View Full Version : Worried, worried, worried...update on page 2

10-04-2006, 11:09 PM
A couple days ago, while out for a run, one of my dogs collapsed, without warning, twice. He didn't trip, didn't stumble, no warning signs that he was in any distress, he just went limp and hit the ground. Both times he got up quickly and again no really obvious signs of distress. Chum is only five years old and never had any health problems. Spondylosis of the spine is a fairly common affliction among sled dogs, although most show no symptoms, so I figured Chum had some spinal problem. He went to the vet for testing galore today.

The good news is his spine is perfectly normal. No signs of any problems with it. His hips are good, his knees are solid, except for one bruise from where he fell. Good range of motion in all his joints.

Bad news is he has an abnormal heart beat and is likely anemic. They did 2 ECGs today, one at rest and one after a jog around the block. The readings have been sent to canine cardiac specialist in North Carolina. Also did a wide variety of blood tests. My vet says there are any number of things that could cause Chum's symptoms from simple hypothyroidism to Addison's Disease to heart disease or even cancer. I have to wait til tomorrow for the results, maybe longer for the ECG results. It's going to be a long night! I'm almost glad Stuart is away so Chum can have his side of the bed and I can cuddle him lots!
Chum is usually a borderline nutball, hyper, talkative, annoying! He's so quiet right now. I spend more time telling that dog to be quiet and right now I'd love to hear him yapping!

Two funny things though--If I needed an ECG, I'd have to wait months for an app't and fly to Vancouver for the test! Chum's app't was at 3:30 this afternoon. He had the ECG at 4! Also the vet who did his tests, the lovely Dr. Candace, lives with the man who originally rescued Chum! Chum was running around at the airport about to get shot for being on the runway when Chris lured him into his truck and brought him to the shelter.

Please keep your paws crossed that nothing too serious is wrong with Chum! I want my annoying boy back!

10-04-2006, 11:11 PM
poor beautiful Chum and poor you! :( I will certainly keep you and him in my thoughts and prayers that it's nothing too serious.
(((Glacier and Chum)))

10-04-2006, 11:25 PM
I hope he's going to be alright. I'm glad you can snuggle with him. I can only imagine how worried you must be. If you just keep him as a house dog, would he be alright then? I hope he can be well and happy.

10-04-2006, 11:25 PM
Darling Chum, feel better soon and get back to talking Mom's ear off, okay? :)

10-04-2006, 11:39 PM
Chum , I'm sending you and your mom hugs and prayers.

10-05-2006, 12:17 AM
I If you just keep him as a house dog, would he be alright then?

Depends on the diagnosis. If he is hypothyroid, he could go back to working once the meds get it under control. Earle is hypothyroid and recently returned to work in harness. Preacher ran for years after his diagnosis once we got his meds right. (Preacher is retired due to other reasons now). Hypothyroidism is actually very common among huskies and other working sled dogs. If it's Addison's, which seems very likely to me based on my research today, he'll never pull again, but the condition can be managed, maybe for years. There is a possiblity of something worse, but I'm not even going to go there yet!

In any case, I don't care if he never pulls again. I'm not putting him back into harness until I know for sure what caused the collapse in the first place and that it won't happen again. He was never a very good sled dog anyway! He has flashes of brilliance in harness, but is very distractable and inconsistent. Chum is part of this pack wether he works or not. If he is strictly a pet, we'll both be ok with that. I just want him here and back to his goofy self!

10-05-2006, 12:20 AM
Oh Chum, I sure do hope your going to be alright!!!

I hope and Pray that You'll just be a good ol House Dog, goofy and all!!!

10-05-2006, 12:28 AM
Oh, poor Chum!

(Reminding myslf that his name isn't what I think of as "chum," but the friend definition, right?)

Pretty boy, hope they figure out what's wrong, and that it is treatable, skritches to you, and hugs to your mom.

10-05-2006, 12:33 AM
(Reminding myslf that his name isn't what I think of as "chum," but the friend definition, right?)

Well, actually he is named after the salmon! LOL! He came into the shelter with a buddy who's name was Coho! The friend definition is much nicer though and certainly what he has become!

10-05-2006, 04:54 AM
Pawsitive thoughts headed Chums way. I hope it is nothing serious or at least something that can be managed.

Pawsitive Thinking
10-05-2006, 04:57 AM
Poor Chum - will be thinking of you sweetheart

Ginger's Mom
10-05-2006, 05:33 AM
Oh, how scary. Postive thoughts and lots of hugs going out for both Chum and you.

Daisy and Delilah
10-05-2006, 06:39 AM
That must have been devastating Tamara. For you to see him collapse like that. How awful. I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers and I'm so hoping he gets better soon. Please get well Chum!! :)

It will never cease to amaze me how you'll go to the ends of the earth for your entire pack. What a special person you are and what a fortunate pack you have. I know they all know it too. Keep up the good work.

