View Full Version : Do your pets interfere with housework?

09-29-2006, 09:28 PM
Mine do! It's a pain in the neck...I try to keep my house tidy, but sometimes it seems like the dogs try to stop me!

For example, when I am sweeping, Marta has learned not to "herd" the broom but she still guards the piles of dirt. :rolleyes: Vallis does whatever she does, so he stands there in my way, and of course Adele has to be involved...so you get the picture. Three dogs, in my way!

But vacuuming is the absolute worst! To realistically keep on top of all the fur, I need to vacuum every other day, but it's more like once a week or even less, just because of the racket they make. I have to gate them in the kitchen and they sound like 25 dogs barking when I turn it on.

I love having pets, but sheesh they do make cleaning hard sometimes! :D

09-29-2006, 09:48 PM
Same here.

When ever my Grand Dogs are staying over, (especially the German Sheperd Dogs) I have to show them the Sweeper before turning it on. :cool:

The oldest one, Hexay, used to attack the "Head-Light", but now, she gets up and wanders down the hallway to one of the bedrooms.

They just hate the noise!!!!!

My rainbow dogs, Foxy and Katie, would never allow me to make the bed up. I had to shut the door and listen to their whining .

One of my other Grand-dogs, a Chihuahua, loves to investigate what ever I sweep into a pile!!! :rolleyes:

09-29-2006, 10:14 PM
Collies have a very big tendancy to be exactly where you are in the house at all times. Cleaning is the worst time of the day if it is raining out. Otherwise its "OUTSIDE" or nothing gets done. They chase the broom, they bark up a storm and chase the rainbow sweeper, they are under my feet when doing dishes thinking they are going to get something to eat, they are licking my face when I'm on my knees cleaning the tub, my GOSH they are everywhere. But.... what would I do with out them? I guess it is free entertainment. lol

09-29-2006, 10:38 PM
In a word, Yes.

What can one not-even-4-pound bunny do?

Try to eat the broom (it's made up of bunny food a.k.a. straw) as I sweep, decide the disgusting bits of dusty hay in the pile of sweepings are the tastiest thing ever and pull apart the pile to get them, get mad at me when her paws get damp when I mop, decide she needs to iinspect the hutch halfway through my cleaning it ...

09-29-2006, 11:13 PM
Sort of... Mickey never moves out of the way. If you go over to him, threatening to run him down with the vaccum, he just looks at you as if to say, "I'm not moving."

As soon as I even REACH for the broom or any object like that, Molly's GONE and off hiding. I guess someone used to beat her with them. :(

09-29-2006, 11:16 PM
Nope because I put them outside so they won't get underfoot. If they are inside they FRAEK OUT at the vaccuum and Jamie will try to attack it...

09-29-2006, 11:31 PM
Nope! It's all carpet down in the basement (where I live) so I don't sweep. Kaedyn's not too fond of the loud vacuum and Kai's just plain terrified of it. It makes cleaning so much easier albeit I only vacuum because of their hair. :p

09-29-2006, 11:41 PM
No, I just skip the housework :o

HaHa, just kidding! I do have to sweep up at least once daily out in my studio where they come in, and they just watch me and shed some more.

09-30-2006, 12:39 AM
Everybody runs for cover when the vacuum comes out. :confused: Maybe it is just the noise?

Spanky likes to hold onto the mop while I am swishing it across the floor and you get the picture. :p

I have to keep an eye on the litter box when I am completely changing it over. Soni likes to use it as soon as I have my back turned (last time, there was no litter in the box!) when it is freshly cleaned out. Even if it has only been about four days since the last complete change out!

09-30-2006, 12:47 AM
Tango's very helpful when it comes to some types of cleaning, such as laundry as she can pick things up and put it in the washer for me, and she takes things out of the dry and hands them to me. It's one of her favourite activities! As far as dusting and vacuuming and such goes, they're not any help at all. Morgan chases the vacuum aswell as the broom. She seems to think she's saving me from them. Tango lays in the middle of the floor, wagging her tail and staring at me when I vacuum but when I tell her to move, she does so it's not a big deal. If I'm cleaning up a stain on the floor or something, Morgan 'attacks' the cloth that I'm using to clean it up (she pounces on it). If I'm dusting, again, Morgan wants to play with the cloth. Besides that though, they don't really get in the way.

