View Full Version : Thursday #181 - Here's to good health!

10-12-2006, 11:51 AM
I just made some scrambled eggs, hashed browns, crisp bacon and some sausage too. The Mimosa's are ready to go on the bar with the freshly squeezed orange juice. I am going to work on the muffins and toast now.

Here's to GOOD HEALTH! for every member of Pet Talk and their furkids!

OOOPS, I forgot to make coffee - and I had better call Slick and remind her to bring more Bailey's. Boy, do we ever go through that stuff!

10-12-2006, 12:59 PM
Oh oh, I heard the call. :D Can someone please take these bottles of Baileys and put them in the fridge?? Thanks. I'm not supposed to lift anything....like that will stop me. :rolleyes:

OK, something smells absolutely delicious and I'm heading over to the table to get me some breakfast. Thanks Gini.....it's just what the doctor ordered.

Speaking of doctors......

Patient: Doctor, Doctor, I broke my arm in two places!
Doctor: Stay out of them places!

OK, OK, it's the drugs I'm on. :D :D Yes, let's drink to good health for everyone and a speedy recovery for Phred and Jan.

Mario, you look so cute in those scrubs. No no, if you want to take my temperature, the thermometer goes in my mouth not up my.... :eek: :D

10-12-2006, 01:19 PM
The temps are falling and my arthritis is kicking into high gear!!! I want a hugh cherry vanilla coke PLEASE!!!

Mario stop chasing slick with that thermometer!!! :eek: :D

10-12-2006, 01:25 PM
Mario, little man, come over here and sit down - yes, right here in front of me.

Now here is a bowl of cherries for you - and you stay right in this seat and eat them - and no throwing the pits at Slick or Moff!

I will take the thermometer back now - thank you.

We don't call you a little monkey for nothing, do we? :D :D

10-12-2006, 02:36 PM
The temps are falling? Where? Warm and sunny here in Sunny Cali! I'll have some of that brekkie for lunch.

Going to take my driving test today. That's what happens when you .... ahem .... "mature" :rolleyes: Can't see well enough to pass the vision test, so they take me on a ride. :D I'm sure I'll pass. The doc put me on some new eye drops and it's had an amazing result on my vision. I can see! I can see!

I'm gearing up for my surgery next Friday, but let's not think about that for now.

10-12-2006, 02:51 PM
Good Health....

We don't really think about it when we have it...

To all my friends in the PT world---

Be well!

Now what can I get everyone....the Mimosas and Bailey's are great but it's the P.M. now!!

10-12-2006, 04:59 PM
Here's to good health and good outcomes for surgeries etc...

I'll have another cup of Bourbon Street Vanilla Tea! Yummers! It's 42 here and WINDY...30-35 mph and it SNOWED today! YEAH!! The kids at school were freaking out...like they've never seen it before! ACK!

10-12-2006, 05:26 PM
I'll have whatever the bartender is pouring as I'm more than a little bit miffed.

Passed my driving test with one caveat - No night driving - I'm restricted to driving between sunrise and sunset only! I'm kinda pissed and upset. I commute to work; it's an 18-mile drive that can sometimes take an hour in bad traffic. Quitting time is 5:00 p.m. which, with winter looming can be past sunset! As it is I have to get up at 5:00 a.m. - I don't move too quick in in the a.m. - to leave by 7:30 to hit the road.

I know management and the attorneys I work with don't want me to quit, so we're going to have to look at some finagling of my work hours - maybe no lunch hour during the winter months so I can leave while it's still legal for me to drive. Sheesh! This getting old(er) stuff sure ain't for sissies! :( :cool:

Cinder & Smoke
10-12-2006, 05:56 PM
Passed my driving test with one caveat - No night driving http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif

... management and the attorneys I work with don't want me to quit,
so we're going to have to look at some finagling of my work hours ...

That kinda *sucks*! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/mad.gif

How about a Car Pool??
Instead of swappin days, you could swap SEASONS.

And I'd talk to your eye Doc - see what HE says about your night vision.
A note from the Doc might help get you cleared again for 24 hour driving.

Meanwhile - eat Carrots!
Join me in a glass of "healthy" Carrot Juze ... and hopefully we'll find something to
mix in with it to kill the taste!


/s/ Bionic Boy

10-12-2006, 06:06 PM
And I'd talk to your eye Doc - see what HE says about your night vision.
A note from the Doc might help get you cleared again for 24 hour driving.

Meanwhile - eat Carrots!
Join me in a glass of "healthy" Carrot Juze ... and hopefully we'll find something to
mix in with it to kill the taste!


/s/ Bionic Boy

Good idea! I WILL talk to my doc. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks anyway to check on my progress with the new drops. As for carrots, I DO eat them - have for years. It's cataracts and corneal scarring that's causing the problems. The doc hasn't said I need surgery yet, however she is watching me very carefully. Thanks for the suggestion.

10-12-2006, 06:23 PM
Gini, that breakfast menu sounds fantastic.Could we maybe have the
same again tomorrow morning? The roofers are coming to my house bright
and early, so I'll be up for sure. :)

LH, Prayers for Jen to have a complete & full recovery soon. I'm so sorry
to hear what she had to go through.I won't even get started on surgeon's
mistakes here, but I know, believe me, I know.

Could I please have a coffe & baileys now?

Lady's Human
10-12-2006, 07:29 PM

One coffee and Bailey's, hold the partisan bickering for a while?


To say we're a bit irritated with the surgeon, the hospital, and all associated systems would be an understatement.

(the real joy is that I have to go in for surgery soon.............yep, I'm looking forward to that :rolleyes: )

10-12-2006, 09:12 PM
Okay, now I'm affraid that the men in the white coats are going to sneak into my house tonight and put me under the knife!!! I'm gettin on in years and haven't been cut open by the happy surgeons since 1994!!!

