View Full Version : Do we want a puppy?

10-03-2006, 06:25 PM
Hello. I have four cats, however, I just recently put down the oldest (she was 22 yrs old). The male, 10 years old, has begun attacking the youngest which has lived with us for five years. The other female cat, which I adopted with him, he leaves alone. Since putting down my oldest cat, the male has become really aggressive toward my youngest cat.

Would a puppy straighten out this situation? The youngest cat came from a ranch and loved dogs. I wonder if a dog would make her more confident.

10-03-2006, 08:24 PM
If you are having problems with cats not getting along, I would not add the stress of a dog at this point. It might make the situation worse. IMHO

I'm wondering if the attacks are some way of mourning the cat you had to put down? Or possibly they are re-sorting out the pecking order?

Jack(6) likes to attack Dusty(16) frequently, mostly I figure it's because she's getting older and crankier. Sometimes I have to put Jack in a room all by himself for like 15 minutes, sorta like a time out. Sometimes that helps for a few days.

Try calling your vet and see if they recommend anything that might help.

Good Luck

10-04-2006, 08:42 AM
Thank you for your response. Your are right, I've had to put Clark, my male cat, in time out. My vet suggested medication to tame him down however I am opposed to giving animals unnecessary medication.

You are right about the puppy, hopefully, he'll settle down and things will go back to normal.


10-04-2006, 08:56 AM
Just out of curiosity - why would one think that a puppy would help with a cat problem?

10-04-2006, 09:32 AM
My youngest cat, Ellen, came from a ranch, she loves dogs. I thought a friend for her would help her feel more confident. Everytime my best friend brings over her Italian Greyhound, they play like old buddies.

However, I don't want to make things worse with a dog. I'm just trying to pick up Ellen's spirits. I know she misses living out side and having a ranch with lots of animals to dominate.

10-04-2006, 10:59 AM
When my eldest cat, Tex, made the trip to RB, the pecking order was very shaken. In fact, I had to rehome one of my male cats, as he became so aggressive towards Tex's best friend, Georgie.

I don't think another pet would settle things, but, who knows?

10-04-2006, 11:11 AM
I would try to resolve the issues you have with your cats now before thinking about getting a puppy. :) It could add more stress to the cats if they have never been around a dog before besides your one cat.

10-04-2006, 11:16 AM
Sounds to me your alpha cat has passed away and now the whole pack order is out of whack.

I would not add another animal, of any species, until you can figure out the issues with your cats.

10-04-2006, 11:31 AM
Hello. I have four cats, however, I just recently put down the oldest (she was 22 yrs old). The male, 10 years old, has begun attacking the youngest which has lived with us for five years. The other female cat, which I adopted with him, he leaves alone. Since putting down my oldest cat, the male has become really aggressive toward my youngest cat.

Would a puppy straighten out this situation? The youngest cat came from a ranch and loved dogs. I wonder if a dog would make her more confident.

I wouldn't get one for that reason. Also, since you're a cat person you'd better think long and hard about a dog. Dogs need to go outside and need attention as opposed to cats. So don't just up and get a dog on a whim.