View Full Version : do you guys believe in this?

10-08-2006, 09:38 PM
i was just wondering do any of you guys believe in ghost or in other words people and animals that cross over to the otherside? or have you guys ever heard of a median?

10-08-2006, 09:51 PM

10-08-2006, 09:57 PM
of course

10-08-2006, 09:59 PM
this might sound crazy but my sister and i went to a median its like sylvia brown from tv and those kind of people who can talk to people who have passed and they also see our pets!!! and i was thinkin about going back but its actually so amzing the things this man knew without us giving him any information about ourselves and to know our animals are with our family and friends having a wonderful time!

10-09-2006, 10:41 AM
Yes I really believe. I spoke with a medium over the phone a couple of years back. We had never met each other nor did she know anything about me. What she told me absolutely blew my mind!!! Stuff that NO ONE knew but me and my parents who are now deceased. To this day I'm still blown away by it. The woman (can't remember her name) is renowned for her readings and is booked up a year or so in advance.

10-09-2006, 11:48 AM
Nope I don't belive in the people that say they can talk to people who have crossed over

10-09-2006, 05:28 PM
While I've never been to a medium ( have never been read into) I DO believe that there are departed spirits around us!!!! :eek:

But, I've yet to see or hear one :o

10-09-2006, 05:50 PM
Yes, I do. :)

10-09-2006, 06:27 PM
I definatly believe in spirits and ghosts, I've had a few experiences and I've been told that if I opened up past my previous experiences that someone is trying to contact me and I know exactly who it is! :)

10-09-2006, 06:38 PM
I believe people have an afterlife, I don't believe animals do. I have heard of mediums... I don't believe in it, though. I also don't believe "ghosts" hang around here on earth.

10-09-2006, 06:49 PM
I don't believe in mediums but I do believe in ghosts and spirits. I have had a few experiences and I will never doubt them.

10-09-2006, 07:16 PM
Ive caused arguements with people over this, :o lol I dont believe in heaven, I believe in a spirit world and that we go on after death because of the experience I had I have trouble explaining what I mean I've seen my nan on various occasions and the last time I saw her she scared me and I haven't seen her since, there have been signs shes around and I dont know how I would react now IF she did visit again. I know alot of people wont believe this but I had enough of trying to justify whats happened in the past so I let them believe what they want, My mum has also had experiences with my nan and grandad but not so openly as what I did.

I take what my Nan always used to say to heart and I think she was telling us it was true (but again its my beliefs) She always said that We live in hell and we go on to the better life :)

10-10-2006, 04:24 PM
one time a few years agoi my friend and I were having a sleepover and we were going to bed for the night and she saw something and said ANGEL LOOK WHAT IS THAT WHITE LIGHT so i looked by my bedroom window and watched the white light ball turn into a man human figure it didnt show any face but u could tell it was a man structure. we screamed so loud and nobody could hear us even tho they were awake...i had a yound pup at the time and she even cried and stuff and whats werid is she was asleep and shes deaf....i later went to the medium and he said it was the first person that came to my mind and that was my grandfather. this man knew sooo much about me and my family and how horrible my sons father is and ive been so touched ever since. and i never even thought to believe in this stuff until i talked to this man... Im not saying anyones interested in talkin with him or in him atg all but heres his site if anyone wants to take a look. its really amazing!!!!


10-25-2006, 05:41 PM
Angel, I was just thinking about this experience yesterday. My beloved grandmother died after being in hospice care. She had been in coma for a few days before she died. This was sort of like a dream or a vision. I distinctly felt her presence, then saw her and heard her voice saying to me, "I haven't had anything to eat or drink for a few days, but I'm all right now." The next thing that happened was being awakened by the phone, my sister calling to say the hospice had called that she had died in her sleep during the night. I even remember what she was wearing. That's my only experience with the 'hereafter'.

10-25-2006, 05:48 PM
Yes, I firmly believe in eternal life for both people and animals.
In fact, there is a ghost cat living with us. I'll hear a cat scratching in one of the litter boxes but when I go in to look, no cat is there. All four of mine will be asleep in a different room so I know it's not them.

I've also had "experiences" when I worked at our Fort here that's haunted. Plus my Dad stopped by for a visit the morning after he passed on. :)

Suki Wingy
10-25-2006, 06:04 PM
No, but I love watching Most Haunted

10-26-2006, 12:30 AM
Absolutely! I can tell stories that would make your head spin

Miss Z
10-26-2006, 03:19 AM
No, but I love watching Most Haunted

Ha ha, me too! :D

I've had some 'weird experiences', but when I sit down and think about it I come up with plenty of possibilities of what would really have happened. For example, a week ago I experienced very weird déjà vu, I heard a cat meowing exactly like Zsa-Zsa used to do, as clear as a whistle. I thought I must have been hearing things, so shook my head and started reading the book again. A mintue later, I turned around, and there was a cat sat in the doorway! I nearly jumped out my skin, and then the cat, who was in the shadows, jumped too and ran away. For a moment, it crossed my mind it had been Zsa-Zsa, even though I knew perfectly well it couldn't have been.

Next day, I caught the neighbour's cat, Yoda, sneaking in through the bathroom window! :p

Pawsitive Thinking
10-26-2006, 05:19 AM
Absolutely, positively, definitely, yes!

10-26-2006, 08:13 AM
Well up until a few years ago, I would have said no.. But I have had a few strange experiences that no other explanation would explain but this subject.
The first one- was a few years ago- I had just seperated from my husband ( now ex) and took my clothes and my child and moved out. I had no furniture. Anyway- couple weeks later, my grandfather had recently died, and my mother gave me some pieces of his furniture that my grandmother with altizmers could not cope with - like his black leather chair..
At the time, I had started dating someone that my grandfather would not have approved of. This person came to my apartment that day. Anyway- that night I got up to get a drink of water, walked into the living room to see actual furniture in there, when something cold-- honestly like a cold wind, went through me even moving my hair. It would take months before I would go back in there by myself. We later broke up and I started dating my now husband. First time he was over, I was showing him the apartment, when I walked into the living room, and for the first time, the room was a cozy warm.. Inviting even.. This continued.. Stupid or not- but it was like Papa had approved of my now husband.
The second time was when we moved here. This whole area had been civil war fighting areas all over this mountain. A few times, you can go walking in the woods with the dogs, when you are aware you can hear foot steps like in sync = walking in step.. It use to freak me out. Now I saw " hello there- let me walk with you, and it stops.. My husband has witnessed the same..

10-26-2006, 09:03 AM
Yes, most definitely. I have never had first hand experience, but, my husband has and I have many friends who have.

My husband is studying to be shaman and we have friends that are shaman and the spiritualism is amazing. I have also gotten a sign from my dad who crossed in July. In a reading with a spiritualist, she said someone from the other side was sending me a pink rose (symbolizing unconditional love) and I knew immediately it was my dad. Oh and she did not know when she told me that my dad had crossed.

Laura's Babies
10-26-2006, 09:12 AM
Yes, I have had experiences and I find most people who don't believe, haven't experienced it.... Once you have the experience.. you believe.

10-26-2006, 09:29 AM
On night, my husband swears as he was sitting out on the screen porch on the anniversary date of the battle of Cedar creek ( which is where we are..) he hear canon fire.. And this is the more rational person I have ever met in my life- but I saw his face and the look in his eyes..

10-26-2006, 09:45 AM
I don't really believe it. I would have to see something like that to believe it.

10-26-2006, 09:50 AM
I don't really believe it. I would have to see something like that to believe it.
Thats how I felt until a few years ago. Never asked for it, never looked for it, made no sense to me until afterwards. No other explanation fits..