View Full Version : Show how you feel about Wal-mart?

09-29-2006, 07:26 PM
I need help. :o In my photography class we have an assignment to take a roll of film with all sorts of different subjects/types of shots etc. One of them is to "Show how you feel about Wal-mart." I can't think of any way to show that in a photograph, any ideas? :confused:

I don't even know how I "feel" about wal-mart, to me it's just a store...I do shop there sometimes and I have a couple of friends who work there...I don't love it or hate it.

09-29-2006, 07:37 PM
I love going to Wal-Mart! They have everything there! It is one of my favorite supermarkets/stores. They have comfortable clothes that are cheap at the same time. They have a place for everyone too. Like when we go as a family, I go to the pet section, brothers go the electronics section, step-dad goes to the hunting etc. section and my mom goes to clothes. It is a store that can please about everyone's needs.

Now the thing I don't like, they don't take care of their fish! :mad: We have complained before, but they haven't done anything. Their regular tanks have too many fish in one tank, there are dead fish floating around and they were just nasty. And don't get me started on those poor little bettas. Their cups have hardly any water. It was terrible!

All around 6/10 stars.

09-29-2006, 07:39 PM
Thats one weird assignment lol.

Maybe you can take a picture of one of your friends that works there smiling at the camera with that little smiley face guy..lol I dunno.. :p

Maybe giving him a Hi five lol.

Or.....take a photo of people walking into the store but make sure you can see the sign....

Good luck.

(No not all is good about wal-mart...maybe show the hating side..the dead fish and small betta bowls take a pic of that).

09-29-2006, 07:43 PM
Pretend you hate it and put some of their stuff on the ground with Walmart tags and make it look trashy! lol

09-29-2006, 08:33 PM
Pretend you hate it and put some of their stuff on the ground with Walmart tags and make it look trashy! lol

:confused: Is that suppouse to be a joke... because that'd would be disrespectful to that store. ;)


I have no idea.. maybe do what someone above said take a picture of people walking in happy.

09-29-2006, 08:34 PM
Well, however you feel about Walmart personally, they do pay rather low wages and they have a tendency to replace other businesses in the area...

I went to college in Cedar Falls, IA, where they moved the regular Walmart and built a Super-Walmart (despite local residents objecting). The building where the old Walmart stood has been vacant for several years, it's a big eye sore but Walmart really couldn't care less because they have plenty of customers at the new one... just trying to give you an idea. If it were my project, I would photograph the old building and the new one and highlight the fact that Walmart leaves a trail of devastation behind them...haha, ok, dramatic, I know. :D

09-29-2006, 08:37 PM
:confused: Is that suppouse to be a joke... because that'd would be disrespectful to that store. ;)


I have no idea.. maybe do what someone above said take a picture of people walking in happy.

I meant do it at home. Some people don't like Walmart, and for a photographer, that's one of the ways possible that they could express their dislike for it.

Personally, I like Walmart, though.. I'm not sure how I would express that through a photo either, though! Good luck!

Daisy and Delilah
09-29-2006, 08:40 PM
Maybe you could take pictures of someone driving around the parking lot, looking for a parking space :rolleyes: Is it ever easy to find a place that's not 2 miles from the door? Also...maybe a picture of their 50 checkout lanes, with 5 of them actually open :rolleyes: I can't live without Wal-Mart for the low prices but the store sometimes irritates me. :p No matter how irritating, however, they can always count me in as a customer :)
Good luck with your assignment Amy. That's a pretty clever instructor you have to come up with something like that.

09-29-2006, 09:15 PM
I'll never shop at Wal-Mart if I can help it. Lower prices by a few dollars isn't worth it for the way they get it.

09-29-2006, 09:37 PM
Love WalMart! Want me to take a pic of the pretty yarn I bought there last night? I made the mistake of going in the craft section. Also found a Christmas rubber stamp and some doggie things for scrapbooking.

09-29-2006, 09:41 PM
If you think of it as "just a store" then your photo should reflect those feelings. :)

09-29-2006, 09:43 PM
If you cannot decide how you feel about Wal*Mart - then that's perfect! Show the good - people looking happy with a cart full of stuff, children playing with toys in that department, someone looking happily at a Sale rack, happy elder working as a greeter ... and then the not-so-good side. That could be tired-looking cashiers, long lines, "help wanted" signs, trash in parking lot, or messy shelves in store, unhappy-looking people shopping, etc.

Suki Wingy
09-29-2006, 09:46 PM
If you don't like the way they treat fish you can take a picture of the box or plastic baggies that says "For Dead fish" on it that they usually have laying around in the fish section. Will they even allow you to take pictures in the store?

