View Full Version : Need help writing this cover letter!

10-02-2006, 11:23 AM
Hi all,
I'm writing a cover letter to give to people who might be interested in my design services. I have NO IDEA what to say in this. It all seems so trite and form letterish. Of course it IS a form letter of sorts --- just letting people know who I am and what I can do for their company.

I've never done anything like this before; all my design has been through word of mouth but I need to get more proactive about selling myself and my talents. So I am composing this letter to give to people who might be able to use me as a freelance designer.

Rather than tell you the pathetic dribble I've already written I thought I might ask you folks what should be said and more importantly, HOW it should be said! I thought the letter should include: who I am, how long I've been in the business/my qualifications, what I can do, and why freelance design is a smart move. Was I right? Did I include too much? Did I miss anything important?


10-02-2006, 11:37 AM
You have the right idea. I would NOT use a cover letter per-say. Those I feel should be used when you are applying for a job and sending in a resume.

I would do a flyer presentation with all the information on sheet in bullet style, and type up a business job resume with all your achievements etc. included. Most resumes have a "goal section" that you can elaborate what you could do for a potential client. Keeping it simple and easy to read is the key.

You mentioned going to a business gathering soon, I would hand out detailed resumes to those who showed a strong interest. Hand out the "flyer presention" to everyone attending that you meet, along with a business card.

10-02-2006, 12:31 PM
Do you have a portfolio? Put together some of your best design work to have handy to show around at the business gathering. Also, get previous customer testimonials and anyone you can use as a permanent reference - that way a potential customer can see your work, and chat with (or read a testimonial) by your previous clients.

If you were looking to go the cover letter route, make sure you tailor them to fit the business you are applying for -- explain how your skills can fit into their business. Heres some links for writing a cover letter http://resume.monster.ca/section1976.asp

I totally agree with the Business Card that CraftyLady mentioned -- this can be another way to show off your design abilities while providing all your contact information :) And the Flyer idea is a good idea as well -- maybe a Trifold handout that you could give to outline your abilities and skills in design? That could also include your contact information, customer testimonials, etc. as well as some images of your work