09-30-2006, 07:22 AM
I got a good laugh out of this thread! :p Well, Sassy can care less about the vacuum but if it was the rumba she would be attacking it. We had my moms friend bring it over a couple of months ago to see if Sassy was ok with it before we purchased it but she just attacked it. If you pass Star with the duster she flaps up a storm and that is AFTER my mom vacuumed. When your cleaning Stars cage she likes to play "bite the hand". :p It's cute but bad at the same time.

09-30-2006, 07:32 AM
As soon as I even REACH for the broom or any object like that, Molly's GONE and off hiding. I guess someone used to beat her with them. :(

That's Sierra! She runs and HIDES when the broom or the vacuum comes out.
It never fails that when I'm sweeping the piles of dog hair up in the kitchen, that Buddy walks right through the pile I've just swept up.

Ginger's Mom
09-30-2006, 07:55 AM
Ginger has gotten better as she has gotten older, but she still likes to walk through the little piles of dirt/dog hair that I sweep up. BUT, do you want to see her get really excited? Clean the toilet (sorry if that was TMI). She gets all excited and keeps trying to get her little nose right in the middle of it. :rolleyes:

09-30-2006, 10:00 AM
Absolutely - Eve is the best little helper :D She follows me around to ensure I'm doing a good job - Quality Control :D Occasionally she finds herself in awkward spots like in the middle of the kitchen sink when I'm cleaning it or gets a paw stuck in the soil when I'm watering plants. Even the vacumn cleaner doesn't faze her - she just growls at it :D

Her best trick yet is helping with the laundry - she has recently taken to picking socks out of my husbands laundry basket and carrying them downstairs to the laundry room - a strong hint that mommy needs to get busy cuz daddy's socks are getting a little ripe :D

It's hard to find good help these days - I'm lucky to have her :)

09-30-2006, 10:00 AM
Sadie and Maggie pretty much stay away, especially if I come near them with the vaccuum. Grant on the other hand tries to chase the vaccuum and grab the attachments off of it. He has to stay outside when I mop the kitchen floor because he keeps walking on it. I just tell the girls to get back and they do.

09-30-2006, 10:49 AM
My only house work is my pets lol. :p

So its sweeping,grooming,washing,rinsing,filling ect ect ect! :D

They dont bother me when I have to do other things.

10-03-2006, 11:45 AM
I just saw this when I was looking for another thread, and I had to answer! :p My Mack has brought a new meaning to trying to do housework. He is a 6 month old English Bulldog and I literally have to put him outside in order to sweep the kitchen floor or mop it! He goes beserk over the darned broom or mop!!! And when it comes time to spray air freshener, again, he goes beserk! When it is time to fill water bowls outside, or water plants, or sweep the deck, off he goes again, and then I have to put him inside! His goal in life is to "kill" the garden hose. LOL!!!!

10-03-2006, 12:09 PM
My cats and bunnies are NOT afraid of the vacuum cleaner at all. Amazing. I sometimes have to yell "move" to the cats. They are very good at destroying any bed making progress each day...and when it is time to change the sheets...well, its horrible. They often hang down over the cabinets while I wash dishes and/or make food. They must think that I will give them something to eat and they want to be available. Dusting is fun too, but fortunately I do not like to dust that often.......to my mother's horror.

I did have cats that were terrified of the vacuum cleaner. My mother suggested that if I used it more often, they would not have the problem! :eek: Not true.

Dogs are a bit more of a pain in the neck when it comes to cleaning, I do believe.

SAS ;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-03-2006, 12:15 PM
Snoopy thinks that the floor-cloth is just another toy! She hides behing furniture and attacks the cloth all the time. Silly Snoops!! :p

10-03-2006, 12:32 PM
Neither the cats nor the dogs interfere with my housework, darn it.
It's a great excuse though. :D

10-03-2006, 06:05 PM
I wish they would!!! :p

10-03-2006, 06:43 PM
I don't know if this counts, but I have toy boxes for the dogs toys (about 4 of them :rolleyes: ) and I put all the toys away when I clean up...however, everytime I do this, Josie thinks it means she has to come right behind me and pull all the toys out again :o :p

10-03-2006, 08:39 PM
Mine are usually pretty good. They usually stay away when the vacuum is going or when I'm sweeping. Jake loves to grab and run off with my Swiffer Duster, he'll grab it right out of my hand.

I don't know if this counts, but I have toy boxes for the dogs toys (about 4 of them :rolleyes: ) and I put all the toys away when I clean up...however, everytime I do this, Josie thinks it means she has to come right behind me and pull all the toys out again :o :p
mine do the same thing.