09-29-2006, 10:01 PM
after I went there tonight.... I hate wal-mart. :rolleyes:

09-29-2006, 10:02 PM
Too bad you can't find a happy face and a sad face together (kinda like the theater masks)... that would show "mixed" pretty well, wouldn't it?

You could do a photo of Wal-Mart's website... (the only way I *like* to shop it lol).

Or you could totally rebel and photograph Target! Oh! Do the Smiley face with the Target sign on him... wait... are you allowed to manipulate the image? lol

I don't really know what would show indifference. Hmm... *thinks*

09-29-2006, 10:07 PM
For some reason the line "It's just a store" made me think of a generic line of buildings all with various names on them, but all looking the same. Like a row of warehouse buildings with one of them having a wal-mart name on it, but not standing out. It's hard to explain...I almost picture a bland strip mall with one building having wal-mart on it...just another store in a line of many.

Also, be careful taking pictures in the store, some managers will freak out and most large companies have a corporate policy against taking pictures inside. Then again, I don't think anyone would notice a quick picture with a small camera.

09-29-2006, 10:10 PM
As long as it's public property like that, I don't know why someone wouldn't be allowed to take pics. Doesn't matter if the manager likes it or not.

09-29-2006, 10:18 PM
If it's just a store how about a collage of major store fronts .

09-29-2006, 10:25 PM
Outside pictures are fine. Pictures taken inside the store are typically not allowed by companies.

09-29-2006, 10:32 PM
I don't why people say walmart pays too low.

I used to work at walmart and I made MORE than minimum wage. i worked in fast food restaurants and BUSTED my hump everyday for less than I made to stand around at walmart and stock some shelves.

Walmart does not pay that low and they have everything you need in one place at a reasonable price.

i love Walmart except for how busy it is all the time :D

Perhaps you could use pictures depicting a few shoppers. That will show that you feel it is just a shopping center.

09-29-2006, 10:33 PM
Outside pictures are fine. Pictures taken inside the store are typically not allowed by companies.

But Wal*Marts are often too big and busy to notice anyone, so she should be okay.

09-29-2006, 10:43 PM
As long as it's public property like that, I don't know why someone wouldn't be allowed to take pics. Doesn't matter if the manager likes it or not.sometimes it's hard to remember that Walmart is not public property, it's a private business property (at least as far as I know). They're so big, it seems like they should be publicly owned! I suppose they wouldn't mind outdoor pics.
I have mixed feelings about Walmart too. On one hand, I like the low prices and all the stuff, on the other hand, I don't like seeing small businesses driven out of business by megastores like Walmart. If this was my project, I would go in and discreetly take photos of some of the weird/interesting/cheesy stuff they have.

09-29-2006, 10:44 PM
Speaking of cheesy stuff, I've got a video I need to put up over the weekend. Actually, it's a cute Halloween thing.

09-29-2006, 10:54 PM
Thanks for the ideas everyone. To answer some questions, it is just one photo. It can't be a collage, can't be manipulated, etc. It's a photo taken with an old SLR and will be developed by yours truly. It's doubtful I will print this one (just have to do 8x10 prints of two out of all of them) but it has to be on my contact sheet.

I do believe you are not supposed to take photos inside of the store (I know the managers have got after some people in Petco) but it is very busy maybe nobody would notice.......well except for the fact that its a frickin gigantic camera :eek: (compared to a normal sized digital at least) and it takes me a while to get the light meter right, focus, etc....:o We're supposed to use a gray card for all pics too so I can just picture myself holding the gray card up to random objects with my huge camera trying to not be noticed lol.

09-30-2006, 12:44 AM
I'll never shop at Wal-Mart if I can help it. Lower prices by a few dollars isn't worth it for the way they get it.

Same for myself and my husband. Besides... I can find stuff cheaper at our local stores, in any case!

They are building their fifth super wal mart here. Oh joy. :rolleyes:

09-30-2006, 12:49 AM
I don't why people say walmart pays too low.

I used to work at walmart and I made MORE than minimum wage. i worked in fast food restaurants and BUSTED my hump everyday for less than I made to stand around at walmart and stock some shelves.

Walmart does not pay that low and they have everything you need in one place at a reasonable price.

i love Walmart except for how busy it is all the time :D

Perhaps you could use pictures depicting a few shoppers. That will show that you feel it is just a shopping center.

The Wal Marts here aren't that much higher than minimum wage with their pay. I guess some of it may have to do with experience, too.

In any case, if I was single and working all by myself, there is no way I'd be able to live on what Wal Mart pays.

09-30-2006, 12:53 AM
I love shopping at Walmart! It has a little bit of everything I need. It is true about the checkouts though, they don't have enough of them open to suit me.

