View Full Version : A Sad Decision...

10-10-2006, 11:03 PM
As you all know, about a month and a half ago I pulled 12 kittens from a pound in Olney, Illinois. We already had three other kittens and one adult female from a previous rescue. Three of the Olney kittens came to us with ringworm and the fungis spread like wild fire. We had a total of 15 kittens and two adults that got infected with ringworm, including myself and my own cat, Honey. That is every rescue we had here and my own pet. We tried to cure them the best to our abilities. We used top of the line creams (thank you Katie) and medicated shampoo. Despite all of our efforts, it only got worse. We could not afford the oral medication for all 17. It has been a very overwhelmng month. I have become very stressed physically, mentally, and finacially.

We made a very sad and hard decision today. We took all the kittens/cats to a no-kill shelter. We have kept Icess and Lucifer. Tigger found a home while we were at the shelter. He was not infected and a lady was curious about what I had in the carriers. She took him in a heart beat after we talked for about an hour. The other cats are being treated and taken care of at our local no-kill shelter. I am going to keep in touch with them to find out how they are. If needs be, I will take them back after they are better or if anything happens. I volunteered at the Animal Welfare League, so I know how they work. They will do their best to help them.

I am very saddened by this decision, but I was backed into a corner. I can't afford what they need. I can not risk my children catching the ringworm either. Icess and Lucifer, along with Honey, (my own cat) have ringworm. But I feel I can treat three better then I can treat 17! I hope you all understand. I feel terrible. I feel like I have failed. But I will go on rescuing and helping as much as I can. I am tackling the house tomorrow and Thursday with bleach and cleaners to rid it of this horrible fungis. I am sorry to dissappoint any of you. I will be around.


10-10-2006, 11:06 PM
Don't be silly!!!! You did a great job, and now maybe this other rescue can finish what you began!!! They probably have more experience and more funding to deal with this! You scared me at first, I thought you were going to say you had them put down!!! :eek: You have NOT failed!!!


10-10-2006, 11:10 PM
Don't be silly!!!! You did a great job, and now maybe this other rescue can finish what you began!!! They probably have more experience and more funding to deal with this! You scared me at first, I thought you were going to say you had them put down!!! :eek: You have NOT failed!!!

Thank you. It is hard. I tired so hard to make them better. I feel so bad. The other shelter has a full size clinic (that is where I take all my rescues for check up and shots). I know they will do well. I just hope they all find homes and do not get worse. Thank you for you kind words and hugs! It is so appreciated. I still have three to worry about, I hope I can come up with the funds to get them oral medication and have three happy endings. Thank you again.

10-10-2006, 11:10 PM
As difficult as this decision was for you, I admire you for making it and for taking the kittens to a no-kill shelter where they will be treated and given a chance to find good homes. I am confident that they WILL all get better, and that they will ALL be adopted into loving fur-ever homes, and live happily ever after. Their future owners will be forever grateful to you as well. I hope you aren't too hard on yourself. You did the best you could, and you knew when to turn them over to someone else for help. Keep up the good work!


10-10-2006, 11:18 PM
You took on a huge amount even if they hadn't had ringworm. That just made things so much worse. I understand and I certainly can't fault you for it. You saved their lives and now at a no-kill shelter they have a good chance.

You need to concentrate on who you have left and get all them, and your family, healthy.

10-11-2006, 12:30 AM
Tracy, I don't think that you failed at all. You did everything you could and now you made the best decision for the kittens health. I know that they'll do well here and now you can concentrate on getting yourself, the 2 kittens, and your own cat Honey better. You also deserve a well needed break from all of this. I think you've done a fantastic job so far because without your help the none of the kittens would still be alive today.:) Please take care.(((HUGS)))

10-11-2006, 02:54 AM
Tracy you have certainly not failed! You have done a wonderful thing by rescuing the cats in the first place, without you they wouldn't have had a chance for a good life in the future.
Taking them to a shelter than can cope is better on yourself and the kittens, and maybe when they get better you can take some of the back.
But you have to make sure your own environment is safe and clean and ringworm free before you can help other cats, after all if you're in a state of stress you will not be able to help the cats. You have to put yourself first get your own cat sorted out and then when everything has a clean bill of health then you can start your wonderful work again.
I'm sure they'll all find loving homes from the shelter, and you've done a wonderful thing in helping them with a good start to life.
The ringworm was unfortunate but certainly not your fault and 17 ill cats is a lot for one person to deal with!
You're a star, and a great person for helping cats in the first place, after all there are so many useless losers in the world who just think about themselvs and nothing else, you're one of the great ones ;)
As you can tell from the posts everybody supports you in what you do and we are all here to help :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-11-2006, 04:27 AM
Don't feel bad,Tracey, you did a fantastic job!!

