View Full Version : What could this be?

10-09-2006, 08:29 AM
I guess I need to watch more closely before I can say forsure, but this is what I'm seeing.

When Josie drinks, she stays at the bowl for a while and seems to drink a lot. I don't see how often she does this though. There are 4 animals drinking from 2 dishes. I fill it anytime it's low.

She also has been losing weight. I think. The vet told me it wouldn't hurt her to lose weight, so I had been feeding her a little less. But that has been for a long time now. And it seems only recently I've noticed she seems smaller. Could it just take a long time for her "diet" to work? I feed her a little more than 2 cups a day I think. She isn't anorexic or anything, but she seems a little smaller than before. I actually think her weight right now is a healthy weight for her. I just don't want her to KEEP losing it.

I keep thinking about diabetes. I don't know if it's the same for dogs, but I know people drink/pee/lose weight when they get it. I think there is an increaced hunger too. Josie is always hungry anyway, she is a lab afterall. She seems to want to eat poo all the time though...ick. I try to keep it picked up, but someitmes she gets to it first. (how do you stop this anyway, other than picking it up? She only likes Zekes poo.)

I'm paying a lot on vet bills with Zeke right now. I'm getting meds for him to try and clear up his allergies. He has to go back in 2 weeks for another check up. It's just a lot of money...I'm thinking Jo needs to see the vet, but I'm not sure if it's not something to worry about? I can't afford to take her if there is nothing wrong.

Do you think this is serious? I'm worried about her, but it seems it's been like this for a while. Wouldn't she be sick if she had diabetes? Is there something else it could be?

She seems perfectly normal other than that. She has a lot of energy, loves to play and go for her walks. (she's 8, if that would have anything to do with what might be wrong with her?)

10-09-2006, 10:59 AM
When my RB dog, Ted E. Bear was diagnosed with diabetes I had seen no signs. I wasn't paying any attention to his drinking habits or how often he went outside. With three other dogs and a doggy door, it wasn't something I watched.

It wasn't until he wet the bed at night that I took him to the vet.

Bella drinks a lot just before dinner. At least a pint of water while I'm putting together the dinners. She's checked out fine.

The vet told me that when they lose some weight, they start to play more and need more water. Maybe that's what's happening to Josie.

10-09-2006, 04:11 PM
Is she also urinating more frequently? Reggie drinks a ton of water and he urinates very frequently. When the vet tested him he did not have diabetes, but the vet said that is something that could cause that (and he also would be losing weight). So, not trying to worry you, but it is a possibility. But there are other things that could cause it as well, or, she could just be more active which is causing her to want to drink more.

Feces eating is called Coprophagia I found an article on it for you with some different causes/things to try to stop it. http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/pets/_archive/study.htm

Good luck, I'm sure everything will be just fine with Josie! :)