View Full Version : funny picture of Tinky and Jupiter

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-04-2002, 08:01 PM
o.k. here is another one of those posed pics I took of my babies....:o ... this one turned out so funny though.... Tinky looks like she is about to come over and kick my butt and Jupiter looks like he just fell off the goofball train... :rolleyes:


06-04-2002, 11:12 PM
LOL LOL LOL Cute pic!!:D They're just as precious as ever!;)

06-04-2002, 11:42 PM
LOL Sara.http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/astrosmiley.gifhttp://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/astrosmiley.gifThose are the best kind of pictures ,when you think you know what the pic is going to look like and then you get a big funny surprise. That's happened to me several times now.

06-05-2002, 12:00 AM
I love that pic! it is really good. I think it, and the one with the basket of daisies, are as good as cat calendar pics.:)



06-05-2002, 12:30 AM
LOL@"the goofball train"

Saw this picture in the other thread, but it's still as funny, especially with those remarks of yours LOL!

Former User
06-05-2002, 01:50 AM
LOL Sara, I love the pic too! Both Tinky and Jupiter look cute, as always. Thanx for posting this pic.

Heather Wallace
06-05-2002, 03:41 AM
Tinky doesn't look very impressed does she?