10-11-2006, 04:32 AM
All of those kitties, even WELL, would be an awesome task. Overwhelming, even. No, you did the right thing for you and for them.

Do not fault yourself. You did a tremendous job.


10-11-2006, 07:07 AM
Of course you did the right thing, Tracey. When we had an outbreak in our organization, the massive effort to clean and cure was spread amongst a team of people.

I was awake last night wondering how you could possibly do this yourself with over stressing.

If they went to a no-kill shelter, they will find homes. They will get better in the clinic. Do not worry.

You did a terrific thing, Tracey. Hugs.

10-11-2006, 08:43 AM
Ditto what everyone has already said. You did a great thingfor these kitties!

10-11-2006, 08:50 AM
YOu did the loving AND responsible thing - the best for you, your family, and the whole fur-family.


Ya done good!

Now rest up... :)

10-11-2006, 09:41 AM
Tracy - my overwhelming feeling is one of relief. I've been extremely worried about you and your rescue for weeks now, ever since I had to accept that my own ringworm infection was a very serious business that required extreme measures. The more research I did, the more it became apparent that a ringworm infection easily overwhelms a small rescue or shelter. That's why I started that thread "Sponsor a ringworm kitten for Tracy" yesterday evening. I knew that you had to make some really severe changes in order to get through. I've been wishing for weeks that a big sum of money would just fall into my lap so that I could rent you an apartment, and a vet tech, and you could move all the rescues in there, I saw that as the only way the problem could be resolved. So what you did is just what I knew you needed to do, though in a slightly different way. I'm glad you had this option and applaud your decision to take it.

But, please keep us posted on your own three crusty cats (same number as me now) and the ones at the shelter. I'm longing and longing to give mine real cuddles again, not wrapped up in clothing up to my chin and heavy gloves, and I'm sure you are also.

10-11-2006, 09:46 AM
You are looking out for the Kittens best interests, and I dont think theres anyone on this board who will fault you.
If it was not for you, those Kittens would had no earthly chance at all.
God Bless You for giving them a Fighting Chance.

10-11-2006, 10:36 AM
Could you provide us a link to the shelter's website, or an address, in case anyone would like to inquire about the kittens or send money on their behalf?

10-11-2006, 12:55 PM

Please do not blame yourself. You did what you had to do to protect yourself and your family, fur and otherwise. Ringworm is a very difficult condition to treat, especially when you have that many. I'm sure those babies will be fine. They'll get treated and find wonderful homes.

They were very lucky to have you. You saved their lives, girl! Be proud of that!!



10-11-2006, 04:00 PM
Please, don't beat yourself up over this. You did what was best for all involved... the kits and your own family. We all know that you have done a great job with these babies! Think about what would have happened had you not taken the initiative to go get them! I hate to think about that!

I know you will stay in touch with these babies and you have helped them on the jurney to their forever homes!

10-11-2006, 08:01 PM
Thank you everybody for all of your kind words. I just feel so bad. I hope the kittens are okay. I worry so about them. I know it was for the best, but it is still hard to face the fact that I HAD to give them up. Any cat lover would understand. They are currently at the Animal Welfare League in Chicago Ridge, Illinois. They probably won't be online or available for adoption for a good month or so. You may contact them at 708-636-8586, a number I know too well! I used to volunteer there, so they were very understanding with me. Please if anybody inquires about them let me know what you find out. I called today, but I have to call back tomorrow and speak to Dawn or Mark. They are the people who did all the intake information. I just hope they keep me informed on the kittens. Thank you again everybody. Your understanding is much appreciated.

10-11-2006, 10:02 PM
Tracy, you did the right thing. It got to a situation where it was just too much for one person to handle and it wasn't your fault. I take my hat off to you girl for taking on 12 kitties in the first place. If it wasn't for you, they would all be dead now. It's a sin that they had to get hit with ringworm. You're not Super Woman, you're only human and did what you felt was the best solution for these kitties and no one will find fault in your decision. I'm sure most of us would have done the same thing. You needed help, BIG TIME, and this was the best way to get it.

Prayers on the way for the kitties and ((((((HUGS)))))) for you.