View Full Version : Alright... now I'm just starting to get mad

10-11-2006, 07:30 AM
Now this is just starting to frustrate me.

I haven't slept in 3 days. I don't know why. I just CAN'T sleep. I feel like I am going crazy. I'm all loopy and out of my mind right now. LOL I'm surprised I am even capable of putting sentences together. I'm so exhausted.

I am definately getting some Advil PM tonight and if that doesn't work my husband is going to have to hit me in the head with a hammer and knock me unconscious lol

AHHHH I;m so tired

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-11-2006, 07:44 AM
Any idea what might cause this insomnia??? Better try to rule that out first before taking any meds :)

10-11-2006, 07:47 AM
I see nobody has answered you - perhaps they are all asleep... :p :rolleyes:

Sometimes I have a stretch of time where I cannot sleep well, might not get off to sleep til 2, 3 or 4 in the morning. I sympathise with you. There are some sleep websites you can visit to get some ideas for helping this. All the suggestions of establishing a regular routine and strict bedtime are all very well but it ain't a perfect world and our lives aren't clockwork. There is a relaxation practice called Yoga Nidra which you do for half an hour and it's equivalent to 4 hrs sleep. You need a pre-recorded tape and you just lie there - you drift in and out and it's the most healing and refreshing thing. If you cannot locate any info on this PM me and I'll see what I can do. As a fellow intermittent-insomniac you have my every sympathy. If you can tolerate dairy try hot milk with a teaspoon of honey and a good shake of powdered nutmeg stirred in and sip it in bed just before lights out. A hot shower to wash off the negative energies of the day is good. A hot bath is not for me, I find too stimulating. Make sure your feet are warm and your head cool. I find those things help. I have a digital sound machine to play ocean waves (also plays other sounds but waves work for me - trickling streams and waterfalls can be disturbing in the bathroom department if you know what I mean.) I also have an electric oil burner and burn a "sweet dreams" blend - lavender and oregano are traditionally sleep-inducing you could try that.

Sometimes we just get overtired to the point where we can't sleep - "wired" I call it, and I just have to wait for exhaustion to set in then I can sleep.

The other thing, we've just had a full moon, and that can be very stimulating, sometimes people feel hyper or unable to sleep at full moon.

I hope this has helped. Truly I feel for you I know what this is like.

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-11-2006, 07:51 AM
I see nobody has answered you - perhaps they are all asleep... :p :rolleyes:


Ahum, you need glasses, LOL

10-11-2006, 08:27 AM
I can't think of anything specific that is causing my insomnia. I am not stressed or worried about anything that i know of. As far as I know my mind is not running wild when I lay down to sleep. I just have to take something tonight just to get some sleep. I'm not going to take the pills all the time, only if I MUST and right now LOL I MUST get some sleep tonight or I will go insane.

I really think I am at the point where I am so tired that I'm not tired LOL. I always have a fan running because I need that noise to sleep lol. I was going to try warm milk last night and then realized the milk was gone lol. The fullmoon is a good explanation though. I didn't realize it was a full moon. Usually Teddy is nutso when the moon is full but he hasn't been this time, LOL he must have given it to me lol. I did try a hot shower yesterday but it just made me feel more refreshed lol. Maybe I will get some decaf tea to have something warm and soothing before bed. I will definately be looking that yoga thing up on the web. if I can't find it I will let you know. Thank you very much.

10-11-2006, 08:53 AM
I sympathise with you too, I've had periods when I just couldn't fall asleep, no matter how tired I was. I find that I get tired/sleepy at certain times throughout the day, often around 2 PM, work or not - and also around 10 PM. If I don't go to bed at that time, I sometimes can't sleep for a few hours.

Getting into a routine of getting up and going to bed the same time every day helps, in my opinion.

I will not recommend sleeping pills on an every day basis, but one occasionally won't hurt. I tried some they give to passengers who has a long flight ahead, they work for 4-5 hours. The active stuff in them is called Zopliclone. For me, 1/2 of 7.5 mg works well.

Also, you can get various kinds of herb tea which will help, and Valerian (Baldrian) works for some too.

Sleep well! :)

10-11-2006, 10:47 AM
I can identify . I useally take a huge long run or walk. then the warm shower and warm milk . if that doesn't work i can't handle booze well (half a wine cooler i'm gone) but I drink one and blits out.

10-11-2006, 12:18 PM
I have insomnia but it's due to the big "M" (menopause). Lut is right. You need to get into a routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Also, try a hot shower before bed. That relaxes me. Reading also puts me to sleep.

I've read when you can't sleep, don't stay in bed. Get up, drink some Camomile (sp?) tea as it relaxes you. Watch tv, read. Then try again.

I can tell you that the Tylenol PM will make you sleep. I take it for migraines.

