View Full Version : Malone & Emerson on vacation...12 pics

10-07-2006, 03:24 PM
Last week, we had a terrific vacation to Boothbay Harbor, Maine. We stayed in a cottage right on Knickerbocker Lake, and it is probably one of the best vacations I have ever had in my life.

Malone & Emerson had a blast -- we took them nearly everywhere we went (we didn't take them sailing or shopping); and they loved all the non-stop attention!!!

The day before we left, Mark FINALLY found our camera battery and charger that have been missing for months -- so I am finally able to take pictures again!!! :D

They had so much fun swimming off a dock into knickerbocker lake. We would throw a stick out for them, and then as they were trying to swim back, they would play tug-of-war.

After swimming for nearly an hour, we were getting them to dry off in the sun on top of an overturned canoe. Have you ever seen two happier faces?

One of the days, we drove about an hour to Popham Beach that allows dogs. Again, they ran and swam; ran and swam; and ran and swam. Truly a dog's life!! :D

We were trying to get them to dry out before putting them back in the van, and Emerson was NOT happy about being so close to water, and not allowed to jump in.

The first weekend we were there, it rained ALL day, so we spent a lot of time hanging around the cabin. Here the dogs are looking out the window, wistfully wishing the rain would go away so they could run and play.


10-07-2006, 03:33 PM
This was taken on a long walk down a nature trail. We met a really neat lady, who rescues dogs from shelters. Right now, she is living on the road, travelling from Maine to Florida and back again, just for the fun of it. We met her 4 rescue dogs (that she keeps permanently) -- the most beautiful dogs ever.

This was our cottage, right on the water. We took this picture while we were canoeing.

One day, we went to an alpaca farm. These animals are the softest, gentlest CUTEST animals! The guy asked me if I wanted to take one home :D, but I didn't since a female baby cost $20,000!!! :eek:


And this is Harry, who is the offical welcomer, and keeps all the alpacas in line. Isn't he ADORABLE???? I was in loooooove!!! :D

I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I took so many, this is just a few of my favorites. :)

10-07-2006, 03:38 PM
Anna, you have no clue how much of a treat it is to see The Boyz again! It's been SO long, thank gosh Mark finally found the battery and charger! And just in time for a beautiful vacation.

Looks like a wonderful time was had by all.

Nala sends kisses to her man. ;)

10-07-2006, 03:58 PM
great pics and beautiufl place!!

Ginger's Mom
10-07-2006, 04:25 PM
Great pictures. That sure looks like a fun way to spend a vacation. I would love to rent a cabin on a lake sometime and take my dog with me. Sounds perfect. The boys look like they had a great time (once it stopped raining ;) ).

10-07-2006, 04:43 PM
Wow! What a great spot to vacation!
I just Looove the pic of the 2 looking out the window!
Thanks for posting pics!
It's been a while!

10-07-2006, 05:42 PM
Harry's name fits him very well! ;) looks like you had alot of fun!!! :)

10-07-2006, 08:44 PM
It's great to see your handsome boys! It looks like they had a great time. :)

finn's mom
10-07-2006, 09:39 PM
I love the photos you chose to share! That looks like a dream place if you ask me! Gorgeous and it looks so peaceful. You have beautiful dogs, they really look like they had a great vacation!

10-07-2006, 10:24 PM
What a great vacation! They do indeed look happy! Can't think of anything more fun than playing tug-o-war while you swim! ;) Those alpacas are adorable - no wonder you wanted to take one home! I had no idea they were so expensive, we live near an alpaca farm & they must have at least 100 of them. Harry looks so dignified.

10-07-2006, 10:24 PM
Nice pictures. They certainly look like they had a good time. Harry is sweet. $20,000 is crazy for an alpaca.

10-07-2006, 11:32 PM
Yay! I'm so happy to see Emerson and Malone again! It's been too long since I have seen them! They are such handsome boys, it looks like they (and you!) had a wonderful vacation!

10-08-2006, 08:18 AM
Those are great pictures. I can see you all had a fantastic time.

You brought back so many memories of when I was a kid. Every summer we'd rent a cottage (the same cottage every year) on Lake Ontario. We always took our yorkie and he went everywhere with us. We loved taking him on the boat with us.

10-08-2006, 01:59 PM
Anna! I have really missed seeing you around here, as well asy your two beautiful boys! They sure look happy as can be!

10-08-2006, 06:42 PM
Wow, gorgeous photos! Looks like such a fun & relaxing vacation and like the dogs had a great time!

10-09-2006, 09:38 AM
Sounds like the perfect vacation. :D Thanks for the pictures! I miss seeing your boys. :)

10-09-2006, 11:02 AM
What happy looking dogs! I bet they had a blast. They are both beautiful. I love Harry, what a cutie he is. The alpaca is so adorable. I want one! ;)

10-09-2006, 11:41 AM
Great pics!!!! It's nice to see your pups again. :D

That baby alpaca is too cute for words.....how I would love to have one in my yard. :)

10-09-2006, 02:12 PM
I love the second and third pictures!! You all look like you had a fantastic time on vacation. What a beautiful and peaceful place. I would love to go there. Thanks for sharing those pictures!! I enjoyed them.

Harry is absolutley adorable!! :D

10-09-2006, 02:37 PM
It's such a treat to see your handsome boys again! :D It looks like they had a great time. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-09-2006, 04:40 PM
What a great place to go on vacation! Your dogs sure had a good time ;)

I love this one: http://www.pt.plainolpup.com/10076.JPG