View Full Version : "Stealing Love" Confessions of a Dognapper

09-24-2006, 02:06 PM
Has anyone read this book yet? I saw it at Borders today...was going to pick it up, but it was $23 and I'm wondering if it's worth the money. I guess it is about a woman that rescues dogs off chains and things out of people's backyards.

Reviews are great!

Also, what about the book "I Have Heard You Calling in the Night" by Thomas Healy? I'm always looking for good reading. :)

09-24-2006, 02:28 PM
I haven't heard of it but it sounds interesting! I have gotten to where I buy all my books from Amazon now. I read so much and go through so many books, and it's just a lot less expensive that way, even with shipping and handling they are usually less than what you'd pay at a book store. I use my check card so I don't have to pay interest on a credit card for what I order. I don't really care if the books I get have been used or not, as long as they are readable, so I often buy used too. I see you can get that one for 10 dollars on Amazon. I may have to order that next!
