View Full Version : Fitness Fridays Health Club #13: Post Your Goal(s)!

09-25-2006, 09:15 AM
I've been reading that one motivational tool that really helps with weight loss is to set a goal & strive to reach that goal. Just make it a REALISTIC goal!

Like - lose 10 pounds by January. Or...be able to run for 10 minutes straight.

Then work on that goal - make it your life. Once you obtain your goal, you'll have something to be proud of, something you have achieved!!! For your body, your health!!!

So let's post a *realistic goal* for ourselves this week & strive to meet that goal. & please please please update when you do! Maybe it's something that you've always wanted...work on that! It might take weeks to obtain your goal . . . It might take a year. The point is, you're working toward something that will better your body!

I have a few goals....
~To do tricep dips with my own body weight (unassisted)
~To do a pullup of my own body weight (unassisted)
~To run 30 minutes straight

Good luck this week, everyone! ;)

PT Total Lost: 321 Pounds!

09-25-2006, 09:21 AM
In reply to Laura (Uabassoon)'s post from last week - about the *after workout smoothie* . . . that is a great idea! I just have one suggestion, Laura . . . After a workout, especially if you lift, you should replenish the protein in your body. You should check out some protein powders (like at GNC) and add to your smoothies! They're great in smoothies & you won't believe the difference it will make in your muscle tissue regrowth! Your muscles will recover faster & you won't be nearly as sore the next day! ;)

09-25-2006, 09:30 AM
My goals:
Get out and walk every day.
Drink plenty of water.
Loose enough that my jeans will be a little more comfortable! (bought last year when I was lighter :rolleyes: )
Loose 10-12 lbs. by the holidays so I won't feel guilty enjoying a few goodies. (That's less than a pound a week starting now) Hey, you said "be realistic", I know I'm not gonna skip those once a year pastries! I'm striving for moderation, at least not to gain anything over the holidays.

09-26-2006, 10:30 PM
Well, I am hoping that more of you have goals than this . . . anyone else?

cyber: Those are excellent realistic goals! That IS the point, to be realistic. That way, you're more likely to obtain them, instead of giving up. ;) Keep it up!

09-27-2006, 07:01 AM
To lose 6 pounds.

Don't really want to set a time frame because then if I'm half way to the time frame and not near half way in weight, I'll feel defeated. Now I have to establish how I am going to work toward that goal - what steps to take to achieve it.

Has anyone started watching The Biggest Loser? That show can be inspiring, but they work out at a level far beyond my capability.

09-27-2006, 08:15 AM
Has anyone started watching The Biggest Loser? That show can be inspiring, but they work out at a level far beyond my capability.

I LOVE the Biggest Loser, but I'm sort of on the fence, as far as whether or not to recommend it to someone that is overweight & out of shape. It could almost discourage someone. You watch these people lose 100 pounds in a SEASON - when you have to realize that they are getting top notch training - they are doing nothing but training - being watched constantly by professional nutritionalist. It is a different situation. You can't completely take to heart the results. Sure, if you had a world renound trainer & nutrition expert come into your home for 4 months & be on your back constantly, you'd lose a person too!

On the other hand, it IS good motivation . . . for me at least. I watch it & I want to be MORE active. I want to eat even better than I do. Plus, it is VERY informational. They do a lot, show a lot & share a lot that probably a lot of overweight & undernourished people are unaware of because they've never been in a gym - never thought about - never learned. They also show that it's not that hard to get up and walk or it's not that hard to eat healthy instead of eating crap. And then, people might watch the show and be inspired by someone - say, if those people want it so bad, so do I.

So that's my take on the Biggest Loser . . . good and bad. :D

09-27-2006, 06:10 PM
I like to try to keep a long term goal as well as short term goals. My long term goal is to get my body fat down to 25%. For a short term goals I would like to go to the gym a minimum of 3 times a week and make sure I drink plenty of water everyday. I'm horrible when it comes to drinking enough water!

Christa thanks for the idea, I should look into getting a protien powder especially since I'm looking into gaining muscle mass.

I also wanted to add that it is very important, especially for those who are dieting to remember to take a daily mulitviatmin. Sometimes it's hard to remember to eat everything that is good for you!

09-29-2006, 07:51 AM
Christa thanks for the idea, I should look into getting a protien powder especially since I'm looking into gaining muscle mass.

