View Full Version : Quirky Premonitions

10-11-2006, 02:02 PM
Does anyone else get quirky premonitions? I'm not talking about things that might have a major impact on your or someone else's life, but small everyday things.

For instance. I knew that I needed to talk to one of the technicians at my vet today about some private work I wanted to see if she could do for me. She's a fantastically competent tech and wonderful with cats, I trust her more than any of the other techs. As I was leaving today, I passed the phone table where I'd put her business card because I was going to call her last night. The thought came into my head, very quickly and clearly, to take the card with me because I'd need it. Since I planned to call her at the vet's office during their two hour lunch break (the vets, not the techs) I couldn't see any reason to take it, so I walked away, but with the nagging thought in my mind that I should take it. I nearly turned back, but told myself not to be daft.

When I called the vet just now, I found out that she no longer works there and that she had been fired. They didn't want to give me her business (home) number even though they all know me very well. So, now I'm stuck at work without her number because I wouldn't accept what some instinct, or whatever, was telling me to do.

Do others get these odd thoughts? Do you act on them always, sometimes, try to ignore them?

10-11-2006, 05:22 PM
Yes, sometimes it feels like I have an "instinct" about things that doesn't make sense until later...

A few weeks ago, Eric's parents were visiting and they all went to see a movie. I didn't go along because I wasn't feeling to well and I had some things to work on. Well, I ALWAYS check the gate, and after they left I looked outside to make sure it was closed.

An hour or two later, I let the dogs out but it was too dark to see the gate. About 10 minutes later I had this very weird thought that the gate was open and they had escaped, but I ignored it because I am often parinoid about them escaping and I figured this was one of those times. I kept feeling like that though so I opened the door and called them in.

Only Vallis came. My worst fears had come true!!! Needless to say, I felt horrible. Thankfully, Marta & Adele came running when I called from the next block down (all the dogs got an entire bag of treats I was so thankful they were safe & sound and didn't go running off at night). It turns out the hinge had come loose and the gate must have swung part way open. I will never ignore those feelings again!

10-11-2006, 05:28 PM
I'm not sure if this exactly counts, but yesterday I was going to call one of our sales guys to check on something and before I could pick up the phone, he walked up to my desk.

Today, he called me to find out if I had heard back from the client that we had talked about yesterday, and as soon as I hung up with him, she called. Sorta weird.

Anther one was about 5 years ago, just before we were leaving to go to Florida with the dance studio. Outof the blue at work I looked at one of my friends and told them a guy in our group wasn't going on the trip. When we had rehearsal later that week, we found out that particular person wasn't going.

10-11-2006, 06:00 PM
Yup, I get those little interior "nudges" all the time. Don't always act on them, and then later I wonder, when am I going to learn to pay closer attention?! :rolleyes: Guess if I live long enough...

one weird thing was that three years ago when we knew we were going to be moving back to Ohio, i made a list of all the things I wanted in a house. Then I looked over a map and said "I want to live in Arcadia", without ever having been there. Several months later, after moving into a rental, we looked all over the county and finally found a house that had everything we wanted & more - & when we were buying the house, the realtor's flyer listed it as "Findlay" with the Findlay zip code...
Guess what - turns out that WE are the first house with an Arcadia mailing address! We live right on the line! I was very pleased. :)

10-11-2006, 06:14 PM
No. I don't ever get those "feelings". My mom and sister do, though and they freak me out. If I call them on the phone (no, they do not have caller ID), they will say "Hello Lisa" before I can say a word. My mom and grandma used to do that all the time too.

12-13-2006, 02:12 PM
This just happened yesterday.

I met my brother at my mom's house before heading out to a xmas function and for some strange reason I thought about a nieghbor who used to live across the street, He had and old army jacket that was painted- I was trying to remember what was painted on it.

I asked my bro and he told me what it was.

About 5 minutes later a neighbor stopped us on the street to tell us that the
one of the guys that lived on the block had passed away........His brother was the guy with the jacket!

That klind of stuff happens to me all the time.