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10-03-2006, 11:57 AM
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone's Rainbow Bridge Baby has come to visit you. Do they regularly visit you?

The reason I ask this is because my RB Pepper does visit me. I don't always see him but I can feel his presence. Shortly after he passed away, I heard him purring and felt him kneading me while I was sleeping. I opened my eyes and he wasn't there but I knew he had to of been there.:)

I also contacted a pet psychic,Nancy, and she said he showed her yellow walls and she didn't understand what that meant. I recently painted my walls yellow so this was his way of letting me know that he visits me. I adopted him when he was only 9 weeks old and he passed away a little before his 6th birthday. I also still live in the place where he grew up.

Last night I woke up in pain,I injured myself while painting and I'm still recovering from it,and I sat up in bed and rubbed in some icy hot on my left shoulder and wrist. It was almost 2am and I thought I saw a cats bushy tail walk by. The lights were still out so I thought that I had imagined this but I saw it again. At first I thought that Sky had some how gotten back into my room because he had been in there earlier that evening. When I turned on the lights there was nothing there. Pepper had a big black bushy tail and now I'm sure that this was him. I felt much better after this and my pain subsided. :)

Please tell me about your experiences if you've had any.:)

10-03-2006, 12:29 PM
Kuhio has come to visit several times. I've never seen her except once in a dream. But, I have felt her presence. I don't want to go into any more detail because I hope to talk to a pet communicator some day and I don't want to wonder in the back of my mind if he/she read some of it on the internet.

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-03-2006, 12:33 PM
The summer Sydney died, we were in the south of France, walking in a quiet neighbourhood. Suddenly I saw a black cat just like our Sydney on a driveway! I called him, and he came a tiny bit closer, meowed, then he disappeared.

When we went to pick him up at the cat-hotel where he was staying during our trip, they told us he passed away, exactly on the day we saw him in France... :(

I've never told this to anyone, as most people would just make fun of me; but I know what I saw: my dear SYDNEY http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20713%20zwarte_kattenkop.gif

10-03-2006, 12:38 PM
Well, just the other week I swore I saw Lucas. It was an orange cat, off to my far left, and the only other orangie currently in the house was clearly in sight in front of me.

10-03-2006, 12:45 PM
I have had dreams with RBButterscotch involved but no sightings while I've been awake.

10-03-2006, 01:02 PM
I've seen all of them with varying degrees of frequency.

Dominique used to play in the dogs' water bucket. She tipped it several times a day, every day! We learned not to leave a drop of water in there or she'd have it all over the house. Since her death, that bucket occasionally falls over for no apparent reason. It sits on a perfectly flat floor and no critters are near it to knock it over. Even my husband says Hi to Dom every time he rights the bucket.

I often see Twicket lounging in one of his favorite spots. I used to think it was just Kasha I was seeing since they are both big, white cats, but Kasha doesn't sleep in the same spots Twicket did. She usually in another room when I see him. Occasionally, just before I fully wake up, I can feel him on my pillow. He always slept wrapped around my head at night.

I have a Rainbow Bridge dog, Hoodoo, who has visited occasionally too. About six months after his death, I was sitting outside reading when I saw a black and white husky run up the driveway, jump over a pile of logs and disappear into the trees. I actually said "Hoodoo, what are you doing out there?" before I remembered he was gone. I went and checked for a stray dog and there was no husky in sight. I believe with all my heart that it was Hoodoo letting me know that he was ok again. Hoodoo's death was very sudden and completely unexpected. He went from a healthy four year old dog to dead in under an hour. He had a massive stroke for no apparent reason. I really struggled with Hoodoo's death and I believe that visit was his way of letting me know he was still around and still his goofy, happy self. Hoodoo's harness is tied to my dogsled. He forever runs with us in spirit. I've never seen him again, but sometimes when I'm running his favorite trail, I can feel him trotting along with his teammates.

