View Full Version : Can I ask for help just one more time?

09-24-2006, 10:36 AM
Hello, everyone! :) Okay, I have somthing to say-

I ask for help from everyone here ALOT. I ask alot of questions and some of them are very simple, even some that don't need to be posted. I really do appreciate that everyone can put up with me asking for help all of the time. If you can put up with one more questin for now, I would really appreciate it- Thank you all SO much! :)

A local shelter is having a big dog walk in a few weeks. There will be alot of fun events and fun things to do while we are there. We recieved a letter in the mail that included a pledge form where we can collect money from people and then give all of the money to the shelter on the walk date, or during open shelter hours. I have already collected some money from a few family members and friends, but I still have ALOT of lines to fill with names and money left on the form. I was wondering-

What would be some good fundraisers for money to pledge to the shelter? Here's a few of my ideas-

I am still doing dog walking, so I could use the money collected from that.
I am still making pet toys and treats and selling them, so I could also use that money.

It's getting cooler here, so I don't think that a car or dog wash would be a good idea-we'd probably freeze! ;) I was also thinking maybe a bake or craft sale?

I would really appreciate if anyone could give me any ideas that would help collect money for the pledge. Thank you SO much!! I really appreciate this!

Toby's my baby
09-24-2006, 11:59 AM
Well...maybe when you are walking dogs, or selling your items, you could mention to the customers that you are trying to raise money for this great cause, and if they would like to donate ANY amount of money, that it would be greatly appreciated. :) Good luck!

09-24-2006, 12:49 PM
Well...maybe when you are walking dogs, or selling your items, you could mention to the customers that you are trying to raise money for this great cause, and if they would like to donate ANY amount of money, that it would be greatly appreciated. :) Good luck!

Hey, great idea! :) And thank you for replying!