10-05-2006, 07:28 AM
Good Vibes being sent Chum's way!

10-05-2006, 08:24 AM
Tamara we're all going to be keeping our fingers, toes and paws crossed that the tests show it's nothing serious.

It's amazing how when their not their annoying selves that's what you miss the most.

Lots of love and hugs to both you and Chum (hope he's liking his cuddling!).

Queen of Poop
10-05-2006, 08:47 AM
Aww Chum, I can imagine the scare you gave your momma when you went down, not once but twice. Just reading about it has me all worked up and upset. I hope you had a wonderful cuddle all night with mom and that it made you feel better. She will look after you really good so all you need to do is get better and back to your old self. You have such a sweet face. I send you a big HUG and KISS to make you feel better. Glacier, it's all crossed, if it can be crossed it is and prayers going out full force. He's got to be fine!! He's everyone's favorite "nutball"!!!

10-05-2006, 09:21 AM
I love all your dogs but don't remember chum too much but I must say he is breathtaking, his eyes are just gorgeous. I sure hope he is okay.

10-05-2006, 09:23 AM
All paws and whiskers crossed here for dear Chum. Hope the prognosis is better than anticipated.

Hugs to all,

10-05-2006, 09:35 AM
Chum is such a beauty! I hope everything will be ok with him. You both are in my thoughts and prayers.

10-05-2006, 10:14 AM
Our prayers are with you and Chum, too. :)

10-05-2006, 12:25 PM
Poor Chum. This must be very scary. Prayers that Chum's condition is
not life threatning & can be easily treated.

My Peanuts
10-05-2006, 01:14 PM
Poor Chum, I hope he is feeling better and that it's nothing too serious. My cousin's dog lived for many years with Addison's disease. The main thing is to keep it controlled with medication.

P.S Chum is stunning.

10-05-2006, 01:33 PM
Aw, Chum :( I will be sending lots of prayers your way. I hope it isn't anything serious.

10-05-2006, 01:41 PM
My thoughts are with you Tamara and Chum. ((((((hugs))))))

10-05-2006, 01:47 PM
I wanted to let you know that you and Chum have been in my thoughts all day. I hope it's not anything too serious and can be treated easily. Sending logs of (((hugs))) to the handsome Chum boy!!

10-05-2006, 05:58 PM
My vet just called with Chum's test results. It's just his thyroid! Not just, it's still serious, but it can be treated and will not affect Chum's lifespan. He's seriously hypothyroid, to the point he has almost no thyroid function at all! My vet said she's never seen it before, but all the research she can find says sudden collapse during exercise can be a symptom of hypothyroidism! He is anemic which again is a symptom of hypothyroidism, apparently a very common one. The cardiologist is not concerned with his heart. He said the resting ECG looks quite normal and the one after exercise has a minor abnormality, but that too is likely stemming from the thyroid. That little gland sure can affect alot of stuff!

I have two other dogs with hypothyroidism. It's fairly common in huskies. So I already have the meds at home. Chum starts .6mg of Thyroxin twice a day as of tonight. In a month my vet wants to redo the tests. Until then, no harness work, but he can go for walks if he feels up to it. If his tests are normal next time, he can go back to pulling, if he wants. Chum was never a really good sled dog and I don't care if he never wants to pull again, but maybe he's been hiding the thyroid problems. Maybe once he feels better those occasional flashes of brillance he has in harness will be more consistent!

I am so relieved. Not sure if I feel like doing a happy dance or crying! Maybe some combination of the two! Thank you all for your kind words and support! :D

10-05-2006, 06:03 PM
I just now saw this thread, and I'm so happy to hear its not too bad of a problem! =D Chum certainly is a stunning boy, and it must be great to know its fixable.
I can't even begin to imagine how worried you must have been.
Yay for happy news! :D

10-05-2006, 06:11 PM
Thank heavens it is treatable. And having previous experience with it, make YOU less fearful, as well, I bet.

Feel better soon, Chum.

10-05-2006, 06:11 PM
Poor Chum. I hope things go okay for you and that sweet boy. He's stunningly handsome!! Praying for him.

10-05-2006, 06:15 PM
Yay for the update. I'm so glad it's not anything *too* serious, hopefully he'll be back to his crazy self soon!

10-05-2006, 06:15 PM
That stupid little gland causes so much trouble in hoomans and animals! Couldn't be happier that it's "just that' and it's treatable! Hope Chum talks his head off at ya now, back to his normal self! It'd be a sound for sore ears! Feel better Chum!!!!! Hugs for you, Tamara!!!!

