View Full Version : It may be a little early for this but...

10-05-2006, 10:13 PM
Do you know what you are getting your dog for christmas?

LOL I do. I have already ordered some stuff.

We got him this bed in the "cabin lore" http://www.carealotpets.com/item-detail/?ItemID=3041E

and one of these http://www.carealotpets.com/item-detail/?ItemID=000000000006324&reqX=0&vLink=&#bigPicture

I got him some other stuff too. Some treats and a jolly ball too. There is also a beginner agility set with a chute, jump, weave polls and the box you put them in a down stay or a start. We want to get him that too.

And we also got a no jump harness. we have tried to teach him to sit when people come over but we just don't have people over often enough for it to sink in so when we do he goes nutso. Hopefully this will help.

10-05-2006, 10:20 PM
Probably just a new toy each this year. Everyone except Tango destroys them, so I don't want to spend a bunch of money on something that won't last any more than 5 minutes. They all have beds, tons of collars, tons of bandanas, etc. already anyway. There isn't really anything they need and I'm trying to save my money.

10-05-2006, 10:25 PM
Teddy looks like he'll be getting extra spoiled for christmas! =D

I don't really see christmas as any special time... just a good excuse to buy my boys some extra things!
All I know is that I'm getting Ethan two new collars, a new dogbed, treats, and a lotta toys.
For Frisk, I'm not buying him any collars nor a dogbed. He doesn't use either. But he will get treats and some toys. =)

As for Skylar, I'll leave the toy-buying and such up to his real owner(my sister), but I believe I'll be buying him his first very own collar! Right now he's using one of Ethan's collars put on the biggest notch. It fits fine, but I want him to have his very own.

Really, all three of them will end up sharing their toys, so in a way, everyone gets alot of toys.

10-05-2006, 10:52 PM
Probably just a new toy each this year. Everyone except Tango destroys them, so I don't want to spend a bunch of money on something that won't last any more than 5 minutes. They all have beds, tons of collars, tons of bandanas, etc. already anyway. There isn't really anything they need and I'm trying to save my money.
Same here with the Grand-dogs!!! ;)

But, I've got some ideas up my sleeve for each and every one of them!!!

My Grand doggies live in wonderful homes, so, I have to do incredible brain storming when Christmas Times comes around.

I'll figure it out!!!! ;)

10-05-2006, 11:03 PM
Yup I already have Christmas bought for my crew and their furry cousins who live in another state. I bought them each a bed from Costco online, they are personalized with their names stitched into them,


and then quite a few other treats and toys. The like to open things on Christmas along with the rest of us.

Sadly enough....I'm a real planner, I already have Christmas done for my entire family and extended family=x, including both girls birthdays in december =x, although none of it is wrapped yet. I just really like not having to deal with the rush at Christmas and just being able to enjoy the time with all the "work" already done, since it's my birthday too!

10-06-2006, 05:07 AM
It's never too early to think of Christmas! :) I just got Lacey a new bed, don't think I'll be able to wait until Christmas though. ;) Santa will probably be bringing some new collars, maybe another leash, some blankies, toys of course and some treats. :D

10-06-2006, 07:48 AM
I'm afraid money is an issue this year. The pets will probably just get a toy and a special dinner.

10-06-2006, 08:18 AM
I wasn't able to open the second link. But the first one was really nice! I love it (and all the other beds too).

I will be getting him toys....lots & lots of toys.

10-06-2006, 09:53 AM
We have the "dog theme" bed and my guys just love it, it's their favorite bed. You do have to be careful when washing it though, the patches seem to come off fairly easily. (after only one wash 2 patches were starting to come off, good thing I can sew).

10-06-2006, 09:56 AM
oops, I forgot to answer your question. lol This is a tough year for us financially, I am afraid if things don't pick up soon my dogs will be getting just tons of attention this year. This might be the first year ever where I haven't gone all out on them.

10-06-2006, 11:20 AM
Great presents everyone is getting for their pets! We're gonna have lots of happy animals on Pet Talk ;).

10-06-2006, 11:23 AM
I fixed that second link. it works now. LOL

I agree there are going to be a lot of happy dogs on christmas day. Even if it's extra love and attention I am sure they will cherish every second of it. :D

thanks for the tip Lv4dogs :D i will definately be keeping an eye on that

10-06-2006, 11:30 AM
I fixed that second link. it works now. LOL

I agree there are going to be a lot of happy dogs on christmas day. Even if it's extra love and attention I am sure they will cherish every second of it. :D

thanks for the tip Lv4dogs :D i will definately be keeping an eye on that

Very true. Animals are so wonderful. I just looked at the second link and those are really cool toys! Teddy will love it!

10-06-2006, 11:33 AM
I'm going to get them Sally Harrell dog tags (http://sallyharrell.net) ... I've had my eye on them for a while and figured with the price, Christmas is a good excuse to get them :D

Also I'll probably be getting more 3 dirty dawgz (http://3dirtydawgz.com) collars for them.

And of course more toys. Probably a very nice dinner also. And probably way more stuff that they definetly don't need ;) :D