View Full Version : Pet Psychic reading with Nebo

10-11-2006, 08:54 PM
For some reason I've had an urge to get a pet psychic reading with Nebo. So I decided to contact Nancy, who has done readings for several other PTers.

If you don't believe in this kind of thing, that is fine, but I would appreciate not getting any rude comments, thanks.

She called and left a message saying something very interesting happened during her reading. I called her back but she wasn't there, but just a few minutes ago she called again. The first question she asked was if I was Native American, which, I'm not. (But later discussion with my mom I found out I do have some Native American in back my family history). She thought at first she thought was talking with Nebo, but it was a female energy. She said its not often that she gets a reading on a person, but this kept coming through. She said that I may have been Native American in my past life or I just have the spirituality like that.

She said that I am very intuitive (which is a reason I get along well with animals, because animals are extremely intuitive) and I likely have the abilities like she does but I haven't really understood/developed them yet. What I really found interesting is that she saw/felt my totem/guide I think she said she's never had that happen before. My guide is a large wolf that is a very dominant and powerful female energy. She said this wolf is with me at all times, and she is a protector. Ever since I was a little kid I've always felt a connection and love with wolves and I still do, so this is a really amazing thing to hear. She also said that she sees me in the mountains, and that I understand the earth and that I am one with nature.

Most of her reading was actually about me, but she did do some with Nebo. She's going to do some more and I will talk to her again in a couple of days about Nebo. I'd like to think of some more questions to ask so if you guys have any ideas it would be appreciated.

Anyway, here is what she told me about Nebo. She said there's a younger girl in the home and that is who he feels safe and protected with. She said this person has long blonde straight hair which of course has to be me (I'm the only "young" girl in the house too). This person (me) creates a safe haven for him. He (Nebo) feels like the male father or husband figure (my dad) is the pack leader in the home, because he is firm so he gets respect. She later asked if there was a man who yelled at him. That would have to be my dad as well, he really doesn't yell "at" Nebo but he does yell a lot and it always scares Nebo. (If you've met my dad this makes perfect sense). Nebo doesn't feel safe with him, he feels safe with me.

She said that Nebo has very little self confidence. She said there was a smaller dog in the home that intimidates him. That would be Reggie, who is constantly going after him. Nebo has fear aggression, that is why he acts the way he does toward certain other dogs. He is not a mean dog, but when he is fearful that is the way he reacts. He doesn't react that way toward people because he knows he shouldn't, but he feels he can get away with it toward dogs (he is usually afraid of strangers, not so much at home, but in a new situation he's terrified of people he doesn't know). This does make sense because on walks Nebo doesn't act like he wants to attack other dogs or anything, he usually ignores them or acts friendly but when they get right up in his face then sometimes he growls/snaps at them. This is because of his low self confidence, he gets scared. I've noticed the dogs he gets along better with are submissive ones probably because they don't intimidate him.

I asked her what I can do for him or if there was a certain thing that triggered this, she's going to let me know more the next time I talked to her. She did recommend some type of herb from Green Hope Farms that she said had helped many dogs so I'm going to look into that.

Oh and the last time he was at the vet when he was sick I had x-rays taken of him. The vet noticed a small area of his back and I can't remember what he called it or the exact details...but something like there was a weakness and he had grown extra bone to compensate for it. I asked Nancy (did not tell any details of the x-ray) if his back hurt at all. She said there is just one small spot that feels like a bruise, it doesn't hurt him all the time but sometimes if he lays wrong or gets pushed there then it does hurt him a bit.

I really enjoyed talking with her and I'm looking forward to hearing back from her. She's really amazing, I highly recommend her.

10-11-2006, 09:02 PM
Wow that is interesting!

She sounds really good. That would be really cool if you learned how to use you ability she senses to talk to animals!

10-11-2006, 09:09 PM
Wow, Amy, that is so cool. It will be interesting to hear what else she says about Nebo. Somehow, as regal and self-assured as he always looks in his photos, it's hard to imagine he's lacking self-confidence. But he's in the right home with you! I believe we all have latent psychic/intuitive abilities, kind of "built-in", and some people are really in touch with it. Nancy sounds wonderful. Hope we get to hear more!

10-11-2006, 09:22 PM
that is awesome! i've been wanting to try out a pet psychic with Gracie. i saw one at the Lexington dog shows a few weeks ago but i didn't have time to go to the booth.

