View Full Version : How far away is your family?

10-08-2006, 12:32 PM
I'm feeling a bit lonely right now because my mom was here for a week and she just left last night...the pets miss her too! Most of my family is in Iowa, which is about 800 miles away, and my brother is even farther in Cincinnati, which is about 1200 miles. :( I like living here, but sometimes it's hard for them to be so far away.

Does anyone else have family that's far away?

finn's mom
10-08-2006, 12:35 PM
Sure do. My family is in South Carolina, about a 16-hour drive. I have some family in Illinois, about a 10-hour drive. I have one brother who lives close, and, he's about 40 minutes away. It's hard, but, I've lived far away from family for a long time. I get homesick sometimes, though, so I understand where you're coming from.

10-08-2006, 01:11 PM
Most of my family lives in Brownsville, Tx (1,150 miles away). I usually only see them twice a year, sometimes three. I go home for Christmas and then once around the summertime. My sister lives in D.C. which is even further away but we'll be seeing each other in two weeks. We are going to meet in Las Vegas to celebrate her 30th birthday. It will be her first time meeting Alexa so I'm nervous (we've been dating for over 2.5 years!). It's hard having family so far away because I feel like they miss out on a lot. I've met Alexa's family lots of times and hang out with her younger sister, but she doesn't know my family at all.

10-08-2006, 01:56 PM
Unfortunately my beloved mother is in Michigan and I'm in Texas. She would move here if her house value hadn't have gone down so much due to the auto companies laying off thousands.

If she can find someone she knows and trusts to rent her house, she can move here to TX, otherwise, she'll have to wait until the home value goes up again, but that could take 5-10 years or even more...there's no saying how long it'll take to recover from the massive layoffs.

My older brother lives near my mom in MI, and my younger brother lives in San Fransisco, CA. Sadly, I have none of my family here except for my married family. I like it here but it'll never be perfect until my mom gets here :(

10-08-2006, 02:02 PM
MOM'S SIDE:Most of my mom's side of the family lives in Illinois. But, her brother lives in Florida.

DAD'S SIDE: 2 of my dad's sisters live in Oregon, (my favorite place in the whole world) And 1 lives oround us. And my grandpa and grandpa live in Colorado. :) ;)

10-08-2006, 02:25 PM
My dad, brother/fiance/2 year old neice live 15 minutes away.
My sister/husband/nephew and my brother/wife live 25 minutes away (opposite directions)
My oldest neice/husband/4 year old great neice live 3 hours north.
My 2nd oldest neice/fiance lives 3 hours south.

So we are all fairly close.

10-08-2006, 02:50 PM
My mom, dad, sister and youngest brother live 8 blocks away. My oldest brother lives about 11 blocks away.

10-08-2006, 02:52 PM
MOM'S SIDE:Most of my mom's side of the family lives in Illinois. But, her brother lives in Florida.

DAD'S SIDE: 2 of my dad's sisters live in Oregon, (my favorite place in the whole world) And 1 lives oround us. And my grandpa and grandpa live in Colorado. :) ;)

Where in Oregon?

Now, let's see. My dad and stepmom live in eastern Oregon and I miss them. My grandfather, sister, and brother live in Eugene and I miss them. The rest of my maternal family are a bunch of morons that I'd rather not associate with. :) I don't know my dad (bio) so I couldn't tell you about his family. :)

10-08-2006, 03:07 PM
The only family I have left are 3 cousins, a brother and my daughter. My brother lives the farthest away in Shrewsbury, Mass. The rest all live in Connecticut within driving distance.

I can understand you being lonely. When I was in Michigan, I missed them all terribly. That was one of the reasons I moved back to CT.


Think of all of us here on PT as your extended family. ;) We're here for ya!

10-08-2006, 03:09 PM
My closest family is 2,500km away. The rest are over 3,000km. I go back once a year usually to see my immediate family. My parents usually come here once a year. If my sister didn't have kids, I'd probably never go back, but I miss my nieces.

My FIL lives just down the road from us, but I don't really consider him family. We aren't close at all and I"m not happy he followed us up here.

10-08-2006, 03:17 PM
Where in Oregon?

