View Full Version : Tips to curb a biting baby...

09-25-2006, 07:47 PM
My friend's daughter recently adopted a 16 week old kitten who is hyper as all get out. She asked me for tips to curb his biting habit. Here's what I told her.

Get another kitten so he won't be lonely during the day when she and her partner are at work. Sorry, don't WANT to adopt another one.

Squirt kitten with a spray bottle. Already tried it. Doesn't work. It doesn't faze him in the least.

I asked her if he's fixed yet, which he obviously isn't cuz he's too young. That might tame him a little.

Give him catnip. Nope. Already do that and it has no effect on him.

I suggested the ball in the track toy to distract him. She's going to go get one. I also gave her an herbal anti-anxiety remedy to try. There's also another toy that is battery operated that has a wire with a birdy on the end that goes in circles, not to mention a kitty "jungle gym". I had one and am going to see if my friends who have Tucker still have it.


I called and suggested they blow in his face, say "NO!!" put him down and walk away whenever he bites. She's gonna try it.

I also told her to try putting pennies in a soda can and shake it everytime he bites.

Does anyone else have any ideas on how to curb kitten biting?

09-25-2006, 09:04 PM
You've pretty much covered everything I could think of!!! (great job, by the way) ;)

I hope your friends' daughter finds a suitable "distraction" be it a toy or a "sudden sound"!!! That " Biter Kitty" has to be scared of something!!!

Hopefully, things will all work out!!!!!

09-25-2006, 10:33 PM
16 weeks - four months...I thought I had seen lots of kittens here younger than that who got neutered.

Also, at that age, they seem to fight as fiercely as when they were 8 weeks old...but don't know they have gotten bigger!

I hope things work out - "active" toys sound great!

09-25-2006, 10:40 PM
Urge her to have him neutered. Our old vet said that as soon as you can see or feel his "parts" then he can be neutered. Our RB Tier was neutered at four months! :D

09-26-2006, 08:10 AM
I kinda figured I had covered everything, but just wanted to check with all the other experts here ;). I don't know of any vet around these parts who will neuter/spay before 6 months. I'll check into it.

Thanks guys!!

09-26-2006, 08:20 AM
Wish I could help, but we never had that problem. Good luck to them!

09-26-2006, 09:56 AM
I Have Heard That Making A Pained Meew Sound Will Make The Biter Realize That He Has Caused You Pain.
I Pray That That Works.