10-05-2006, 06:28 PM
I've been gone all day - and my heart dropped as I started reading this thread ...and then the GOOD NEWS! YEA! Chum's gonna be alright! I've always thought he has such unusual looks - those eyes of his are mezmerizing! Reminds me of another husky mix that used to come to the dogpark named Sapphire - she's mostly black but has those same stark blue eyes.
I'm sooooooo happy he's "fixable", I'll join you in a happy dance! (((hugs))) to you & Chum!

10-05-2006, 06:57 PM
I'm relieved that "Chums" condition is not real SERIOUS !!!

I was so relieved to find this update on about him~~ Poor Fella, he sure did hide those symtoms well!!!!

I'm glad that his ECG came back normal :o

{{HUGS}}} to Both of YOU!!!

10-05-2006, 08:27 PM
I'm happy it's not too serious!! :) Glacier.....Chum is BEAUTIFUL! Why haven't I seen him before? *Wants to steal him*

10-05-2006, 08:40 PM
Great News to come home to!

Chum, I'll bet your mommy is hugging you to pieces right now .... and, of course, you deserve every bit of loving. Get better baby.


10-05-2006, 09:16 PM
Wow how frightening Tamara, I'm so very glad to hear it's something that can be easily treated. Tommy has autoimmune thyroiditis so he's on levothyroxine twice a day for the rest of his life too. You must have been beside yourself worried about something dire!

10-06-2006, 12:15 AM
Yahoo Chum. Glad its something you know how to deal with.

10-06-2006, 01:35 AM
Ohh Tamara i only just saw this now. I am glad to hear that Chum's problem can be treated with meds. Feel better soon sweet boy.

{{Hugs}} For you both.

10-06-2006, 01:45 AM
I'm so glad that Chum's condition is able to be corrected and that he'll once again be a happy husky! :)

Had my fingers and toes crossed all day at work that it wasn't one of the more serious conditions.

10-06-2006, 05:00 AM
I'm so happy to hear Chum will be ok! :)

Pawsitive Thinking
10-06-2006, 06:42 AM
That is good news!

Queen of Poop
10-06-2006, 09:04 AM
Such good news. A treatable, non-life threatening condition that you are already familar with. While you hate for him to be sick at all, at least this is something you can deal with rather easily. Chum, feel better soon buddy!!

10-06-2006, 09:51 AM
I'm sorry I missed this thread when you were in need of prayers. I am relieved to hear that it is easily controled & won't affect his life. Yous will remain in my thuoghts & prayers. hugs to you both!

10-06-2006, 09:56 AM
Good news. :) You must be so relieved.I'm so glad it's treatable.I don't
really understand the function of the thyroid at all, but I'm still happy that
Chum can lead a normal life now. :)

My Maggie takes that same medicine (.7mg Thyrozine), but takes it once
a day.It's to help her lose some weight.

10-06-2006, 10:26 AM
Glad it is "just" Chum's thyroid! Happy resting for a few days there, Chum.

10-06-2006, 10:48 AM
Yay Chum, I'm still sorry about your thyroid but your Mom has got some experience with hypothyroidism in dogs and you'll be A-ok.

10-06-2006, 01:24 PM
I'm so happy it's not too serious. :D Chum ol' pal, you can go back to being annoying, it's okay! :D

10-06-2006, 01:43 PM
Glad to hear it was nothing seroius. They can scare us so badly sometimes!

10-06-2006, 02:51 PM
I am so relieved. Not sure if I feel like doing a happy dance or crying! Maybe some combination of the two! Thank you all for your kind words and support! :D

I vote for a combo of the two!!

I'm so glad to hear the good news!

10-06-2006, 03:18 PM
Glad to hear heīs got nothing too serious..........Iīve been following this but just didnīt post until now :rolleyes: .......I love Chum (well all your packfor that matter LOL) and theres this beer commercial in where you see some sled dogs pulling (oviously I think of you everytime) and the lead dog is Chumīs twin!!.........seriously............Iīve been trying to get it but canīt find it online :(......Itīs Corona beer (mexican beer) and itīs shot in somewhere snowy and then some boat-like things are seen in the water, but the Chum stunt appears right at the beggining............too much of a coincidence?? anyway i love him!!! ((hugs))

10-06-2006, 05:20 PM
Poor Chum! I'm sorry you and your beautiful pup are going through this. I hope he gets better soon! Good luck to you and Chum, keep us updated!

Oh, I just saw the update! Glad it's not life threatining! YAY! :D

*future vet*
10-06-2006, 06:11 PM
I'm glad it's not anything too serious and can be treatable. I'm sending good thought's to you and Chum!!

10-06-2006, 08:13 PM
Oooh, It is good to here it can be treatable! Wishing the best of luck, you will both be in my thoughts. :)