View Full Version : Cokette's Outfits

Jeannie girl
09-25-2006, 08:11 AM
Here are pictures of some of Cokette's suits.
I added a ruff sketch of how I make them.
They are very easy to make and very easy to put on.
If anyone is interested in a more detaled pattern.
Just let me know and I will draw one and post it here.
She is very comfortable in it. The long legged snowsuits have the legs a little longer and I fastened baloons on the paw area to keep it dry. It was a fun project and Cokette was protected from the wet salt.

finn's mom
09-25-2006, 08:19 AM
Those are really cute, she looks very comfy and warm!

09-25-2006, 11:01 AM
You are very handy with a sewing machine!!! :cool: I am impressed with your latest creation!!! And, Thank-You for sharing that pattern too!!!! That was very nice of you!!!!

Cokette looks all decked out for Fall and Winter.

What a cute little girl~~~~~Great Pictures Jeannie girl!!!!!!