View Full Version : What is he ?? (mix breed question)

10-04-2006, 05:32 PM
My wife and I adopted our little boy Rocco from North Shore and he was 7 weeks and 6lb. We were told he was a German Sheppard and Collie mix. When we first took him home he kinda looked like a german sheppard since he had a lot of black/grey fur. Now he is about 5 months old you can see he is definately now German sheppard / collie mix. I noticed lately he is beginning to drool a little, his nose is not long and narrow at all, it is short and stocky, he is not aggressive at all, does have burst of energy but overall loves to sleep, just sit outside with me, etc. I think he might be part mastiff. So I went online and came across a Engish Mastiff / Norweign Elkhound mix, and our baby looks just that mixed breed.

Here are some pics: pictures 1 & 2 are when he was 7 months old
pictures 3, 4, & 5 are recent ones (5 months old).

Any suggestions????

Also are there any good sites that you are aware of that shows a lot of mixed breeds?

10-04-2006, 05:44 PM
He does look a tiny bit mastiff like to me in his face, but it's always hard to tell with puppies. I have absolutely no idea what he might be mixed with though. Perhaps he's a Mastiff/Golden or maybe Golden/German Shepherd? Lol...I'm not very good at guessing breeds. It's ard just to judge by his colour too as soo many mixes and purebreds can come in the same colour.

10-04-2006, 06:10 PM
Shepherd/Golden Retreiver maybe ... He's too fluffy, and not wrinkly-faced or jowly enough to seem Mastiff at all to me, and you didn't mention drool ... It'll be easier to gauge when he's full grown!

10-05-2006, 06:44 AM
I agree with the German Shepherd/Golden Retriever suggestion. He is so cute. I could cuddle with him all day. =)

10-05-2006, 07:35 AM
What gorgeous gams. I'd say german shepherd/chow. He's got a chow's face structure and he sounds about as aloof as a typical chow also. At his size I'd rule out mastiff.

10-05-2006, 11:44 AM
I agree with IRescue452. He does look like a german shepard/chow. We have 2 german shepard/chow and yours looks similar

10-05-2006, 12:13 PM
He is 5 months old and about 40lbs. I thought about german sheppard mix but people that have german sheppard tell me his face structure does not resemble a german sheppard nor does the color of his fur. Golden Retriever possible, but what about the drooling. Do Chow's drool? The only reason why I thought of a Mastiff / Norweign Elkhound is because when I googled it, the pictures of them and my rocco look identical. Regarding the size, a Norweign Elkhound only grows to 60lbs. Take a look at the pictures below of a English Mastiff / Norweign Elkhound

10-05-2006, 12:28 PM
His fur colour looks perfectly german shepherd-like to me. And his face structure is typical of that of a german shepherd mix and that of a chow mix. His eyes look like a chow's. I can't see a mastiff and an elkhound being a feesible mix. You'd have to have both dogs intact and have them somehow get together. You really need to look at breeds that are typical strays in your area. You aren't even sure that the supposed mastiff/elkhoud in the pictures is actually that breed. I'll bet that pup came from a shelter also and was just a guess.

10-05-2006, 12:55 PM
Chow was the first thing that jumped out at me when I looked at him. Any dog can drool...it really isn't just a characteristic of certain breeds. My guess would also be German Shepherd/Chow :)

10-26-2006, 09:55 AM
:D your dog is definitely a german shepherd/chow mix. i was shocked because he looked so much like my puppy when i first brought her home

10-26-2006, 10:58 AM
German Shepherd-Chow is what I see too!

10-26-2006, 01:12 PM
Me too! With the stop in her muzzle as low as it is, the ear set would be low in a shepherd like that. However- the puffyness in the muzzle suggests chow or other softer like mouth dog.
I am also looking at the coat. That coat has alot of double coat in it like a chow would. The hairs come even. A shepherd has a obvious under coat. And stop being fluffy at a very young age. If at all..

10-26-2006, 08:43 PM
I'm not sure what she is but I think her earset is too low and her coat not thick/long enough to be a GSD/chow mix. I also don't think she is an elkhound mastiff mix -- both breeds are fairly uncommon, the liklihood of it is slim.

10-26-2006, 09:20 PM
I definitely think that he's part German Shephard and I think he could even be part Collie - like you were told. With strays, the likelihood of two purebred parents is even a long shot, so your pup could have a variety of breeds in him. But he is cute!

