View Full Version : How did you meet your spouse?

10-07-2006, 01:06 PM
It seems that lately all of my friends have been getting engaged, or moving in with boyfriends, or just getting into serious relationships.

I'm always so busy with the dogs that I never really "look" for someone. They always say that you should never look, and I don't -- doesn't seem to work for me lol. I've tried meeting people over the internet, but it always ends in disaster. My dream is meeting someone at a dog show, but the chances of that happening and still having him live nearby are very slim. Now that I'll be 19 in just over a week, I'm going to be going out alot more, clubbing, to bars, etc. Are these good places to meet someone though?

I'm just tired of seeing all of my friends in relationships and yet I'm always alone. I often think it's because I'm just waiting for the right person. I am quite picky about the kind of person I want to be with. I date often enough, but always with guys I meet on the internet. I think I need to really meet someone and know someone before dating them. There is a guy I know of that I'm curious about -- he does agility with my club. I'm tempted to ask a friend to set me up but I want to wait and see if he and I can be friends on our own first. Do you find it works better this way? The way I am picky about guys, people often tell me they think I may have been sexually abused as a child. I don't think I was, but I have no idea.

So how and where did you meet your significant other, and how did you know he/she was the right one for you?

10-07-2006, 01:12 PM
Thats actually a funny story... I met my fiance through a mutual friend of ours'... who, at the time, really liked me. We three hung out one night (five years ago in November :)) and went to the movies and whatnot. Our friend was going to ask me out that night... (I didn't find that out until later). But HJ pulled him aside (leaving me alone in the car...) and asked him if it was ok to ask me out. Now that I think about it, it was so... high-schoolish haha it's crazy to think that was so long ago and here we are getting married in three months!!

Seriously though I was not looking, either, and I definitely did not expect anything to happen (in fact I was expecting him to break up with me not too long after because I thought I was too "boring"), it just did. So when the time is right, you WILL meet someone unexpectedly. I can promise you :)

Oh and we are still both really good friends with the guy, he is actually our best man in the wedding :)

10-07-2006, 01:17 PM
The subject seems wild, ( that someone would ask) as to how I met my spouse!!

I met him, well, knew him, during grade school~~~ and I thought he was a nerd :rolleyes: ~~ Oh well, fast forward folks, this guy caught my eye :cool: , and , my High School friends knew that I had a HUGH crush on him!!

Word got out, and he asked me out ~~~ to a High School Dance~~~

And, We are still DANCING!!! :eek:

I'm lucky, I got the winning ticket, the first time around!!!

10-07-2006, 01:23 PM
I'm lucky, I got the winning ticket, the first time around!!!
I know, so did I, and it's awesome :)

10-07-2006, 01:30 PM
Charlie (my spouse of 23 years) and I were both into raising rabbits for show. So we met through the rabbits clubs. (the best way to meet someone is through a common interest. I bet your future spouse is right now breeding Chihuahua's....LOL)

10-07-2006, 01:32 PM
I knew my hubby for YEARS before we even spoke. Our dads were best friends while we were kids, but he was a BOY and I was a GIRL and we didn't even go to the same schools, so why speak? ha ha I knew who he was, that was about it. It's funny because his mom has a "congrats" card that MY parents sent to his parents when he was born. Destiny, lol.

So in highschool, his senior year, my junior year, I became interested in him, for some reason. I basically asked HIM out . . . yes, *I* took the initiative, sometimes you have to . . . and the rest is history! That was 8 years ago, we've been married 3.

But I always believe that there's someone out there for everybody . . . it's not horrible to wait. Just be patient. :)

10-07-2006, 01:35 PM
19? I got married at 19 and regret it. I still have and had a lot of growing up to do. Now I have a lil girl. Whom I LOVE sooo much and I wouldn't change that. But I really wished I had gotten to grow up before I got married at such a young age. I'm 24 now. And although I have a house, a car, getting to stay at home. I'm not happy now. Material things don't makeyou happy. So... Don't get married just because everyone else is. Keep on living untill you KNOW he/she is the RIGHT one.