Willie :)

09-30-2006, 12:25 PM
The Wal Marts here aren't that much higher than minimum wage with their pay. I guess some of it may have to do with experience, too.

In any case, if I was single and working all by myself, there is no way I'd be able to live on what Wal Mart pays.

so why just boycott walmart?

You should boycott any fast food places, in fact most restaurants pay less than minimum wage + tips. I know any pet store I have worked at also started out at minimum wage.

It's not just walmart that pays low, it's everywhere. Lots of people are single and live on their minimum wage.

I was a collection agent and I only made 7.50 to start (I think our minimum wage is 7.15 but I am not sure it might actually be 7.50 now) and then went up to 8 dollars an hour. I brought in thousands of dollars a month but I didn't even make $1000 a month.

LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of places pay crap wages and LOTS and LOTS of big stores put little local stores out of business. LOL I will never understand why it's just walmart people boycott.

Did you come up with an idea for a photo yet?

09-30-2006, 12:58 PM
Walmart is about our only choice here. When it came in, lots of our local shops closed. To be fair, part of that was the fault of the owners of the buildings down town. They charged horribly high rent so the business owners couldn't affort to pay it with Walmart sucking off some of their business. Why the building owner would rather have their buildings sit there empty rather than lower the rent and make it affordable, is a mystery to me. We look like a ghost town of the old west now!!! Well, down town does anyway!!!

I too, do not like Walmart's treatment of fish, specially the Betas. I have complained about every time I go in there to no avail. They tell me the fish like being cramped up in a little bit of water like that. I suggested they try it and see how they liked it and got accused of having a "bad attitude".
Yep, old "bad attitude" that's me!!! :p

Edwina's Secretary
09-30-2006, 01:13 PM
Perhaps you could take a photo of shuttered US factories as the manufacturing of goods moves to China....so Walmart can offer such low prices....or a line of attorneys ...defending Walmart against the many employment lawsuits...or Walmart employees getting government medical coverage instead of company medical ... all so they can offer low prices....

but of course...if you are indifferent....does Walmart ever close? IF so, you could take a photo of the building with no cars or people around.....

p.s. most stores and malls have no photo policies....to protect themselves against people planning buglaries...I would get permission before photographing inside.

09-30-2006, 01:23 PM
It's an interesting question, and since i haven't read everyone's replies here, i may have missed some ideas, but i wanted my response to be my first thoughts. (I will definately read all the posts, after this banter.)
Personally, I'd get the focus from the employees point of view. The day to day operations of the little guy, would make for better grass roots ideas and opinions. I like wal mart less and less. i don't know why. i shouldn't be so harsh to some [thing] that's never hurt me. But i know that sometimes, it's a struggle to use a small time vendor, if it's more expensive. But you have to know, you're not being ripped off. You're only covering costs and hospitality.
Not being ripped off. So many tmes, we let our pocketbook's bottom line support our decision, rather than our brain. It's not like it used to be. Savings now, effects country and labor work force in the future. What's sad, is the decisions to save are based on unfair tax gouges that make our yearly income so much less than it should be in a reasonable administration. *hops off soapbox*

09-30-2006, 01:41 PM


And Wikipedia has quite a long, thorough listing:




And many of us here are insisting that NO Wal-Mart is going to suck the life out of our community! I have written council already, and the paper is next.

Stores here are already cutting their hours due to not enough staff - it's a problem all over Calgary and area! What the hell do we need a big box like WM for????

Okay, I'll go breathe now.... :rolleyes:

09-30-2006, 02:31 PM
This is me - just being silly.

Mix up the Walmart letters and then take a picture.


and on and on.......................

Cinder & Smoke
09-30-2006, 03:58 PM
... maybe nobody would notice ...

well, except for the fact that its a frickin gigantic camera :eek:
(compared to a normal sized digital at least) and
it takes me a while to get the light meter right, focus, etc....:o

We're supposed to use a gray card for all pics too so I can just picture myself
holding the gray card up to random objects with my huge camera trying to not be noticed lol.


And then again - ever notice all those dark half-domes all OVER Wally's ceilings?

You won't be the "only one" inside with a camera ... Wally and the Security Gang will
be *spotting* YOU (and your camera) before you can take the first shot! :eek:

I strongly suggest you ask to talk to the Senior Manager on duty. Explain what you need
to do for the assignment and "ASK" for his blessing to take a couple non-inflammatory shots.

You should probably have a shot in mind when you talk to him/her - heck - ask him/her
to accompany you ... with a nice presentation, some rules are breakable.

Good Luck!