10-03-2006, 01:08 PM
I'ver never seen her but have felt her presence . :)

10-03-2006, 01:12 PM
I feel my RB Gigi jump on the bed at night. I always think it's Calvin or Hobbes but I'll wake up and they either aren't there or have been soundly asleep fro quite a while. :)

10-03-2006, 01:14 PM
For several weeks after my precious Tony passed I would crawl into a fresh bed and there would always be a place to my left side that would always be warm when I would get into bed...Tony always laid on my left side during the night. I thought maybe I was imagining it so I asked Mark to place his hand in the bed one night before I even got in and he too could feel the warmth only in that one area....and no other cats had been in the bed either. I to this day know beleive that it was Tony consouling me, as time passed the warmth went away.

Tony is still with me to this day. I had Tony creamated in a private ceremony and had his cremains returned to me.....he is in a shadow box with his picture in front of it on the wall right beside my bed.

I still think Tony shows up every now and then....but through Tigger. There are things that only Tony did, like he loved to carry strawberries in his mouth and run through the house with them....well this summer while I was washing the strawberries Tigger jumped up on the counter and took off with a strawberry....she never did that before and since then has never done it again.

Miss Z
10-03-2006, 01:37 PM
I am not a believer in any kind of afterlife. For me, what I call the 'rainbow bridge' is a place inside my head, my heart too, where I can just take some quiet time to think about pets I have lost and pets other people have lost too. I know that they'll always be there and will never go away. So, technically, they do not visit me, but I think in some ways I'm conscious of them being there. Hope that makes sense :)

Often, when I have just lost a pet, I think I see them out of the corner of my eye. I put it down to the fact that it's habit that I'd usually see that pet there. I respect the fact that some people believe it is something else though.

10-03-2006, 03:58 PM
I have voted "yes" for my husband Barry. After one of the cats die, they come back to " see " him. Although I have never seen any of them. I have heard purring, and felt a furry ? brushing up against me. There have been other signs around the house that they have been here.
The strangest incident, was on 12/19/98. Mickey Roo was PTS on 12/9/98. I was leaving for work at 0530. I opened my car door and on the driver's seat was a soft heart ornament. It had been hanging on the Christmas tree in the living room on the other side of the house. There is no way the cats that were alive could have put it in my car. The house had a security system, they would have to had climbed on the back of at least three cats to put in the code to turn off the system and then unlock 2 doors to get into the garage, then open the car door. I asked Barry when I got home if he did this, and he never even saw the ornament on the tree!!! And we had been out the evening before. Today this day, this incident has remained a mystery!!! I think it was Mickey Roo letting me know he was alright....

10-03-2006, 04:10 PM
I wish some of my babies would come back to visit me. :(

R.I.P. Tom, Timmy, Honey, Mikey, Puddy, Daisy, Dali, and Buzzy.

I miss all of you.

10-03-2006, 05:46 PM
Yes I regularly see cats who have been gone for years just turning a corner or going through a doorway. After reading all the other posts I feel that I'm not as crazy as I thought I was.

10-03-2006, 06:13 PM
I believe. Casey "Bubba Dude" comes to visit every once in a while. I'll feel like a cat has jumped up on my bed and brushed by my hair. When I look to see if it's one of my 4, no one is there.

10-03-2006, 06:18 PM
I have lunch with My Angels every day,as I have found places where we can share a nice meal, and remember old times.
It gives Pouncer and Mr Scrappy a chance to meet newer Cat Angels like Tubby 2.
I was in a bus stop, and on the front in small letters was written
I LOVE SAM, in a heart.
Me too, I thought.

10-03-2006, 06:44 PM
Of all the cats we've had only Henry has come back. I told his story back in 2005. Here's a link -The Spirit of Henry (

He still comes around - was here just the other day. I know he's just letting me know he and the others are doing fine.

10-03-2006, 07:35 PM
Until I got Tyson, Merlin used to visit .I had all his toys packed up in a bag on a shelf upstairs ,I would find then down stairs in front of the TV (where he would play with them)

10-04-2006, 12:10 AM
I miss my Tier. No, he never visits me. I wish he did, though. :(

10-07-2006, 12:10 PM
I don't think that either my husband or I have seen Leo since his passing, but we think he had a hand in urging us to adopt a couple more, including Mikey the orangie. We also think that Bailey, Leila & Claudia have felt his presence, and we think that Leila has been "chased" by Leo since his passing, kind of his way at getting back at her for chasing him all those times. :) We like that idea.