I also wanted to add that it is very important, especially for those who are dieting to remember to take a daily mulitviatmin. Sometimes it's hard to remember to eat everything that is good for you!

True about the vitamines! I never remember to take mine & my hubby is always down on me about it. But he knows best. I do try. I set them out, by the coffee pot - so I'll remember in the morning or in the evening. I am getting better about it lately. Maybe I should make THAT a goal for myself also - to take my vitamines on a regular basis! Thanks for that idea!

And about the protein powder - I would suggest a whey protein powder (that's what we use)...Whey is the highest quality and best form of protein.

Toby's my baby
09-29-2006, 07:12 PM
Congrats everyone on making it this far!!

I haven't stepped on a scale in a while, so I'm not sure how much I weigh..but that's not all that important to me anyways...I try to stay off it, it is too scary to me to obsess about my weight, I dont want to become one of those poor teenage girls.... :( ..i feel like one when I weight myself EVERY day. :p

I'm not sure what my goals are... I have reached where I want to be. I am happy about the amount of muscle I have gained, and I really don't want to gain any more because my legs are going to get HUGE if I do any more, and my arms are starting to get kind of gross looking. :p A little TOO muscular in my opinion for a teenage girl. I'm proud of myself, I just have to keep up what I am doing, so I don't loose it all! :D

09-29-2006, 11:48 PM
And about the protein powder - I would suggest a whey protein powder (that's what we use)...Whey is the highest quality and best form of protein.

I wish I would have read this before I went to the store, I ended up buying soy protein because I had no clue what was better. I tried it today it my smoothie, it was kind of chalky is whey protein less chalky? Or do I just have to learn how to get used to the taste?

09-30-2006, 12:18 AM
Well setting goals seems as good a time as any to hop into the thread. I just got a corporate rate for a gym near me that is 3/4 the price of regular monthly fees and no start-up fees, so I'm off to sign up on Monday.


Workout at the gym 3 times a week minimum.

Lose 10 lbs. a month for the next three months and then maintain weight after that.

No more fast food - none! No exuses it has to go.

10-01-2006, 12:44 PM
I wish I would have read this before I went to the store, I ended up buying soy protein because I had no clue what was better. I tried it today it my smoothie, it was kind of chalky is whey protein less chalky? Or do I just have to learn how to get used to the taste?

I'm sorry I didn't specify that before. I feel aweful! Whey mixes better than about any other powder, so it MAY be less chalky. The whey we use isn't chalky . . . we blend it, either with a hand mixer or in the blender. Maybe next time, you could try the whey and see which one you like better.

10-01-2006, 12:45 PM
No more fast food - none! No exuses it has to go.

That is an AWESOME goal! i think EVERYBODY should make that their goal!!! :D

Toby's my baby
10-06-2006, 09:50 PM
Wasn't quite sure where to post this, so I thought I would here... They are a few "after" pictures, of how things are going. :p I'm very proud of myself, I've lost about 7lbs since we started, but I've gained a LOT of muscle.

Here's the oldest "before" picture I could find, it's from the 4th of July.

And now... :D

I hope I don't lose any more weight in my stomach though...it's starting to look a little...anorexic..? :rolleyes:

10-07-2006, 11:24 AM
Wasn't quite sure where to post this, so I thought I would here... They are a few "after" pictures, of how things are going. :p I'm very proud of myself, I've lost about 7lbs since we started, but I've gained a LOT of muscle.

Here's the oldest "before" picture I could find, it's from the 4th of July.

And now... :D

I hope I don't lose any more weight in my stomach though...it's starting to look a little...anorexic..? :rolleyes:

OMG if I had your figure I would be so happy! lol I dont see a problem with the before photo!

I recently joined slimming world and I've lost 3 pound in my first week :D
I know its not the biggest amount I could lose but its gone!! lol I tried so hard to do it on my own but I really cant stick to it unless I get someone weighing me at the begining of the week! Its not really a diet its basically just eating healthy and eating ALOT of it

10-07-2006, 01:02 PM
Its not really a diet its basically just eating healthy and eating ALOT of it

Sounds about right!

It is actually best to eat 6 *small* healthy meals a day! Hard to do if you've never tried. You'll feel bloated for a week or two . . . but soon, your metabolism will kick into overdrive & you will know you're hungry in a few hours!!!

Keep it up!