10-07-2006, 01:45 PM
I knew him from school, middle and high school but we didn't start dating until after we graduated. We dated for about 6 months and then he broke it off because he was going to be going to school on the other side of the state but he was not there for long and he came back home. It was probably a few months after that and we started talking again and the rest is history as we are approaching our 1st wedding anniversary October 20th.

Sara luvs her Tinky
10-07-2006, 01:47 PM
Yes!! marriage is the last thing in the world you should be thinking about at 19! I got married when I was 21 and it was wayyy to early! Maybe that is just my opinion though. I knew my husband since I was 17, we were friends in highschool... and we were only engaged 7 months when we were married.

It was a HUGE mistake! I wish I would have waited. What I learned though is not to settle! , that being with someone shouldn't come with a price. Make sure that you find exactly what makes you happy! Marriage is costly especially when you get divorced! :(

Just spend time getting to know yourself... because even though you are 19 you still have a lot of growin up to do.... and the only person that can really make you happy is yourself! (and your furry ones!!!!!) :D

and i wouldn't say meeting someone in a bar or club would be the right place. chances are you will grow out of that scene one day and he may not.. and you wouldn't want someone you love clubbing and barring when you want them to spend time at home wth you. I agree with everyone else... i think the place i would want to meet someone is somewhere where we have the same interest....

10-07-2006, 02:04 PM
I probably shouldn't tell this story since it's not romantic at all and makes me look like a drunken tramp, but here goes anyway....

I spent the afternoon helping a girlfriend get ready to throw a birthday party for her boyfriend. This for some reason involved several pitchers of margaritas. Fast forward a few hours to the party and I'm very drunk. I was 23, I was a bit of a wild child at that point in my life! I'd never seen Stuart before but he knew the birthday boy so he had been invited. When he walked in, my friend told "stay away from him, he's trouble." Of course, I immediately had to find out why he was trouble and introduced myself. I'm actually quite reserved, but Tequila always gets rid of that side of my personality! We left the party together a few hours later, spent the next three days together and then didn't speak for two years. I lived a couple hours away at that point and life just got in the way. He was seeing someone else, I was in a messy something, I hesitate to call it a relationship! It's a good thing though. If we had tried to have a relationship at that point, we wouldn't be together now.

2 years later TO THE DAY, same friend calls me and says "guess who's house I'm at". I had moved by then, bought my own condo and turns out he had bought a house about 8 blocks away. I went over to have one drink, talk to my friend, say hi, and never left. We got married exactly one year later--again to the day!

At 19, a house plant would have been too big of a committment for me. I was 26 when we got married, Stuart was 32. At that point, we had both seen and done enough to know we were ready to settle down. It was very important to me that I never have to depend on a man for anything. I got a degree, worked in a demanding field, loved my job, bought a condo on my own, had my own vehicle, my own money ect. Stuart had gone to school, travelled the world, had his own wild streak ect. Neither of us ever has to wonder if we're missing something--we know we aren't, been there, done that!

My sister got married at 19. She's now 32, has three young children and is in the middle of an ugly, bitter divorce.

My mother, a very wise woman, gave me some advice when I started dating. She told me to never get involved with someone I "couldn't live without", look for someone I could live happily with.

critter crazy
10-07-2006, 02:08 PM
I Met my Husband at the age of 18, I had been in the army for a year, and he came in one day, and I just was drawn to him, and actually ended up working with him for some time. He was going through a divorce at the time, and I was not interested in anything from him. so we just were friends for over a year. I went away for 6 months, and when i came back home, he called me up out of the blue and asked me out! I was so nervous, but we have been soul-mates ever since. we moved in with each other after 3 months of dating. We got married when I was 21. He is my life, people gave us some grief at the time we started dating because he was 10 yrs older than me, but we are a perfect match, aand of course I am still More mature than he is!:) We have been together for 10yrs and married for 8! I truly believe we will be together for ever!

