View Full Version : Kona

10-06-2006, 04:20 AM
Kona, what a handsome and elegant boy you are. Sitting there so prettily, waiting for the 'elevator' to arrive and whisk you to your destination! ;)

Your coat is gorgeous! You do have an exotic look about you.

What a happy situation, you training your purrents well, and them for obeying your every wish!

Congratulations to a real winner for being COTD. Hope your day is filled with lots of treats and lovings. Tell your meowmie or pawpie to give you some special scritches from me! :)

10-06-2006, 06:42 AM
You sure are one handsome kitty! Your fur is so shiny and healthy looking. It sounds like you have a great home and a family that loves you. Congratulations on being cat of the day!

10-06-2006, 06:49 AM
Kona, you look so regal I've decided to celebrate your royalty! All hail King Kona trainer of human elevators!

Congratulations on COTD! Well deserved for such a handsome fellow.


10-06-2006, 07:44 AM
Kona, what a special boy, so handsome and gifted! Best wishes to you on your special day.

10-06-2006, 08:10 AM
Wow, reading about Kona was like reading about my own cat. My Siamese also uses me as his "catevator"; I crouch down, he jumps on my shoulders, and gets deposited on the top shelf in the foyer closet, too. Amazing!

Have fun on your special day, Kona! Nice name, by the way.

10-06-2006, 08:16 AM
Hello Kona :cool:

What a beautiful black coat you wear, and an elevator hopper to boot. You are just the most handsome black cat I have seen in a while. I may have to put you on my desktop for a day. :eek: :o
Congrats on COTD honors.

10-06-2006, 08:42 AM
Kona you truly ahve a majesty about you.
You have the nobility of an Eygptian Statue, a truly regal presence.
:p ;) :D :rolleyes: :cool: :) :cool: :cool:

10-06-2006, 10:26 AM
Kona is the shiniest cat I have ever seen. What a good kitty!

10-06-2006, 10:59 AM
Kona, you are so beautiful! You have a gorgeous shining coat that (from what I could see in the picture) is a beautiful raven color. I had raven hair once, too! What a special boy you are. My Siamese, Bobo, will always want the elevator. He'll stand on the floor and meow for us to pick him up and take him to his desired destination. Congrats on COTD!

10-06-2006, 11:26 AM
What a magnificent cat! I hope the English are right and good luck will come to me today because beautiful Kona has crossed my path. Handsome and intelligent, it sounds like the perfect combination! Happy Cat of the Day to you, sweety. I enjoyed seeing your photo and reading a little about you. Purrs and head bops from Illinois.

10-06-2006, 12:08 PM
Kona what a charmer you are!!!

I got a grin from your "kitty elevator"!!! I hope it doesn't give my 4 cats ideas!!! :D

I really loved seeing your wonderful picture and reading your bio today!!!

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D

blue girl
10-06-2006, 02:31 PM
Kona, what a striking cat! Your black fur and light eyes are just an amazing combo! I could tell right away that you were up on something high, like the refrigerator maybe. What a fun talent to have, climbing up on peoples shoulders and backs to get to the highest places!
Congratulations on being Cat of the Day!

10-06-2006, 03:33 PM
Whooo hooo.... Kona, you are one gorgeous kitty! Your coat is so shiny. You must work on that all day long (well, in between elevator rides!).

Congratulations on COTD! Enjoy lots of extra treats and luvvins today!

10-06-2006, 09:45 PM
Oh Kona! What a handsome little blackie you are. My boys are both blackies as well and send headbumpies. I know how hard it is to photograph you guys..you tend to melt into the background but you look so regal and majestic sitting there in a perfect pose. Congrats on COTD!! :D

10-07-2006, 01:00 AM
Kona, what a beautiful kitty you are with your shiny black fur and your enchanting light green eyes. My black kittygirl Janie was entranced by your photo! You certainly have your family trained well, Kona, to lift you to the highest towers in the kingdom. I don't blame them for being servant to such a handsome cat as yourself. Kona, I hope you had a wonderful day as our esteemed COTD, and have many more years of health and happiness with your loving family.