10-07-2006, 12:56 PM
I know Goldie sent me Mitzi AND Mishi. Every once in a while I can feel her spirit.

10-07-2006, 06:29 PM
My precious Tinker Toy was hand raised... found when she was only one hour old. She never saw another cat until she was almost two years old, so she really thought I was her mom. She was my first cat and until her passing, my only pet.


We had nine and a half years together when a fungus got into her lungs and I had to put her down. Didn't think I was going to make it through that..

At first, I saw her everywhere. Well, more like I felt her. Whisker Kisses! I still get those, but I truly think she stayed around until I could once again handle life without her.

She's the one who put up the sign in my back yard. The one that only cats can see.... "Sucker Lives Here". Since her passing, five years ago, many sick, hurt, injured and/or starving kitties have found my door. I do what I can for them and I now have four strong, healthy boys.

She's there. All I have to do is lay quietly in a silent room and think about her. I always get her whisker kisses and if I really need her, I'll feel her.

10-07-2006, 07:14 PM
Open your hearts and call your Angels.
They will come, it works for me all the time.
The love that we have with our Pets will never truly die.

10-08-2006, 01:05 AM
I've never had a pet actually die. The only other pet that I had was given away before she could get attached to me (she was a dog named Toby) by my mother (damn her) because she didnt' feel like ahving a pet at the time.

But there was this one occasion in the house I lived in in Independence (before we moved) well, several occasions, really.
The house had been built over an old orchard, which a lot of shit had gone on there over the years there was no house there, I suspect. Like a grousome murder of a cat.

This cat was pure white, but the reason why I suspected murder is because it had a black line (not really fur coloring, but something else) that ran from the left ear down under the jaw to the right side of the jaw, just an odd black line. I got the creepy feeling that someone either strangled her with a wire or slit her throat or something. I never really found out. But I saw her several times, just out of the corner of my eye, several times out in the backyard, once actually chasing Fritti (that was pretty funny, since I didnt' actually *SEE* her at the time, but I knew it was her) and several times when Fritti was growling or staring or hissing into thin air. Once actually laying on my pillow staring at me, and also more of an experience of her walking through my room and knocking things over on my dressers (My door was keeping Fritti out at the time, and yes, I WAS awake)

If you want any details you can ask, it was pretty interesting, but I gotta get off for the night.

10-08-2006, 02:01 AM
I know I have been visited by my recently departed furry babies. It seems they need to say goodbye in their own way and to be sure I'm doing OK. One old guy liked to push things around on the bathroom counter for fun and a day after he died several bottles were moved several inches away from where they were the night before. He left a sign so I'd know he came to see me.

10-08-2006, 08:51 PM
I see Pete every where!!! It really is only my imagination and I want him to come back to me so bad. I miss him so so much. :( :( :( I wish he would come back if only long enough to let me know that he, Scooter, and Lucky are happy.

10-09-2006, 09:43 AM
The only RB kitty that has visited is Sable and he did so in the form of a crow.

I caught Nike (now a RB kitty) sitting outside next to a very large crow. It was a very amazing sight to see and I felt at peace and just knew it was Sable letting Nike know that everything was okay.

10-31-2006, 08:15 PM
Open your hearts and call your Angels.
They will come, it works for me all the time.

I will try to do this, and I hope they will present themselves. For several days after Muskrat went to RB, I would sit on our chair and talk as I did to her. It was like she was there, but visible only to my mind's eye. I would love to sense what many in this thread have described; it would be so remarkable, and so comforting.

10-31-2006, 08:31 PM
Its nice to have Lunch out and suddenly a piece of meat or cheese will vanish.
Or a French Fry,which is the favorite of Spunky Campbell and Tiger Cat.
It lets me know they are with me.
Especially when we dine at Nuggets Mandarin Buffet, I can see beef and shrimp mysteriously being eaten.
They sure love serving trays full of food.

