View Full Version : Rehoming Tests?

10-03-2006, 12:31 PM
I've been wondering after looking on some rescue site I see stray dogs without background and then the profile says not good with cats or children etc.
How do they actually find this out? I mean I dont see how you can test a dog with children without putting the child at some kind of risk? :o :confused:

I know its probably a really simple way but I really cant think of it..

10-03-2006, 12:40 PM
they probably test them with cats, dogs, and children. :)

10-03-2006, 12:41 PM
Sometimes it is based on the way the animal reacts to OTHER things.

For example, if the animal is afraid of loud noises or sudden movements they are often not good around very young children.

If they vehemently chase rabbits or squirrels, they may not be good with cats.

Yes, sometimes it is just a "hunch", but the rescue volunteers usually rely on a vast supply of previous experience.

10-03-2006, 12:41 PM
Maybe looking at the dogs reaction when children are in the area, my friend has a dog who absolutely cowers when children are in the area. Or maybe the dog is too energetic/highstrung and could knock young children over in excitement.

Not good with children doesn't always mean child aggressive.

10-03-2006, 12:43 PM
I saw a show once where they were doing dog aggression tests. They used dolls also, the used a long fake arm to see how the dogs would do if you tried to mess with them while they were eating. Omg, some of the dogs tore the arm apart. It was a very interesting show. I wouldn't think they would ever use a real child because like you said that could be dangerous.