Now, let's see. My dad and stepmom live in eastern Oregon and I miss them. My grandfather, sister, and brother live in Eugene and I miss them. The rest of my maternal family are a bunch of morons that I'd rather not associate with. :) I don't know my dad (bio) so I couldn't tell you about his family. :)
They live in a very small town right outside of Salem. ;) :)

10-08-2006, 03:29 PM
All my family lives far away (not counting my parents and sister because I live with them) the members on my mom's side live two and a half hours away. The members on my dad's side live six-seven hours away.

10-08-2006, 03:44 PM
Not too far away, but they're away nonetheless. I'm living in the dorms at school so my family and my Hoodlums are about 2.5 hours away from me. As for the rest of my family, they all live somewhere in Michigan, all except my Grandma who lives in Arizona. I have an Aunt that lives only about 45 minutes from here and she's picked me up the last three weekends and took me to agility trials, so that's kinda nice.

edit: My oldest brother is moving to Georgia within the next month, though :eek:

10-08-2006, 04:02 PM
Seems like my family has always been scattered, for many years, my kids lived 500 miles-1500 miles away because their dad (my ex) took them and moved every couple years. Now we're all back in Ohio, they are still 100 miles from here, but at least I can see them once in a while.
My brothers are 2 hrs.(OH) away and 12 hours away (Maine). Rest of my side of the family live in VT, MA, and FL. My husband's family are in OH, WI, VA and CA. I invite friends over for holiday meals who also don't have any family close-by.

10-08-2006, 04:09 PM
I live in Columbus, and my family lives in Cleveland. So I am about 2 1/2 hours away from home.

But when I make my decision to move to Tennessee, I will be at least 10-12 hours from home. (that is, after I graduate from college.)

10-08-2006, 04:13 PM
My parents and brothers and sisters live 9 hours North of us and my husbands parents live 16 hours south of us.

10-08-2006, 04:36 PM
My grandma lives in SW Missouri (for now.. she's always moving every couple years). My Mom lives in Illinois and my sister in Florida.

10-08-2006, 04:46 PM
My Brother and SIL live about 15 miles away by car, but I dont drive.
My Aunt Joan is a half mile bus trip away.
Thats it for my human family.

10-08-2006, 06:28 PM
If she can find someone she knows and trusts to rent her house, she can move here to TX, otherwise, she'll have to wait until the home value goes up again, but that could take 5-10 years or even more...there's no saying how long it'll take to recover from the massive layoffs.
That's too bad...I hope she can sell her house.

We would like my mom to come live with us too, when we are able to buy a house in a few years. She is eligible for retirement in 5 years, and so we are hoping she will come live with us then. When we have kids, it would be great to have my mom around.

10-08-2006, 07:07 PM
As I still am living with my parents, and my sister is still living with us, that means my immediate family is in the same house as I type this, but as for extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins...) they all live an hour away. We live in NE Arkansas and they live in SE Missouri. Eventhough we're only an hour apart, we still never get to see eachother... especially since after my grandmum died.
I haven't been too close to the extended family since.

10-08-2006, 07:15 PM
Although we love living in BC, our family is miles away - my Mom about 2,000 miles away; my brother in the interior, about a day's drive and all of my husband's family lives in Austria - 11 hours flying time and 3 hours driving!

Holidays for us do not generally include immediate family sadly. We are fortunate however, to have wonderful friends who have become our "family". For years we have spent Christmas together - a Whistler tradition. Without these special people, it would be lonely indeed.

The times we have to visit with family is a special time and I cherish all those moments.


Lilith Cherry
10-08-2006, 09:21 PM
My family is in and around Ottawa, Canada and I am in Zhuhai , China. That is over 7500 miles away. I miss them all dreadfully especially this Thanksgiving weekend :(

10-08-2006, 09:23 PM
I'm very lucky that my parents are only 45 minutes away and my sister is only 3 hours, and my grandparents an hour and half. (although I dont take near enough advantage of my sister or grandparents being so close). Most of my aunt and uncles are in Ohio as well, although the cousin I am probablly closest to lives in Arizona.

My husband's immediate family all lives close to us (in the same town), with the exception of his older brother, who lives in Oregon....but I am going to see them in two weeks, assuming my sales trip gets approved!! I've never been out there before and I'm excited.

10-08-2006, 09:27 PM
not far enough away

one is like 3hrs and other ones 5hrs

Daisy and Delilah
10-09-2006, 06:22 AM
I'm very lucky to have all of my family very closeby. My kids live 20 minutes away, my Mom is about 45 minutes away, my sister an hour away, and my brother about 1 and 1/2 hours. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-09-2006, 09:34 AM
My parents live an hour's drive west from here.
My brother is 50 minutes south and my sis 1 hour south.
My husbands family is all only 35 minutes south.