09-30-2006, 04:15 PM
I didn't read anyone else's responses yet, I wanted to give you my opinion before reading other's opinions.
I personally HATE Walmart with a passion. Justin and I avoid it as much as possible. We usually end up there a few times a year though. :roll eyes:

The main reasons I loathe Walmart are-
-It's always way too crowded.
-They have 30 or so check out lines, but never open more than 5 of them.
-Every one I've been in has been laid out differently, yet always hodgepodgey.
-The employees always seem bothered if you ask for their help.

09-30-2006, 04:26 PM
I've now read/skimmed through a few of the posts. Some people have given you ideas of what to photograph inside or outside of Walmart, but the assignment is "Show how you feel about Wal-mart", right? So if you hate Walmart then you could take a picture of something everyone hates (ie: stepping in dog poop), or if you love Walmart you could take a picture of something wonderful (ie: a rainbow).

09-30-2006, 04:39 PM
I just love Wal Mart and the great buys I find there. I enjoy shopping there, as long as it's not on the weekends or around the holidays.

09-30-2006, 04:39 PM
KBlaix, That is a great idea. i was thinking the picture had to have something to do with the store but then again I don't recall seeing anything that would lead me to believe that, I just assumed :D

This is a wonderful suggestion.

finn's mom
10-01-2006, 09:49 AM
If I were to photograph myself depicting how I felt about walmart, I'd be giving two big thumbs down or with an exaggerated frown upon my face. Or maybe I'd take a photo of myself with several full plastic bags (you wouldn't even really have to show the walmart logo, they could be plain plastic bags), and still frowning or wearing a shirt with a big frowny face or something...kinda showing that I'm sad that I have to shop there sometimes. I dislike walmart tremendously. but, i do shop there every couple weeks because i simply can't afford some products at other places right now.

10-01-2006, 10:43 PM
http://www.apocalypse.org/pub/u/hilda/ssd/newpix/walmartban.gif (http://www.apocalypse.org/pub/u/hilda/fcwalmart.html)

There's even a T-shirt (http://www.cafepress.com/shopwalmart).

To me, a photograph of what Wal-Mart means would be a picture of somebody signing up for welfare.

Love, Columbine

10-02-2006, 11:01 AM
I hope you can show us the picture you chose when you are done?

I'm curious, what exactly is everyones problem with Walmart? I think I must be missing something because if it is about low pay well where have you been lol A LOT of places pay only minimum wage, many many many many many many many places. And it takes away from local businesses? so do all department stores and big name pharmacies, and even grocery stores. So please fill me in on what the problem is with Walmart. I am not being sarcastic... I really want to know.

10-02-2006, 12:40 PM
If you are not sure how you feel about it then that is what your photos should show, basically every aspect of it, the good the bad & the inbetween.

I can't live without Wal-Mart for the low prices but the store sometimes irritates me.
Me too! I love the prices & convenience yet I also love to help out the smaller businesses, unfortunatly my paycheck does not allow me to shop at the smamer stores. :( (granted some other things about walmart irritate me as well, but for the most part I like it if it wasn't for them taking down all the mom & pop stores)

smokey the elder
10-02-2006, 12:45 PM
A picture of a row of closed businesses downtown for a negative impression.

A shot from outside of the hustle and bustle at WalMart itself for a positive one. (These are the pics I'd take for this assignment.)

10-02-2006, 12:54 PM
haha last time I had a camera in wal mart we were asked to leave... :rolleyes: So be careful, though if you say it's a school assignment they might let you get away with it

finn's mom
10-02-2006, 01:18 PM
I didn't want to leave my camera in the truck while I was in the store the other day, and, I just went up to the front host, and, told him I had the camera. He asked me a couple of questions, asked me not to take any photos (which I had no intentions of doing), and, that was that. So, I don't think photos are allowed in the store, but, you might be able to ask permission and have an exception made. But, you can get your point across without even having to display the walmart logo or even show the building. Good luck, let us know how it turns out. I think it's a cool assignment, as it does seem to be a topic of discussion in america right now.

10-04-2006, 12:18 AM
What is up with that? No pictures allowed? Oh well.

Walmart - I don't really care for that store..

10-04-2006, 07:55 AM
In the book "How Wal-Mart is destroying America and the World (and what you can do about it)", there is a story of an elderly lady who had a little notebook. She would jot down prices of items at different stores to see where the lowest price was.

She and her husband are pensioners. They had to do this.

She was "caught" doing this in Wal Mart and told she couldn't do that. I don't recall if her notebook was confiscated or not.

Another interesting point in that book - WalMart doesn't ALWAYS have the lowest prices.

If small businesses can't compete - why is WM paranoid about the photos and price checking?