View Full Version : Remember This? **More News Update**

K & L
10-12-2006, 08:44 AM
Remember this thread about the cat at work I rescued? http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=114146&highlight=end

Well here he is today in his new home! He has been named Henry the cat! Now is this contentment?? :D



10-12-2006, 08:46 AM
Ohhhhhh...is that HAPPY or what!

I can just see his little cheek burrowing hard against his meowmie's caressing hand in the second photo!

Two happy people! :D

Thanks for this update.

Laura's Babies
10-12-2006, 09:20 AM
This is the most wonderful story!! He has a NEW home with someone who looks like she adores him dearly!. He is a mighty handsome boy and he looks so smug like he always knew where he was suppose to be and finally made it there!

10-12-2006, 09:41 AM
Henry was born under a lucky star to have come not only across a Cat Person to save him, but to end up with a Furr Ever Home too.
Henry is one Lucky Cat, and we pray All the Strays out there will have a similar happy ending.

10-12-2006, 09:46 AM
What a wonderful picture, Lisa!!!! :) It did my heart good to see those two this morning. :)

10-12-2006, 10:25 AM
They both look so happy. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-12-2006, 10:48 AM
Awwww, what a happy cat he is now!! That lady seems to be a real sweetheart!!

10-12-2006, 11:18 AM
Yet another happy kitty and hooman! I just love a happy ending!

10-12-2006, 11:41 AM
He's so handsome and looks very happy and content. What a wonderful happy ending to this original story.:)

10-12-2006, 11:48 AM
Oh, handsome kitty you are Henry!

10-12-2006, 12:05 PM
That is a great one! Love those happy endings!!!

10-12-2006, 12:23 PM
What a joy to see Henry with the lady, they'll no doubt be happy together. :) He's such a handsome boy.

Thanks for finding him a loving home. :)

10-12-2006, 12:37 PM
Wow, it seems that the only thing Henri was looking for was a loving home! :D These two are happy :D

10-12-2006, 02:16 PM
Awwww.... We wish Henry and his hooman many, many happy and healthy years together.

10-12-2006, 02:46 PM
He is GORGEOUS, Lisa ... and look how purroud his mama is!!!! :D
THANK YOU for what you do, and for making my heart happy today!!!

Kim ;)

10-12-2006, 03:06 PM
Oh Wow this is GREAT! I'm so happy for the cat and for the nice Lady who loves her new boy :)
I was accually hoping to see an update but didn't think we'd get such fast great results.What a happy Cat.They BOTH look so happy :)

10-12-2006, 05:58 PM
Thanks for the quick update. Wouldnt it be nice if they could join our little "cat family" that we have here ??? :)
I t would be great to see more pictures of Henry in his happy new home.

10-12-2006, 06:07 PM
If there's one thing I love, it's happy endings. That lady looks like she is absolutely over the moon for Henry, and rightfully so!!

Thanks for saving his life, Lisa and giving him a new start. You're the best!!

10-12-2006, 08:25 PM
Oh Lisa, Henry is gorgeous and they look so happy together.

Thanks for the update. :)

10-12-2006, 10:01 PM
What a great topic to finish today's browsing of Pet Talk, they both look so very happy. :)

10-12-2006, 10:43 PM
Oh Lisa...what a doll!!! I just read the other thread about how he came to you. What a sweet boy...he just layed down?? None of my cats would do that!!! So CUTE!

Sounds like this pairing was made in heaven. They all look so happy! :)

10-13-2006, 04:31 AM
What a happy day for everyone! You, Henry, his new meowmie and us!

I love happy endings! :)

K & L
10-13-2006, 07:42 AM
I guess this lady lost her husband not too long ago and has been going through some health issues, not sleeping and high blood pressure. Since Henry she's been sleeping at night and her blood pressure has dropped by 15 already. So not only was this good for Henry, it is also very good for his new owner!

10-13-2006, 08:15 AM
AWWW - a win win, love love situation! :D


Laura's Babies
10-13-2006, 08:48 AM
See how bad they needed each other? God always puts you where you need to be and he needed to be there with her and he knew she needed him and had to get to her quick! It WAS a match made in Heaven!!!

I will always believe the reason why my Mama lived as long as she did with her cancer and remained pain free from the cancer as long as she did was because of Kitty Boo. She loved her Boo and didn't want to leave her.

10-13-2006, 10:05 AM
I guess this lady lost her husband not too long ago and has been going through some health issues, not sleeping and high blood pressure. Since Henry she's been sleeping at night and her blood pressure has dropped by 15 already. So not only was this good for Henry, it is also very good for his new owner!

What a BLESSING!!! Thank you for sharing this! :D

10-13-2006, 03:11 PM
How truly wonderful!! I've always heard - and have experienced it myself - that animals can greatly help one's health. I'm so glad to see that in this case Henry has already earned his keep! They look like a match made in heaven...and now we know it to be true! Thank God! :)

We at PT know these amazing creatures are God's angels, I'm glad to see this woman and her family can see that too. :)

10-13-2006, 09:05 PM
Thanks for the latest update Lisa.:) I've known that animals are supposed to help lower your blood pressure and now this really proves it.:) I'm so glad that they found each other and are so happy together.:D

10-13-2006, 09:09 PM
Henry is the perfect name! And he does look happy. Thank you for sharing this success story with us. It always makes my day. :D