View Full Version : Frankie on a hike

10-07-2006, 09:33 PM
Had a full day off finally, so I decided to take Frankie out on a hike to a place just a couple miles away. Here's the photo tale:

Frankie concerned about the well being of Mr. Cone.

Then she found the advanced version of Mr. Cone. Mr. Sign:

Trying to jog and take a picture at the same time. Quite hard with a pulling dog:

Looking down into the valley:

Some more in the next post.

10-07-2006, 09:37 PM
I can promise that her exact thought was this: "Come on dad, the trail is that way!"

Squinting into the late afternoon sun:

She may look happy, but she was quite irritated with me trying to "pose" her:

Nearing the end of the trail:

And finally back home:

I'll make a thread in general with the actual trail pictures. There are just the better ones with Frankie in them. Hope you enjoyed, I know she did!

10-07-2006, 10:27 PM
I love her face, nothing but a big smile. I think I need to smuggle her over to my place. She looks like a very happy little girl.

10-07-2006, 11:26 PM
I love the photos of Frankie, Craig! She sure looks like a happy pup! The cone pic was great. :D Nebo loves hiking too, of course, what dog wouldn't?

10-07-2006, 11:59 PM
IRescue, she is happy gir, but I promised her no more new homes for a while ;) Although I'm sure she'd be quite happy there too.

Thanks Amy! I saw the cone and remembered your thead. Had to take the picture.

This was the first "long" hike with Frankie. We've been doing trips around the block and to some local parks. She's gained about 8 pounds so far but I wasn't sure how well she would do on a hike. Joke was on me, I was breathing hard long before she was. Hopefully this will be a weekend thing now and I'll just keep looking for more dog friendly areas to go hiking.

We don't have quite the scenery that you have though. Between Utah's awesome enviroment and Nebo's great looks your threads are a tough act to follow. :)

10-08-2006, 12:06 AM
We don't have quite the scenery that you have though. Between Utah's awesome enviroment and Nebo's great looks your threads are a tough act to follow. :)

Aw thanks :) I see some pretty scenery in the backgrounds of these pics too! And Frankie is gorgeous!

She looks like she is in great shape. I know how it goes with hiking, Nebo can out-hike me any day! I hope you find some more dog friendly areas to hike (which of course means you have to post more pics ;) ).

10-09-2006, 10:06 PM
Those are great photos. I love how Frankie is pooped at the end.

10-09-2006, 10:09 PM
Those are great photos. I love how Frankie is pooped at the end.

I loved it too! I actually got to work on the computer without her reminding me that she is bored. :D