View Full Version : Cat Muzzle???

10-14-2006, 07:06 PM
My vets assistant said to get my older ct a muzzle before I brought her back. My question is ... should I?? And also, Where would I find one?? I mean I dont want to put one on her, but I also dont want her to bite the vet . What does everyone recomend??

10-14-2006, 07:22 PM
I wouldn't think you need to purchase a muzzle.
When my cranky old guy goes to vet, they take him in back to draw blood, and they muzzle him.
He's more 'bark than bite' but he sure sounds menacing!

I think your vet should have a muzzle on hand.
I think they are soft, lyrca. So it's not too uncomfortable for them.

10-14-2006, 07:31 PM
The vet should have one. If they don't, then maybe you need to consider finding a vet who is more set up for handling cats! I mean, if they don't have a cat sized muzzle, what else are they missing in the cat size? I would really wonder about this! My vet has SEVERAL for cats - my Vita gets to use one sometimes. :rolleyes:

Some vets just don't like to work with felines. The veterinary hospital I go to is owned by one doc, but he has 3 or 4 vets working for him. One of those does NOT like cats, she has been bitten one too many times and she is afraid of them. The receptionist does her best not to put cats on that vet's schedule, but sometimes when I go in with an emergency that doc is the vet working. And she always puts the muzzle on each and every cat before she does a thing.

Vets can focus their practice, dogs, farm animals, we have 2 which are cats only in Providence, RI. So maybe this vet just isn't too comfortable with cats and doesn't invest in the muzzle and such for pets he prefers not to see anyway.

I think a few PTers work with vets and I will be interested to see what they post here!

10-14-2006, 07:48 PM
Whenever Mollie Rose goes to the white coats, she gets a muzzle because she HATES the vet and will try to bite (she's declawed). She is also more bark than bite. And yes, the vet SHOULD have a muzzle on hand. I have never known a vet that doesn't.