View Full Version : One at a time.

09-25-2006, 08:59 AM
I thought it might be nice to compose a post of one of our cats. Just one at a time. It can be long or short. A quirky little habit. Or all about their personality.

I wanted to start with Willow. He gets very little "press" time. He is shy. Very few people other than Charlie and I ever really get to see him. And I am not sure ANYONE but ourselves and the vet has touched him. And yet, he is one of "Mama's best boys". I love him to pieces.

His one habit, and the one that originally caught my attention, is that he licks me! When I first met him (with no intention of adopting), he licked my hands as I reached in to pet him. :)

Most of his day is spent behind the couch or under a cover, but he comes out for his dinner twice a day, and his petting time as well.

This is one of my few photos of Willow:

Who will you describe next?

09-25-2006, 09:52 AM
Willow is such a sweet shy Cat, not unlike my Princess who does not like visitors.
And posting special Photos of Our Cats is a great Idea.

09-25-2006, 02:36 PM
Willow is such a handsome boy, Jen! I can see why he is so endearing to you with his personality!

I don't have time to post right now, but this is a great thread idea, and I will contribute later on! ;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-25-2006, 03:29 PM
What a great idea, Jen!! btw, Willows name is perfect for him, it is a soft calm word for me :)

I will post about my first cat Sydney here tomorrow, okay? It is rather late in the evening, and I should be getting in bed soon ;)

Edwina's Secretary
09-25-2006, 11:05 PM
Most people prefer Eddie....I love him dearly, but Edwina is my heart kitty. She can be pouty and testy....but....

This morning I had to leave the house rather early (jury duty!) She was sleeping on her satin pillow in the middle of the bed. I just cannot leave the house without making the bed. It would throw my whole day off! :rolleyes:

As always....Edwina tolerates me. She sits on her cushion like the queen she is...while I pull and tug on the spread under her...her pillow rocking to and fro with every tug.

She doesn't complain...she doesn't move (okay she gets THE LOOK.... :rolleyes: )

She lets me put hats on her head....move the ground under her pillow....and still she loves me!

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-26-2006, 01:37 AM
My first cat I had since we were married, was Sydney! A friend asked me if I was interested in a cute black male kitten. First I said "NO", because our son Jo has always been allergic to cats. But the doc said thet Jo had outgrown his problem.... SO....... we welcomed little Sydney in our home!
We took him home in a hardbord-box . It was funny when he came home : he jumped out of the box and immediately started discovering the whole place !! One of his first serious jobs was chasing away the big black neighbour cat Barouche , who was used to get her daily breakfast at our place , EVERY DAY !!! This was HIS home now : NO INTRUDERS !!!

He grew into a gorgeous black cat. Mice were his favorite toys!
http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/Sydney%20in%20iglo.jpg http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/sydneymetmuizen.jpg

Then he got really sick from Feline Hypertrophic Cardiamyopathy.

My poor boy died a few days before his second bithday :(

Sydney made sure we didn't mourn for to long, and send us to a shelter , where we found our second cat Maya!

09-26-2006, 05:52 AM

This handsome sweetheart melts my heart. And to think, I almost said NO to helping him because I already had 9 ther cats.

He does not greet my guests as they are strangers to him. But to his family, he is as wonderful as can be.

When he sits on my lap he actually melts into me. Such a gentle boy. I wouldn't trade him for the world.

09-26-2006, 07:43 AM
If I have to pick just one today I will tell you all about Tucker.

She will be 23 years old in a few more days...October 1 !!!

Tookie as she is lovingly called is the most grouchy and moody cat that I have ever had but when you look in her sad eyes you just can not help but melt. I don't what her first part of her life was like, I don't know why she was abandoned on our door step but I DO KNOW that she is very special in her own grouchy way to Mark and I.

Tookie has been part of our family for the last 11 years, she has managed two moves in the last year and has settled into her new house very well.

I know our time with her is nearing an end as she fails a little more each day but I know she is not ready to go just yet so she gets the best of everything and she gets whatever she wants (within reason).

Here are some of my favorite pics of Miss Tucker.


This is Tuck in her very own dog house....she is allowed to go outside during the day and this is all that she does.....sleeps in the dog house.

09-26-2006, 08:43 PM
This is Abby, my darling love sponge:


Abby and her sister Becky were abandoned together in a cardboard box outside of the humane society. :mad:

They were both about a year old and they were probably abandoned because they hated each other. Yes, that's right, we adopted them thinking they were a bonded pair, but it's possible that their constant fighting caused them to be abandoned.

[ Can you imagine? "Oh no, it's you! I thought I got rid of you! ] :p

At any rate, Abby is my little love sponge. She runs to me when I come home at night. She stays with me constantly. If I'm lying down, she's on top of me.

She is the world's sweetest kitty and can't get enough petting or kisses.

She knows the words "kiss, snuggle time, and bumpie." She's happy to oblige.

She is my heart kitty and she is part of me.


10-02-2006, 11:53 AM
Shilo is one of the newest clan but I certainly made the right decision to adopt this boy. To say I adore him is an understatement. No matter what Shilo is doing I just cannot help myself to schmoozle him. And he is always accomondating.....rolls over for a belly rub and let's me kiss him repeatedly.

Do you all know how he came to me?? He was at another rescue group who was having problems with their numbers. 2 of our other volunteers had already agreed to take 4 of their cats off their hands. I let them know that I would take one also. I had already checked out their website to see who was available and "Shy Guy" (as he was called) caught my eye. THAT was the one I want. Send him to me.

While he was a foster he had 4 visitors. Each and every time I was CERTAIN that he would be adopted.....after all, WHO could resist this love sponge??? And yet each of them walked away without him. :confused: I fould out later that these people all saw the same thing.....Shilo loved ME and he was staying whether I knew it or not. :o

MY boy Shilo.