View Full Version : Is it normal

09-25-2006, 05:55 AM
for puppies to have diarreah? Just wondering because Ginger's got it she just went to the vet on Thursday and got a clean bill of health. So do you think it is normal?

09-25-2006, 07:06 AM
Is she on the same puppyfood she's been on at her previous home? Sometimes a sudden change in their food can cause diarreah.
Other than that... I don't know. I don't know much about puppies at all. :D

09-25-2006, 07:08 AM
Is she on the same puppyfood she's been on at her previous home? Sometimes a sudden change in their food can cause diarreah.
Other than that... I don't know. I don't know much about puppies at all. :D

Nope same food. LOL I don't know much about puppies either. Last dog we had was a 6 year old Lab from the Humane Society

finn's mom
09-25-2006, 08:13 AM
It's not always something to really be concerned about, but, diarrahea is **usually** a symptom of something going awry, for all animals, young and old, including humans. But, it could be just a simple upset tummy. If she's been checked out, and gotten a clean bill of health, I would probably see if I could call and speak to the vet and mention that she has diarrhea, now (unless that was the reason you took her in to begin with, I wasn't sure if it started before or after). But, there are many things that can cause diarrahea, and, it's not always easy to figure out what she may have gotten into. Is she eating any canned food or anything else really soft? Did they give her anything at the vet? Maybe a shot or a vitamin or something? Has anything happened in the last few days that could have interrupted her routine? Stress can cause that, too. Heck, maybe even the vet visit itself stressed her out a little. You just never can really tell what's going to affect a certain dog in that way. Hope it's just a little tummy upset, and, nothing to worry about. I'd just look at the poo and make sure there's no blood or anything in it that shouldn't be there. Nasty task, but, it could be a good sign if there's anything really wrong. You could maybe try giving her some Pepto Bismol, I've heard that can help with diarrahea, although I've never given it so I don't know dosages or anything. I have made a tea for Finn once for nausea that worked like a charm, but, I don't know if it would be as effective against diarrahea.

09-25-2006, 08:17 AM
It's probably nerves because she's in a new home with new people. I'd call your vet and ask if you can give her anything to help with the diarrhea.

09-25-2006, 08:19 AM
Stress and change can cause diarrhea too. Which is probably what is happening. She was just taken away from the only people, pets & surroundings that she knows. It's like a whole new world to her.
As long as she is eating, drinking & behaving fine and as long as he diarrhea is not severe I would give it a little more time. A puppy can not go without food though like an adult dog can. In this case I would probably skip just one meal to help her belly settle. Then offer her smaller more frequent meals.
But puppies can get dehydrated faster than an adult dog so make sure she is drinking plenty of water. If you have any doubts get her to the vet.

I would also keep her activities limited as stress & change is most likely the cause of her diarrhea. Introduce new things to her slowly.

As with any new addition you should always make an appointment with your vet as soon as possible (you can make this in advance if you know when you are getting your puppy), even if the dog was just at the vet with the breeder or shelter. Therefore I hope you have a vet appointment within the next couple days or so. I'd mention the diarrhea to your vet, even if she is no longer having any.

I wish you luck. ~~off I go to find pics of the newbie~~ ;) :D

09-25-2006, 12:36 PM
I would like to add that if the diarrhea continues for an extended period of time, I would take him to the vet because it could be other problems. But in your situation I do feel it is just stress :)

09-25-2006, 12:49 PM
While it is not normal, only his Vet can determine how serious it is. There
are many causes, but then it's still better to check with the Vet.Why not
just give them a call? Did he just get his puppy shots?