View Full Version : Boo Hoo....I'm Sick

10-06-2006, 08:17 AM
I babysat my Great Nephew on Saturday and he was all conjested. When I left, I had a sore throat. On Monday, I found out my little Nephew had conjunctuvitis. I've been sick all week, coughing, conjested, hacking, sneezing...all that fun stuff. I woke up this morning and lo & behold, I had green puss coming out of my left eye. So I think my 4 month old Great Nephew gave me his first present......sickness. Wasn't that just sweet of him? ;)

I have a doctor's appointment at 10am today.

Anyhow, I'm wondering if anybody else has had conjunctuvitis and what should I expect at the doctor's in regards to treating it?

I've never had it (to my knowledge).


And somebody send me some chicken soup please. :)

Pawsitive Thinking
10-06-2006, 08:32 AM
Oh your poor lamb! Bathe your eyelids in warm salt water and stop sharing your eye liner!

10-06-2006, 09:08 AM
Rinse and wring out a facecloth in cool water.

Fold it in four.

Lie down and lay it across your eyes gently.

Ahhh! Isn't that better?

(My mom did this for me when I was little - we called it 'pinkeye')

You can try warm too. Possibilities are endless! :D

I hope you feel better soon!

10-08-2006, 09:44 PM
Well I have conjunctivitis and a severe cold that I'm trying to get rid of. I've had it for over 1 week. My nose is killing me and I keep coughing.

Does anybody have any suggestions as to what I can do about the coughing? I've tried Dysilum (cough medicine) but it doesn't work.

I'm on my 7th box of tissues (yes, 7).

My doctor gave me antibiotics for my conjunctivitis but you'd think they would have given me antibiotics for my entire condition. I should have spoken up and now I'm paying the price.

Any suggestions on my cough?

10-08-2006, 09:55 PM
best remidy i found my mom used on us equal prts lemon juice,honey and vodka you sleep and it sooths the throat breaks up the conjestion.
mind you use in no more than tablespoons warm it up.

10-08-2006, 09:57 PM
best remidy i found my mom used on us equal prts lemon juice,honey and vodka you sleep and it sooths the throat breaks up the conjestion.
mind you use in no more than tablespoons warm it up.

I was just thinking of honey...but I like the lemon juice & vodka part the best. That's a good idea. Thanks!

10-08-2006, 09:59 PM
Any cough syrup that has DM in it will suppress coughs. Ask the pharmacist/read the label to make sure it doesn't affect other meds.

DM will make you a bit wonky...but you won't need to take it for very long as it will help settle things.

I am not a big med person, but if I get a cough, I'm heading for the DM every time!

It's SO nice to catch up on sleep with it...which helps the overall condition.


10-08-2006, 10:46 PM
My doctor gave me antibiotics for my conjunctivitis but you'd think they would have given me antibiotics for my entire condition. I should have spoken up and now I'm paying the price. Any suggestions on my cough?He didn't prescribe antibiotics because colds are viral and antibiotics don't do anything to clear them up. Colds usually last for two weeks, then go away on their own. There are several different viruses that cause them, but you can only get one virus at a time. Cough-drops that contain eucalyptus or menthol will help your throat, so will gargling with asprin dissolved in warm water. And don't touch your eyes - conjunctivitis is extremely contaigious. (sp)

Daisy and Delilah
10-09-2006, 06:17 AM
It sure sounds like you're feeling lousy :( I hope you get better!! Is Fenway being a good nurse? :)

10-09-2006, 02:51 PM
I'm so sorry you're sick! Hope you feel better soon.

10-09-2006, 09:56 PM
He didn't prescribe antibiotics because colds are viral and antibiotics don't do anything to clear them up. Colds usually last for two weeks, then go away on their own. There are several different viruses that cause them, but you can only get one virus at a time. Cough-drops that contain eucalyptus or menthol will help your throat, so will gargling with asprin dissolved in warm water. And don't touch your eyes - conjunctivitis is extremely contaigious. (sp)

Bummer about the anitbiotics not doing anything. I had some left over from my poison ivy this summer and took one tonight.

It sure sounds like you're feeling lousy I hope you get better!! Is Fenway being a good nurse?

Fenway is being a good nurse and so isn't my kitty Maxie. My other kitty, Cosmo, is being a brat & meowing for attention all of the time. He's meowing right now as I type this. Doesn't he realize I'm sick?

Daisy and Delilah
10-10-2006, 07:19 AM
Well, I'm glad Fenway is helping out but it sounds like the kitties don't have any idea that Mom's sick. C'mon kitty kats...kick in with some medical assistance--Mom doesn't feel like pampering you guys too much right now ;) Go make some chicken soup, Cosmo and Maxie!! :)

10-10-2006, 02:32 PM
Now I have larengitis! What the heck is going on with my body? This is nuts! I'm overdosing on vitamen c and I had chicken soup for lunch. But now I can't talk! And I have a lot to say!! I'm leaving work 1 hour early, going home, quickly walking the dog (praying for a huge thunderstorm so he doesn't want to go out) and then going to bed. :(

10-10-2006, 04:07 PM
Bathe your eyelids in warm salt water

Oh my goodness, please don't do this! I work for an ophthalmologist and that is just terrible (sorry) :eek: advice. Please see your family doctor and if necessary get a referral to see an ophthalmolgist.

10-11-2006, 09:21 AM
Oh my goodness, please don't do this! I work for an ophthalmologist and that is just terrible (sorry) :eek: advice. Please see your family doctor and if necessary get a referral to see an ophthalmolgist.

I never did it because I didn't have enough strength find my salt.

I made another doctor's appointment for today. I work for a non-profit & have a fund raiser in 1 week. I need to get well because I have a lot to do and I coordinate our volunteers. However, I haven't been able to do it because I've either been sick or I can't talk.

Please everybody, wash your hands alot. I don't want anybody getting what I have.

10-11-2006, 11:01 AM
Please everybody, wash your hands alot. I don't want anybody getting what I have.
Wow, that would be some virus to get it through the computer!! :eek: Just kidding. ;) I really do hope you feel better soon, it sounds terrible! Can you take a day or two off and work on your fundraiser from home? It sounds like you could use some good rest.

Get well soon!

10-11-2006, 12:07 PM
I just got back from my doctor and I have a severe upper respiratory infection and my larengitis may be with me for 1 week! I almost fainted when she told me.

On the good side, I got 2 drugs prescribed to me and one has Codene in it! Yeah! I can sleep tonight!!