Pretty good hey :)

10-09-2006, 10:04 AM
My family and my husband's family all live about 5 minutes away. Though Carollyn, my sister lives about 6 hours away.

Willie :)

10-09-2006, 10:18 AM
Most of my family is within an hour-or-so's drive from here, though Lady and all her humans are 5 hours west. One nephew is currently in SC, but no idea where the Navy will put him next, and my girl cousins and aunt fled South - Tennessee and Alabama. Extended family? Everywhere!

And that's not even counting all of you - the Pet Talk Family!

10-09-2006, 12:44 PM
My parents & grandparents have all passed away now. My son lives in
Texas & my daughter now lives in Oregon. I have a brother & sister who
both live here in Indiana & one brother in Arizona.Between telephone and
internet, we all can still stay in touch.

10-09-2006, 12:49 PM
My Dad's parents live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. So does his sister, her husband and their kid. The rest live around Saskatchewan and Alberta. My Mom's immediate family is all in the city here, 1 in Toronto, and the rest are in the UK.

10-09-2006, 01:19 PM
My grandma lives in SW Missouri

I have a sister that lives in SW Missouri! She's in Seligman, MO.

All except the sister I mentioned above live with in a hour of me!
My hubby's family too!
We are lucky!

10-09-2006, 01:23 PM
I live in Maine, some of my dads family lives in Texas. My uncle lives in Boston. Another uncle and family lives in England. Some of my moms family lives in Denmark, except for my grandmother and my moms cousin who live in Maine.

Miss Z
10-09-2006, 01:56 PM
My grandma lives about a 3 hours drive away in Oxford, so we only see her every 4 months or so when she comes to stay, although we talk every week on the phone.

10-09-2006, 02:11 PM
I live in the Washington DC area, but the rest of my family lives in Western Canada. They are scattered from Saskatoon Saskatchewan all the way out to Vancouver. So we are literally a coast-to-coast family :rolleyes:

Right now we count by the time zone, because it is over 3000 miles (3 day drive) for me to see any of them.

10-09-2006, 02:34 PM
On my mom's side- 90% of our relatives live in Brownsville, TX. My great aunt lives in Corpus Christi, and my mom's aunt (not sure what she is to me) lives in Austin I believe.

Dad's Side- My dad lives in Del Rio but other than that, everyone lives in Houston. We don't visit them much though.

10-09-2006, 02:50 PM
My sister and my parents are maybe 1/2 mile away, same for my in laws. My youngest son is about 5 miles from us. Our oldest son is in the Denver area around 275 miles away.

10-09-2006, 05:46 PM
My parents and sister live a little over an hour away. My husbands parents and one of his sisters lives a few miles from my parents, so they too are a little over an hour from us.

My husbands other sister goes to college in Tennessee.

My extended family (grandparents, aunts and uncles) all live in Upstate NY.
My husbands extended family all live in Maryland and West Virginia.

10-09-2006, 05:59 PM
I get so jelous of people who have family nearby.

I live with with my mom here in Regina, Sask. my dad lives about 20 minuts away and my brother just moved out and now lives in a super high class apartment on the other end of the city.

now for finaly outside of that:

moms side:

her parents-Tornoto
her aunt - Toronto
her brothers family - Prince Gerorge

Dads side:

his parents- Kelowna
his Brother- Kamloops
his other brother- Calgary
my Cousins- one lives in Vancouver, the rest I havent a clue.

all other family lives in Europe.

10-09-2006, 07:52 PM
I have no family left except my cat who lives with me.

10-09-2006, 07:57 PM
most of my family is here in arizona, just a short car drive away :)

10-09-2006, 07:59 PM
Just a room away since i still live at home with mine :D

10-09-2006, 10:18 PM
My parents live about 5 miles down the road. My brother lives clear across the country in Florida and the rest of my family is scattered. I have relatives about 2 hours away and then the rest are in a variety of states: Illinois, Georgia, Idaho, and Florida.

10-09-2006, 10:22 PM
Everyone in my immediate family lives in Utah. However my sister and her family may be moving to New Mexico, which, as I don't get along with her, will likely be a good thing. :o I do have an aunt/uncle and some cousins in different states, but they are not ones I know too well.