View Full Version : Rant about my day at the barn

10-09-2006, 07:39 PM
As some of you know I got a new horse Buddy that I co own. Well I was riding him today and was cooling him off and so I took off his saddle and rode him bareback. I had litrally JUST got off his back and some lady that I dont know pulls up.

She said she wanted to put her grand daughter up on his back to let her ride for a minute.I said ok cause I had no clue who she was , but I was really tciked off cause she had no right to come up when I was riding and just take my horse! She then said her name was Barb and I said oh do you ride with Gen(other co owner) and she said no she rides on her own. My heart dropped, and I asked her if she part boarded him too and she said ya she started a couple weeks ago. And I just said oh...

And so I said ok well you can let you grand daughter ride him and she said ok well I want to put the halter on him. And I said you can leave the bridle on him seeing as I dont know what I'm doing with him next. But she said she was putting the halter on him as she dosent like to lead with a bit on him...???

I said I was going to take pictures and that she could let him get a little ride first. She said shes in no rush so I went far far away to take pictures (I hate being watched when I take pictures, not to mention I take forever)5 minutes later she comes and stands at the top of the hill from where I was standing there with a look on her face like hurry up. So I snapped a few more shots and took him up to her.

She said she only rides about once a week or so and in the mornings and I said I ride everyday that the other lady isnt riding (and she only rides like twice a week) and she said oh so theres not really a point in me taking him out. I just kinda shrugged(jumping inside hopeing she would not ride him anymore)I did say though that hes fine to be ridden in the morning because he can be ridden twice and I come up after school on week days.

I went and talked to the lady who owns the barn and she said that she thinks she is someone who comes and rides every so often and pays as she rides ( not a part boarder) well I got my knickers right in a twist then after finding that out. Who dose this lady think she is coming and taking my horse while I'm riding!!! And then she walks up and in a rude snappy voice says is there a problem!? And so the barn owner said no and we continued talking. Of course the lady butted in and started talking to her.

The barn owner said we could go and take one of her horses out and lunge her to blow off some steam.(Wich did help alot because I was alot more calm after)

My mom just got off the phone with the other lady and she said that the Barb lady shouldnt have done that and she was told not to come up on weekends or after school. And being a holiday she knows I wouldnt be at school.

I'm just glad that she isnt a part boarder or I would have stopped because that would mean I get like 2 rides a week. Wich isnt fair.

Sorry for the super long rant I just need to really vent.

10-09-2006, 07:48 PM
Your right that was very rude of her.I am gald you don't have to see her again.It seems people aren't civil anymore.

10-09-2006, 08:05 PM
That's extremely rude of her! I wouldn't have let her take him from you. You both pay. She can't come on YOUR time and ride him. She can come on her OWN time when you're NOT riding.

I hope this all gets worked out! (And wishing she would find a new horse to lease ;))

10-10-2006, 12:57 AM
How many people co own this horse if it's you and one other person No one but the two of you should be riding the horse. The barn owner shouldn't be lending out boarded horses unless she is the owner of the horse . Insurance alone is enough to say no. let alone if the horse gets hurt by a non owner. I think you and the other owner bettr tlalk to the barn owner.

10-10-2006, 02:30 PM
Oh no no the horse dosent belong to the barn owner. She has 3 of her own horses that noone except close friends ride.

Its only me and the other lady who co own him just the 2 of us noone else rides him