View Full Version : Amazing Story......True Story......

10-09-2006, 03:23 PM
I just met a guy (customer) that was friend with my parents like centuries ago LOL......but anyway, they asked me If i knew his story, and I was like uhhh.......nope....... so they told it to me, here it is:

this guy was driving to his ranch or something and the had a.....( the things you tow cars with or horses in it) just forgot the name, so he just thought it would be easy, but he never had experience driving with such thing.......so the road was not frienldy either and the "thing" pulled the truck and turned it over and over, he got his head wide open..........luckily.........an ambulance passing by saw the whole thing and picked him up and hurried to a hospital......then luckily again.......there was a convention of neurosurgeons in that very same hospital so they took him in withing arrival..........and he´s alive to tell that.......he would´ve died if it werent for the ambulance and the convention........

how´s that??

10-09-2006, 04:50 PM

10-09-2006, 06:25 PM
Moosmom - here's how I understand it:

This old friend of her parents was once driving to his ranch, and towing a large trailer - about the size of a horse trailer. He thought it would be easy.

However, he had no experience towing a thing this size, and the road got worse. Finally, the trailer pulled the truck off the road, and the whole contraption rolled over a few times.

His head was split open - but an ambulance just happened to be passing by, stopped and got him to the hospital.

That was one reason he lived to tell this story - the other part is that there happened to be a neurosurgeon's conference at the hospital where he was taken - so he got life-saving surgery right away!

Some Angel was watching over him! :)

10-09-2006, 07:27 PM
sorry Donna,I just reread it and I was kind of confusing, but Catty got it right, that´s the way it happened, thanks for making it clearer Catty!! :)

10-09-2006, 07:28 PM
NP - I love translating from English into English! :D

Hey, we have a province called Newfoundland where, in the interior, some folks still use old Anglo-Saxon words in their speech!

10-09-2006, 10:37 PM
Cool story - talk about a lucky streak! Actually, I don't believe in luck, I think it's proof his Higher Power was watching out for him!