this year ( at least I think it was), and that it was posted in "Todays Dog"~ A dog named Misty, who looked sooo much like Foxy that I couldn't resist clicking onto "Reply" ;)

Your first post is at the end of this thread. (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=101830)

10-16-2006, 12:38 PM
Wow!!!! Look at that humble post from Dorothy39!!!! I felt so " awkward " while typing that reply~ Stinging eyes and shaking during the whole process!!!! Pet Talk has helped me so much~ Just think of the money I might have wasted in Therapy!!!!!! :eek: :cool:

Thank-You Karen :o

10-16-2006, 06:03 PM
Lizbud, I actually think that your thread/post was the very first one I replied to. It was about a white cat you rescued - or something similar. ;)

Randi, you remembered him. :) That was Sugar. I remember when he passed
away & I dedicated this poem in his memory.Still brings tears to think how
quickly he left me. :(

Poem For Cats

And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.

Are you coming then? asked God.
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly
For my human friends are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.

But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.

Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am....forever and ever and ever.

Author Unknown

Goodbye my sweet friend Sugar. I'll meet you at Rainbow Bridge.


10-17-2006, 12:48 PM
Oh Liz, thanks for posting a picture of Sugar - he was so sweet, and I'm glad he spent his last time with you. :)

When I joined, your posts about him made quite an impression.

Love the poem.