I'm counting my blessings :rolleyes: Knocking on wood~~~~

I'll be up and ready for that breakfast tomorrow, forget the ol Cream of Wheat!!!

Coffee? Doc says I am limited to only 2 cups per day, BUT, she never mentioned "No" Baileys" :cool:

10-12-2006, 10:49 PM
Well I know my problems are no comparison for many of the others going through hard times BUT I need to have a drink to celebrate...... After 3 days I finally slept :D I took Advil PM and I went to bed last night at 11 pm and I woke up today at 1 pm LOL. it's so nice to feel.... normal ;) again.

HMMMMM I don't know what I should have to drink.

Surprise me :D

And of course a toast and well wishes to all who are under the weather.

10-13-2006, 12:08 AM
I could use a nightcap before going to bed. A double BM please with the works including a celery stick, cherry tomato and prawn. ;) Sparks, the only sleep enhancer I've come across is booze...although you don't want to make a habit of it. Congrats on the ZZZZZZ's. I hope to get some tonight.

OMD...white coats.....keep me away. I've had my fill. :D

10-13-2006, 11:25 AM
Oh, I am late, I am late..............that cute little Dog of the Day got my attention and I forgot completely about breakfast.

We had a request for a repeat? Coming right up - but today I think I will make some buttermilk pancakes to fill us up too. Maybe sneak some of that REAL maple syrup that Karen has. LH can you get us some?

It's Friday and I am pretty happy about that - it seems weekends are never long enough!

Shhh, Sparks is still sleeping - and we all know she needs it............and look who is on the other sofa - Slick - sound asleep too.

how cute - they are doing a snoring duet. ;)

10-13-2006, 11:29 AM
I wish you would have taped that duet :D I swear I don't snore ;)

Wakey Wakey LOL it is only 12:30 pm and I am finally getting my butt out of bed LOL.

Slick, I took your advice and used an alcohol "sedative" last night lol. slept like a baby :D Hope you got some sleep too

What are we starting the day out with today :D

10-13-2006, 12:19 PM
The only syrup in a good New Englander's house is REAL maple syrup - and while Lady and all her humans are in New York State, close enough. I still have some of this spring's crop from Lady's neighbor's farm, so I will share.

And I brought blueberry tea to share as well, nice crisp autumn morning hereabouts, so everyone is welcome to join in!

10-13-2006, 12:46 PM
Happy Friday the 13th everybody! I got a jar of Pumpkin Butter from Trader Joe's last night and I will share if you ask nice :p

Just got word that California as a new Notary Public - ME! Yes, it's true! I am notarious! :D

I'll have a cuppa java to celebrate as it's still a wee bit too early here in Cali to start imbibing.

10-13-2006, 01:24 PM
Glad I'm not the only one starting the day late. i too fnally got a good nights sleep. It's cold as a polar bears butt her today only 34 even mr Tyson doesn't want out. sat on the couch watching me type up the news letter for work.
spoiled brat.
I'll take some of that blueberry tea to help warm up.

10-13-2006, 01:39 PM
Excellent - and I'll start a new pot, too.

This time I'll make a whole pot in my very specialest tea pot - it's an old (probably antique) Wedgwood darker blue and white teapot that I got as a wedding present from an elderly friend, Mrs. Aldrin, yes, she was Buzz Aldrin's aunt!

A whole blue teapot of blueberry tea! And NO Mario, you may NOT help pour. Bring me your sippy-cup and you can have a little, okay?

10-13-2006, 02:01 PM
That hits the spot nothing like tea made in afreind pot . I have one with a simular story Mom gave it to me it was a gift from an old freind on the announcement of my appending arrival. we call it the girl talk tea pot. whren ever I needed mom 's advice on a serious issue we would declare a tea time. (mom always was helping my freinds I had to some times make an appointment) and then discuss the problem , I used dit on my daughter butshe had coca strange child doesn't like tea. (go figure) It's the raintrees design I guess it will get used again with Charity (i found one at an garage sale for clarissa so 2 pots if moms too busy grandma isn't).

10-13-2006, 07:46 PM
Here's to good health??? I'll drink to that!! How about a big Margarita with salt please. Maybe a bowl of nacho chips and salsa too???

Hey everybody! It's good to be back.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-13-2006, 09:56 PM
Nice big slushie for me - we're finally on our way!!!

Forget the snow we had yesterday, forget the incredible winds and cold we had today - sunny warm Tucson, here we come!!! :D :D

Richard, I agree, good health is something we take for granted until we don't have it - so here's to good health for everyone! :D

10-14-2006, 10:53 PM
OMG - I don't beleive it, the site says I last visited on 9/27. How can that be?

My humble applogies everyone. I've been mega-buzy at work, but that is absolutely no excuse to not stop by every now and then.

Can I buy someone a drink to make up for my absence?

10-15-2006, 03:33 PM
Well there you are Catland! Did you really think that we wouldn't miss you?

I even checked the lost and found - and I found many things - but not YOU!

Sit down, rest your weary bones a minute or two - and let ME buy you a drink!

Lady's Human
10-15-2006, 03:40 PM

You were in the L+F? Alone? Without an escort?



10-15-2006, 04:05 PM
Well, I really didn't want to tell anyone, but I was fine in there until something started groaning....................and it scared the living peeps out of me! :eek: :eek:

smokey the elder
10-16-2006, 10:47 AM
I think the back of the L&F comes out on the island in Lost ! :D

10-16-2006, 12:02 PM
I think the back of the L&F comes out on the island in Lost ! :D :D I think you're right! :D