10-11-2006, 09:51 PM
That's really cool that she did the reading. I think it's really interesting that a lot of Nebo's reading had to do with you as well. It sounds like the bond between you and Nebo is so strong that in trying to read him she had to hear about you through him whether she has had that happen before or not. She sounds like a good person and had a lot of information to share.

As for questions for her, I'd be curious about her experiances with her ability. When did she find out about it, how did she find out, was it weak at first and she had to work to hone her ability? If she really feels that you might have some psychic ability then I'd want to know how she knew for herself.

10-11-2006, 10:10 PM
Actually she did talk about her abilities. I don't remember if she said there was an exact time she just knew but she did say it was something she had to work at and practice. She said she read a lot of books and practiced with dogs she didn't know. She said if I do have this ability it is something I'll have to work on and practice to really understand it.

10-12-2006, 12:26 AM
she IS amazing isn't she?
how fascinating Amy - I'm glad you are getting answers of questions you didn't even need to ask!

I'm with Pat - I think that we all have psychic abilities and or the ability to communicate with other beings be it spiritual or animal but some of us poor saps aren't in tuned with ourselves to use it! (myself included!)

10-12-2006, 12:30 AM
That's so cool Amy! I can't wait to hear what else she has to say about Nebo. :)

I emailed her a while back about getting readings done for my boys. I'd love to know about Kaedyn's past and Kai's hips. She must be busy with all of us PTers getting readings! :eek:

10-12-2006, 12:38 AM
Thanks, Amy for the recommendation! I do have her number and intend to call her. I'm so into that stuff with humans, dogs. I believe some people have unexplained abilities, making them extra special. People think I'm nuts, but I have a personal pychic who is amazing.

I have so many questions about Mz Klo. I can't thank you enough for giving me the push I needed to call her.

10-12-2006, 04:52 AM
I think it's so interesting to get that imformation you may never have known. I do believe some people have these abilities.

Pawsitive Thinking
10-12-2006, 05:10 AM
That's fantastic! I am a firm believer in spirit guides and the whole psychic phenomena

10-12-2006, 07:40 AM
I'm a believer! :D

I'd give my right arm to be able to get in touch with my inner self and be able to listen to animals. Just last night, I was sitting on the floor watching TV and Sierra plopped herself down right in front of me and was staring into my eyes. I felt so strongly that she was trying to talk to me..... :(

10-12-2006, 08:15 AM
How very cool Amy. Isn't it wonderful to know that you could have these same abilities?! I would be so very excited and eager to learn more.
I can't wait to hear what other things she has to say about Nebo.

I've always thought about calling her for Bon, but it looks like she's got her hands full with other PTers now...maybe one of these days.

10-12-2006, 08:24 AM
What a wonderful read Amy! :D

I'm so glad I went and saw Nancy with Kia that day. So glad I was able to share her info and watch her help other PT'ers. :D

she IS amazing isn't she?

I'm with Pat - I think that we all have psychic abilities and or the ability to communicate with other beings be it spiritual or animal but some of us poor saps aren't in tuned with ourselves to use it! (myself included!)
I agree!! We only use on average such a small percentage of our brain. I believe we all have the capability to tap into the rest of it for such gifts but to some it must come more naturally. :)

10-12-2006, 05:57 PM
Wow that's very interesting! Sounds like you and Nebo have such a strong and special bond, since alot of her reading was about you.

10-12-2006, 09:13 PM
wow thats really cool, did it cost anything? i'd like to do something like that too! thanks!

10-12-2006, 09:23 PM
Nancy did a reading on Max and it was truly right on. I would recommend Nancy to everyone.

Nancy charged me $30 for the reading. I emailed her pictures along with some questions/concerns about Max. Our first phone call was an hour long. Then she called back a week later and we had another hour-long conversation. At one point, Speckles joined in on the phone call. She works on the honour system so I mailed her the cash after the reading.

Amy, that is so cool that she communicated with your guide. :)

10-13-2006, 06:21 PM
Sounds really cool Amy! I sort of believe in that stuff - I guess I'm both curious and a little bit skeptical. I definitely believe in intuition and that we could all develop better psychic skills.

10-13-2006, 10:08 PM
Wow! Like others have said, very intresting! Nebo is such a great dog, Amy, you are so lucky to have such a great boy! ;)

10-14-2006, 11:30 AM
Amy, I really do find that interesting. That is pretty amazing, actually. I believe in that stuff. I wonder what my "guide" is.. I always have an connection with dogs. Maybe it is a dog, maybe it is a wolf, who knows? That'd be interesting to find out. :)