Laura's Babies
10-31-2006, 09:13 PM
None of mine come to visit. I have very few "visitors" of that kind much to my dismay.

11-01-2006, 03:27 PM
When we went to pick him up at the cat-hotel where he was staying during our trip, they told us he passed away, exactly on the day we saw him in France... :(
I've never told this to anyone, as most people would just make fun of me; but I know what I saw: my dear SYDNEY http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20713%20zwarte_kattenkop.gif
Hi Lut, You have to know that nobody here on PT would make fun of you! You know what you saw and I, for one, believe what you saw. Perhaps your sweet Sydney just wanted to see you that one last time.

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-01-2006, 03:32 PM
Hi Lut, You have to know that nobody here on PT would make fun of you! You know what you saw and I, for one, believe what you saw. Perhaps your sweet Sydney just wanted to see you that one last time.

Thank you so much, it means very much to me!!
He he, I know that nobody here on PT would make fun of me because of this :) . I meant all "non-pettalkers" in this world, like family and other friends.... . This is exactly why I love Pet Talk so much :)

11-01-2006, 06:50 PM
Sydney wanted to say goodbye.
Hes now in Mexico with the Rainbow Bridge Companions, and he knows he will see you again in a nicer place.
One Fine Day.

11-01-2006, 09:55 PM
Seven Years ago I lost my pekingese Baby to cancer. And for months after I could hear his the tags on his collar rattling like they did when he walked. And I didn't have any other pets in the home at the time in fact it was just me. So I think he came to just check on me. He was such a sweetie, a rescue from the streets he was the best dog I ever Had. I still miss him.

11-02-2006, 12:19 PM
Everyone's stories have been interesting. It makes me sad, but happy hearing about them. I had a cat, Yogi, until last year. She was with me for 17 wonderful years, and she was such a good cat. It still makes sad to think about her being gone.

I don't have many digital photographs of Yogi, but here is one, taken when she was 16:

I do have a story to add, too. Yogi died last year on October 20th. I am in a children's literature class on Fridays, and it just happen to fall on the 20th of October. We were looking at children's books and one of them was about a boy's cat dying and how sad he was. I found myself almost crying in class after reading it, and then I realized it was a year to the day that Yogi died. I feel like it was a sign...I still miss her so much.

11-02-2006, 05:42 PM
We Had A Great Roast Beef Sandwhich With Chips And Water, And I Know That The Angels Loved That Beef And The Au Jus Dipping Sauce.
If You Believe
They Will Come.

11-03-2006, 11:04 AM
Well, "regularly" feels like an overstatement, but several times I've heard purring in my RB's Sassafras Root's style. And I've felt a cat leap upon the bed when Cassy and Livvy have already been curled up asleep there already.

11-03-2006, 11:34 AM
My RB Velvet used to come visit me a lot right after he passed. He was a huge cat. Bigger than my Sammy except Velvet was a cuddler. He would sleep on my legs. So after he would get comfortable, there was no moving with a 26 lb cat on you.

Well, after he died, I would still feel his weight on my legs. I would see the chair that he normally sat in dip as if his fat butt was just sitting down.

Payton still comes around quite often. I'll sometimes see a little balled up piece of paper fly across the floor like when he used to play cat hockey. Sometimes I still wad up paper for him in case he decides to come play with us. Every know and then we'll see the drapes move or something will miraculously fall off one of the shelves. My hubby will say, "Payton's here!"

I had a dog that used to come visit me too. Her name was Samantha. She was only 10 months old when she started having violent non-stop seizures. They couldn't be controlled so we had her PTS. While she was seizing, her tags on her collar would jingle like crazy. She was even hospitalized and put into a medication induced coma to try and get her to stop seizing. While she was there, they tried to get her to eat but she couldn't control her head so the food got everywhere. They gave her a bath and put some perfume on her because she poo pood everywhere too. That perfume was strong.

Well after she was PTS, we still heard the jingling of her collar, and would get whiffs (sp?) of that perfume.