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10-13-2006, 01:14 PM
Does anybody know anything about what dreams mean? i dont understand but ive been having this same dream over and over again this week and its really freaking me out i really wanted to know if it meant something or not and i cant find a site to tell me what dreams mean unless i pay a 1 dollor a minute for some fake pyschic!

10-13-2006, 02:12 PM
Im no pyschic as I dont like them,but I do know my ways of dreams as I have had many dreams about the earth and stuff.

I may be only 16 but its my mom who comes to me for dream help even my grandma but everyone always wants to know what I have had a dream of lol.

If you tell me I might be able to explain it (for free) lol. :D

10-13-2006, 04:18 PM
There are MANY free dream analysis sites - just Google it. One of my favorites is:


However I swear by Betty Bethards' Dream book available at http://innerlight.org/

She was my spiritual mentor, healer, and psychic guide when she was alive. I miss her SO much.

10-13-2006, 06:47 PM
well its really weird 2 or 3 times this week i had a dream my ek boyfriend died in a car accident and i wake up freaked out and kinda upset even tho i dont get along with him since he refused to be there for our child but it was sooo real like i never have dreams like that....?

10-17-2006, 12:28 PM
well its really weird 2 or 3 times this week i had a dream my ek boyfriend died in a car accident and i wake up freaked out and kinda upset even tho i dont get along with him since he refused to be there for our child but it was sooo real like i never have dreams like that....?

Thats scary,

I dont think there will be a car accident but maybe this is relating to your life in a different way, maybe somthing else could happen between you both that will make you both scared and you could learn somthing from it maybe it will help your old boyfriend chage in a way (Hopefuly).

Just watch out for him because you never know,even if you dont like him.

If you keep having a dream like this somthing eventualy will happen hopefuly for the best.