View Full Version : Vent about careless neighbors

10-01-2006, 05:05 PM
Ugh, this has been bothering me for a long time. Like 80% of our neighborhood doesn't properly take care of their dogs. Most of them allow their dogs to just run freely around the block. We have almost run over them and have gotten chased by them while walking our dogs. We have to carry a flashlight now in case they come after us again. Our neighbor has had 2 dogs stolen, 1 ran away and 1 that got run over. Other dogs and cats in our neighborhood have also been run over. It's so sad and it makes me really angry :mad: Then there's those people that have their dogs in the backyard and you never see them walked. There are at least 3 houses that I know have dogs because I can hear them barking in the backyard, but I have yet to see them. It just so annoying when you can do nothing about it. It's sad and makes you angry at the same time. :mad: :(

10-01-2006, 08:01 PM
I know the feeling. :( We have a lot of people around here that let their dogs roam also. Luckily its not a super busy area so I haven't heard of any of the dogs (within a few blocks at least) getting hit by cars. It drives me crazy, I hate having them come charging at me while I'm walking my dogs on a LEASH. I also see many dogs that are chained/left in the backyard all the time. :( There's a big malamute on a road I walk the dogs on quite often and I used to walk on that road to high school. It lives on a chain, in the dirt, I think there's a chewed up igloo dog house too. That's its entire life, I have NEVER seen that dog off that chain.

10-02-2006, 03:03 PM
That's sad. See I tie Benji up sometimes but he does get an hour long walk everyday. We also let him off the leash sometimes its just that he goes beserk thats why we don't let him off in the backyard ALL the time.