View Full Version : "I got to go to a big park with lots of dogs!"

09-30-2006, 06:12 PM
hi, Electra here, today it was so hot outside my mommy and grandma hopped me and 3 of my brothers and sisters into a big red thing they called a van, and then they drove us to this big place with lots of people and other dogs, they were all over the place! my brothers and sisters seemed really exited to be there, but I wasnt so sure, I mean it was packed! well mommy made me walked past all these people and other dogs and through a big metal thing that called a "gate" then once we were in mommy unleashed us! mommy has never unleashed me anywhere outside my yard before, but she did, and first thing I was bowled over by this big white and brown dog, mom called it a springer spanial, and then this strange looking creature came running beside me, it was as big as me, but it only has a little hair on its head and feet and tail! mom said that was a big Chinese Crested whatever that is. and how good I forget the giant dog that came to visit, it was as big as my mommy! she told me it was an Irish Wolfhound and that she had never seen one outside of pictures before.

well we got a bit farther away frm the group then I started to figer it out, mom was letting me run...run free in a HUGE feild and a bunch of other dogs and people who had food! mom and grandma kept walking all around and we came to a a creek! it ran through the WHOLE park, I wasnt sure what to do about it, but Misty kept jumping in and out in and out, so I decided to check it out, I jumped in and and it was sooo cool! I splashed around with my paws for a while that was fun! but mom and grandma kept going and mommy was calling me, so off we went continuing on and thats when I met a nuther smal orage dog like me, but I think mom called it a cocker spanial? anyway we had so much fun together! but I think my mom was gong a little nutsy cause I took off with the dog all the way to the other end of the park, I came back though..ya know when I got close enough to her to hear her calling me hehe

later a black poodle called Ebony kept trying to play with me, she was such fun, but her mom was a total wet blanket and kept calling her away, I mean sheesh we were just playing! and then we reached the gate we came in for like the 4th time only this time grandma made us all sit for treats and they put leashes on us and took us home. I had so much fun! I really hope mom and grandma take me there more often!

Yours Truly

09-30-2006, 06:26 PM
That Was Cute

Ginger's Mom
09-30-2006, 06:58 PM
Oh Electra, that sounds like a wonderful day. I think you are going to like your new home. You will probably get to go lots of fun places, and meet lots of dogs to play with. Next time, make sure Mom takes a camera so we can see lots of pictures of your adventures as you grow. ;)

09-30-2006, 07:03 PM
Sounds like you had a very fun day, Electra! Hopefully you'll get to go again soon, and make even more friends. Tell your mom she really needs to get a new camera sometime soon so we can see pics of you and your brothers and sisters :).

09-30-2006, 09:22 PM
Woot! Electra, you had such an awesome day! I'm so happy for you that you got to meet some new friends too! :D

09-30-2006, 09:25 PM
know what I really enjoyed? not one person there called her a golden retriever, I normaly prefer more white on toller faces but on Electra I dont mind because her head says "toller" even without the white, and not only did people NOT call her a golden, but they looked at her and said "is she a Toller?" I was so happy! lol