I hope you can get some sleep soon.

Edwina's Secretary
10-11-2006, 12:24 PM
The old "counting sheep" does help me.....the concept anyway. I think of the names of the 50 states...in alphabetic order. If that still doesn't do it...I do the state capitals in alpha.... or names for girls --- all the A names I can think of...then all the B names, etc. It is very boring and that is the idea. Push other thoughts out. It is a technique used in hypnosis.

10-11-2006, 12:27 PM
Hopefully getting into a routine will help. I also have taken tylenol PM on occasion, and it does work. At least for me - sometimes it's the only way I will sleep when I have a really bad headache. Good luck, let us know how it goes!

10-11-2006, 01:22 PM
Moosmom that is my downfall. I always stay in bed and try to force myself to fall asleep. i always tell myself that if I can't sleep I need to get up and do something else but for some reason I always convince myself that sleep is right around the corner lol.

I have also been having weird temperature issues. without the blankets I'm cold but once I am under them I am burning hot. Maybe I am getting a cold or something.

We generally go to bed and get up at the same time everyday. My hubby works so he is on a regular schedule and I basically use his schedule as my own as well lol.

Edwina, I am definately going to try that. I tried to do "breathing exercises" but I quickly forget about them and stop doing them without even realizing it but I'm not falling asleep.

I am physically exhausted but my eyes are wide awake. I cleaned the kitchen today and felt like I had just run 2 miles lol it was exhausting.

I will definately be trying these methods tonight and I am going to take an Advil PM just to make sure I SLEEP.

Thanks everyone

10-11-2006, 01:29 PM
I have become a terrible insomniac in the last 4 years. I was always a light sleeper, but usually got 5-6 good, solid hours, each night. Since then, I awaken (have no problem falling asleep), but when I do, whether it be a dog barking, cat making noise, whatever, I find it impossible to fall back to sleep. My mind starts spinning and I'm awake for the remainder of the night.

I have found that the worse it gets, the worse I get, and I "expect" not to be able to sleep, therefore, I don't. It is a vicious cycle.

I finally talked with my doctor about it and after going through some testing, he prescribed something for me. I can't take Tylenol PM, Excedrin PM, etc because it wires me to the hilt! Just the opposite of what I need. I don't take a sleep aid every night, but what he prescribed, helped. You may have to go through some testing for depression or other symptoms, but if you could get a non-narcotic, prescription drug, if this persists, it will help you.

If you don't sleep, you're going to have other health issues, I'm afraid. Please take care of you.


10-11-2006, 01:38 PM
I have become a terrible insomniac in the last 4 years. I was always a light sleeper, but usually got 5-6 good, solid hours, each night. Since then, I awaken (have no problem falling asleep), but when I do, whether it be a dog barking, cat making noise, whatever, I find it impossible to fall back to sleep. My mind starts spinning and I'm awake for the remainder of the night.

I have found that the worse it gets, the worse I get, and I "expect" not to be able to sleep, therefore, I don't. It is a vicious cycle.

I finally talked with my doctor about it and after going through some testing, he prescribed something for me. I can't take Tylenol PM, Excedrin PM, etc because it wires me to the hilt! Just the opposite of what I need. I don't take a sleep aid every night, but what he prescribed, helped. You may have to go through some testing for depression or other symptoms, but if you could get a non-narcotic, prescription drug, if this persists, it will help you.

If you don't sleep, you're going to have other health issues, I'm afraid. Please take care of you.


I have always had some trouble sleeping at night time. But since I have been back with my hubby it hasn't been too bad. I usually fall asleep quickly and easily but if I wake up in the middle of the night I am wide awake. I have never had three consecutive nights of no sleep though (unless by choice LOL)

My hubby is going to pick up some sleepy time tea for me and something to help me sleep tonight. I am wondering if maybe I'm getting the same thing he seems to be coming down with. My nose has been stuffed up lately and I know that has bothered me the past few nights as well but I use some nasal spray and it goes away and I still can't sleep.

:eek: hmmmm I just thought of one thing in common the past three days have. I have taken Advil cold and sinus all three days. It has pseudoephedrine in it and I hear that can sometimes make you restless and awake. I haven't taken any today and I don't plan on taking any today. I hope that is all it was.

10-11-2006, 02:13 PM
I have to stay away from those meds (prescription and OTC) that have pseudoephedrine in them. Found out the hard way, a month or so ago, when I started taking Zyrtec D. Even my Ambien couldn't counteract the horrible side effects of this one. Maybe that is your problem.

Take care and good sleep for you tonight! :)

10-11-2006, 03:07 PM
One more thing - don't drink coffee or Coca Cola after 5 PM.

Take a cup of "sleep" tea and a book to bed tonight! :)