10-07-2006, 02:27 PM
i met my hubby online in a yahoo chat room 6 1/2yrs ago.. I think i started talking to him cause he has a strange screen name and then we started talking and then i was only suppose to visit him for a week but i ended up stayin.. and here we are today almost 7yrs still together.. this is my longest realionship YIKES.. i am stuck with him forever now.. lmao jk

10-07-2006, 02:51 PM
This is a great thread! :)

I "met" Mark when I was a little kid -- like 6 or 7 years old. My parents were friends with his parents, and I would see their family about once or twice a year (they lived 5 hours from us). When I was around 13, I developed a huge crush on Mark that has never gone away. :o Little did I know that he also had a crush on me all that time.

When I was 18, my brother moved into his area to go to grad school, and I would come visit my brother often; and so saw a lot more of Mark, too. In July of 1996, we went to a picnic (there were about 50 people there) and we had our first "serious" conversation. It wasn't long after that in September when we started writing, got engaged in November, and were married the following May 1997. I can't believe that it is 10 years that we have been inseparable, and have loved every single minute of it.

So my advice to you is, do not settle for anything less than the best. Find happiness WHEREVER you are in your life, and when that special person comes along, they are just adding to your already awesome life. :)

10-07-2006, 02:56 PM
This is a great thread! :)

I "met" Mark when I was a little kid -- like 6 or 7 years old. My parents were friends with his parents, and I would see their family about once or twice a year (they lived 5 hours from us). When I was around 13, I developed a huge crush on Mark that has never gone away. :o Little did I know that he also had a crush on me all that time.

When I was 18, my brother moved into his area to go to grad school, and I would come visit my brother often; and so saw a lot more of Mark, too. In July of 2006, we went to a picnic (there were about 50 people there) and we had our first "serious" conversation. It wasn't long after that in September when we started writing, got engaged in November, and were married the following May 2007. I can't believe that it is 10 years that we have been inseparable, and have loved every single minute of it.

So my advice to you is, do not settle for anything less than the best. Find happiness WHEREVER you are in your life, and when that special person comes along, they are just adding to your already awesome life. :)

You got married in the future?? :o How freaking cool is that? ;)

10-07-2006, 02:59 PM

10-07-2006, 03:39 PM
oops! :o :o I will edit it....thanks! :)

10-07-2006, 06:19 PM
Ralph and I were inthe same place the same time several times in high school (chuch youth group gatehrings for all of Northwest Ohio), but never actually met until college. We met my freshman (his sophmore) year of college. At the time, he was dating my roommate's friend from high school , who lived next door to us in the dorms. We became friends and by the time they broke up, I was seeing someone. Finally, his senior year, (3 years later, as we were both in a 5 year engineering program), we dated casually, then at the end of his senior year, when he was graduating and was moving back to Toledo we made it exclusive. How much sense does that make?
Anyway, a year later I graduated and moved back north. 5 months after that we got engaged and a yeat later married. We have been married almost 6 years, together for 9 years and known each other for 12.

10-07-2006, 11:56 PM
I'm not married, and I never have been (I'm 22) so I can't post how I met my spouse. ;) But I've enjoyed reading everyones stories!

I really would not want to get married at 19...I know it works for some people, but if I were you I'd take your time. Most of my friends are married as well, and I don't even have a boyfriend, so I know how you feel. But its perfectly fine to take your time, you want to find someone who is right for you. It seems like it is apparently quite difficult to find men who love dogs like we do!

10-08-2006, 12:18 AM
Eric and I met in college. We were both going to the University of Iowa, and we worked in the university library in Media Services. :)

That was in 2001. At first, we were just friends because we were both with other people. We hung out every once and a while, but lost contact for a little while when Eric moved out of town. Then, out of the blue he called me in the summer of 2002 and asked me out! I was so surprised, but I said yes and we have been together ever since!

I had never really considered anything more than a friendship, but I guess he had a thing for me the whole time...but of course I'm glad he did because we are so similar, and he loves animals almost as much as me! :D

10-08-2006, 12:28 AM
Well, I was never a big dater. Having gone to an all girls high school was limiting. I met people through other people, but believe it or not..I was very shy at the time, had an awful inferiority complex too.

