View Full Version : There ARE good people out there.......

Lady's Human
10-12-2006, 08:06 PM
As many of you know, Jen (LOH) has had a rough couple of weeks. In turn, everyone else in the house has had a rough couple of weeks, with Mom not here, then home, then gone, then here, but can't do anything, etc.

We have gotten a great deal of support from our neighbors and our church, and the prayers and thoughts from PTers have been great as well.

The reason for this thread?

We got a phone call this afternoon from one of the ladies in church. She wanted to know what time we normally ate dinner. We told her, then found out that for the next week, the women's group at church is going to be cooking and delivering dinner for us. After all that has gone on these past two weeks, this is a wonderful bright spot.

10-12-2006, 08:09 PM
That is ~~~~ truely such a Bright spot~~~!!!

How Wonderful !!!!

10-12-2006, 11:13 PM
What goes around comes around :) I'm sure you and your family would step in to help in similar circumstances.

This is so good to hear. Prayers and healing thoughts coming your way.


Laura's Babies
10-12-2006, 11:38 PM
Church families are the greatest families in the world! When Eddie got hurt so bad last year, their church family was there to do whatever they could. A group of women came to the hospital once a week to visit Regina and a group of men came to visit Eddie and take Regina out to eat, just to get her out of there for awhile. They took up special offerings to help with the expenses of her living at the hospital for months, fixed her car a number of times and loaned her a car so she could come to church on Sundays when the car could no longer be repaired. The clincher was when they got a car donated to the church to give to Eddie and Regina.. I had to sit down and cry over that one.

The first Sunday Eddie was home (after 9 months in the hospital) Eddie walked into church and shocked the daylights out of everybody... No one knew he was home. Regina and I could have never made it through that horriable time without her church family and I could not have left to come home without them. Just knowing how they were there for her to supply all the support, prayers, hugs and anything else she needed was so comforting to her Mom and me and we were able to go home knowing that they were there and would not let her down. Regina said Eddie is the first out of the door on Sunday now and is more into church than he ever was.

They are there when you need them, they do make a differance and renew your spirit in humans. I have never seen anything like that before and I was blown away by how far they went. Just let your church family know you appreciate them and what they do.

10-13-2006, 12:04 AM
In times of crisis or need, you truly know who your real friends are. Since my sir-jury, I've had people supply wonderful meals that will last me for weeks. As well, I have two more friends who have stepped up to the plate and are waiting for me to give them the OK to stop by with even more food.....and they aren't even spiritual and neither are they good friends....just acqaintances. What can I say except a big thank you and because of their generosity, I will always be there for them.

That is what life is all about. If I lived closer, I'd be on your doorstep with my home made Baileys, Chili, and Mac and Cheeze. Oh yes, and maybe the odd Mario or two. :D :D

Take care Jen. Love ya.

slick xoxoxoxo

10-13-2006, 12:55 AM
Amazing, isn't it? When I had both my spine surgeries, the eldercare lawyer who handled my parents' affairs, told his church and my family had enough food for weeks! Total strangers to me. No affiliation with them. I was so touched. There are more good people than bad, IMO, but we mainly hear about the bad. Tsk tsk.

smokey the elder
10-13-2006, 10:28 AM
When my (biological) mom passed away 30+ years ago, many kind people saved us from my dad's cooking and Hamburger Helper!