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View Full Version : My nieces and Nephews :D

10-15-2006, 12:36 PM
I thought I would show you guys a couple of pics of my nieces and nephews.

(the first two are my brother Dereks kids)

This is Shawn, he is 16.

This is Sarah and she is 13 (but this pic is from when she was about 9 I don't have any recent ones of her on here)


The next three are my brother Darrens kids.

This is Paige, she is 10 (this picture doesn't show how tall and skinny she is but she comes up to about my nose but remember both parents are over 6 feet tall lol she also has very long, curly red hair you can see her braid hanging over her shoulder. We call her Paigey)

This is Madison (being silly), she is 4. she is short and likely will remain short hehe just like her aunt. We call her Maddy


10-15-2006, 12:37 PM
And last but not least.... Spencer (we call him buddy though lol) he is 3. Everyone thinks him and Maddy are twins but they aren't. he is a smidge taller than Maddy already. lol


And just to show the resemblance. here is a pic of Spencer with his Dad (Darren) they are a spitting image of each other. This picture was after a LOOONG day at Disney world.


10-15-2006, 12:39 PM
awww how cute! Your nieces and nephews are adorable! Thanks for sharing with us!

10-15-2006, 12:59 PM
Aww... adorable! Spencer is so cute!