I was engaged once to a much younger man. I was the only single person left in my group of friends. I wasn't desperate, I did think he was the one, but luckily, found out in time, he wasn't.

It was a bit embarassing to go single to weddings and functions, but I learned to accept it. I had a very busy life, was pretty happy and just figured it wasn't meant to be. I was just 50, when I happened to meet John at the same bus stop on the way to work. After a few head nods, we finally spoke, and he asked me for lunch. I thought "geek" ugh, boring, but decided to give him a second chance. Nobody's perfect and Lord knows, I ain't no prize. So one thing led to another. He gladly visited my dad with me on our dates and later, helped me care for my mom by lifting the wheelchair etc, as my back and neck was getting worse. I learned that looks mean nothing, He has a heart of gold, he's a pain in the butt, we're totally opposite, but he loves me to have fun and go out, no jealousy. He's been my lifesaver throughout my surgeries. He was worth the wait.

You have to learn to look inside a person. Looks are always a plus, but as an ex picky person, sometimes you have to look inside the box. Giving John a 2nd chance really changed my life.

There is somebody out there for you. You will meet your prince charming. Be patient. It'll happen when you least expect it. And guess what? My parents met at a bus stop too!!! Life works in mysterious ways!

10-08-2006, 02:20 AM
Well I had been on my own with my son for about eight and half years after leaving my previous Husband, and as a lot of you know I have social phobia so i did not go out much at all, so never had the chance to meet anyone, everyone said i had better start going out or i will never meet anyone,how wrong they all were, i met my present husband Steve two doors down from where i live, my son played at his nephews house, it was funny really i had met him only once and was not that taken, he made a comment about solo parents which i took the wrong way( I now know he has the utmost respect for them) anyhow to cut a long story short, the idea of dating him was put in my head by his sister n law, at first i felt kinda like they were just hitching me up with anyone, but i guess my self conscious started playing on me, and i had been invited out to watch his brother play in a band at the local tavern, i hate pubs and only went because i thought Steve would be there, so i came home got all dollied up and then found out he was babysitting their children, he commented on how nice i looked, so i was disappointed and found out later they were trying to hitch me up with the drummer in the band, Rob was cute but not my type, i came home and then he and the sister n law walked me home two doors down, which kinda annoyed me as i saw this as chance to get to know him, well anyhow two weeks later i plucked up the courage and invited him over for coffee, and really he never left, two weeks later he moved in with me and two months later we married, we have been together now for 15 years. :)

10-08-2006, 05:01 AM
At a coffee shop :o. We just got married this past June and have known each other for 6 years.

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-08-2006, 06:32 AM
When I was 22, I decided I wanted to follow a dance course for singles. I've always loved dancing, but I wanted to learn it better, and I was also interested in other styles, like latin, Jive, etc.. :D
As I didn't have a boyfriend yet, I went on my own :)

It was a 10 lessons course. Guess what, I met my future husband there!! We followed the second course too, and then also the 3rd one :) !
And the rest..... is history :) .
How I knew he was THE one?? I just felt it ;)

10-08-2006, 08:38 AM
Justin and I were friends in high school and we hung out a lot. I had a crush on him for the longest time, but was too shy to pursue it. One of our mutual friends found out that he had a crush on me too, she suggested he ask me out. We went to a school dance together and then he asked me out to the movies the next weekend. We just kind of clicked as a couple and we've now been together almost 8 years. We've been married 6 of those years. I got married at 18, I wouldn't recommend it for most people, but for us it was right.

10-08-2006, 09:22 AM
Wow! That has been 36 years ago! We met through his brother, who was dating my sister at the time. We double dated for about a year, fought all the time, until we finally decided to get married. That was a little over 36 years ago! We have been together ever since! We have had Three children, and five grandchildren, from the ages of 13 years to 6 months.

Willie :)