10-27-2006, 09:16 AM
Hi there! Welcome to PT. It's hard to tell what breed a dog is when they are a puppy, but if these are new pictures I say he looks like he has some Tibetan Mastiff in him right now. Maybe post some new pictures later on, like next month and we might think different :)
EDIT: I just saw the new pictures and my thoughts did change... I say German Shepherd/Chow now!

10-27-2006, 09:23 AM
:) I agree with the others.. However I do Know that he is a Cutie Sweetie Pie..

10-27-2006, 05:31 PM
He's soo adorable and fluffy. Looks like the perfect little cuddle bug. He looks to be chow and maybe german shepherd.

11-12-2009, 11:18 AM
I was the sameway as u rocco? I didn't know what my puppy was until i read this post. I think my puppy look the same as your and kodak (the female puppy). Harley is almost 8 months old now. But I was wondering if any of your puppy's have a spotted tongue like harley's. I was told that is a trait of the chow breed.

02-01-2010, 09:30 PM
i was thinking Belgian malinois chow mix

03-12-2011, 04:03 AM
this looks like my dog he is a mastiff and ? trying to figure out, my mom has an english mastiff and she got knocked up and no idea what the dad is

:D your dog is definitely a german shepherd/chow mix. i was shocked because he looked so much like my puppy when i first brought her home

03-27-2011, 01:43 AM
He seems to have some golden retriever in him given his looks, possibly german shepard too

03-27-2011, 09:31 AM
I can see Golden but no German Shepherd. Too fluffly to be a mal but maybe a mix of chow and something else.

02-29-2012, 12:24 PM
I can see Golden but no German Shepherd. Too fluffly to be a mal but maybe a mix of chow and something else.

is it really german shepherd mixed with chow chow? i just bought a puppy that looks really similar to your pet. I hope you can help me in taking care of this breed. She's 2 months old. I'm a bit scared of what I've read and heard about german shepherd/chow mix dog.http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/422196_259534167460033_100002103565537_590367_1327 634376_n.jpg is it really a german shepherd/chow mix? thank you so much in advance.

02-29-2012, 12:57 PM
What color is her tongue? That's often a Chow give-away! The good news is all the bad things you've heard about Chows or shepherds are the result of ignorant owners.

If she is that mix, she will like be fluffy, smart, and maybe a little stubborn, but all those can make a great dog! Sign her up for some obedience training as quickly as you can, and in the meantime, start with basics like leash training now, while she's still small enough so you have total control! She's adorable, and I bet she'll be a great dog, just keep her busy and give her plenty of things she's ALLOWED to chew on - and lock away all your good shoes for the time being!

02-29-2012, 04:50 PM
Just because a dog's tongue is blue or spotted doesn't mean it has chow in him/her. I have seen purebred chows that don't have blue tongues. At 8 weeks it really hard to tell what your pup is. A chow/GSD isn't really a "bad" combination. Your dog looks more shepherdy than chow to me to be honest. Really cute, just enjoy him!

03-01-2012, 10:01 AM
What color is her tongue? That's often a Chow give-away! The good news is all the bad things you've heard about Chows or shepherds are the result of ignorant owners.

If she is that mix, she will like be fluffy, smart, and maybe a little stubborn, but all those can make a great dog! Sign her up for some obedience training as quickly as you can, and in the meantime, start with basics like leash training now, while she's still small enough so you have total control! She's adorable, and I bet she'll be a great dog, just keep her busy and give her plenty of things she's ALLOWED to chew on - and lock away all your good shoes for the time being!

her tongue is red. as of know i consider her as german shepherd chow mix, cos i've seen videos and pics of golden retriever/chow mix and it doesn't look like my ginger. she loves being alone and really loves to sleep. she's too quiet and sweet. :)

03-01-2012, 12:33 PM
I'm so confused. This post started back in 2006 ????

03-01-2012, 01:15 PM
I'm so confused. This post started back in 2006 ????

kellyjugger is a new member. ;)

03-01-2012, 02:41 PM
yes i'm a newbie. sorry for not saying it beforehand. :) anyway, i'm more confused of what ginger really is cos i saw a pic of chow spitz,(combination of chow chow and japanese spitz. here's another picture of my little ginger.