View Full Version : My new rescued Snowshoe Mix lil girl...*UPDATE 9/25*

09-24-2006, 12:04 AM
This kitten was found about 2 hours ago on a long dark road. Her mom and sibling were there, but my mother could not catch them.(the mother had on a collar) She is BEAUTIFUL! We are going to try to get them in the next few days. My birthday was September 21st (last thursday) and my hubby bought me a new camera (kodak easy share c330) so these are for your viewing pleasure :rolleyes:

This kitnapped kittys name is Suzie the siamese, and she is around 10-12 weeks. She purrs non-stop. I love her already. She will go to the vet Monday and get tested for disease. Pray it is negative for leukemia. She has had a capstar and will get a bath/ear cleaning and revolution tomorrow. So, here she is!







09-24-2006, 12:09 AM






Hope you enjoyed! Say hello to the newest member of the PT family! :D

09-24-2006, 12:11 AM
Congrats on your new addition!!! She gorgeous.:D I hope that she gets a clean bill of health at the vets.Please keep us updated .

Since her mom has a collar, do you think that she's owned by some one close by?

09-24-2006, 12:13 AM
Her name is Suzie. Yes she is owned, but appearantly by someone who does not care about her. It was about 10:45 when mom found her, and she was in the middle of the road with another kitten and the momma. Irresponsible owners dont deserve kitties. And my mother went to the closest house, and the owners said that they are owned by someone, but they were not sure who. So she took her. Please pray that we can get the other kitten and momma.

09-24-2006, 01:02 AM
her face is gorgeous - as is all of her of course!
yeaaa -
looking forward to seeing more pics of her! :)

09-24-2006, 06:26 AM
Wow, she's beautiful! She seems to look well fed and well kept, do you think perhaps somebody is looking for her?
Will you be able to see if she's microchipped and have her scanned at the vets? She seems far to special to be wandering about with nobody caring for her, and if her mum had a collar then at least somebody partially cares for her/them?
Perhaps you should see about finding thier owners first before you get attached? Not that I do'nt want you to have her! But just in case it ends up hurting you in the long run?

09-24-2006, 06:37 AM
She is perfectly lovely!

09-24-2006, 07:15 AM
Who would leave a mother and babies out, especially at NIGHT? Hello, they belong inside where it is safe.

What a beautiful little girl! Hold on tight to her!!

09-24-2006, 07:28 AM
She is beautiful, love her markings,very unusual. Looks as if she has made herself at home already. Good vibes coming your way for the vet visit.

09-24-2006, 08:03 AM
I agree whole-heartedly 100% with your liberation of this cat. She is a doll. You are not the first person to have liberated an animal.


09-24-2006, 09:00 AM
Suzie is GORGEOUS! And made herself RIGHT at home, I see! :)

Good luck with the mom and the other kitten. It might be easier in daylight, they may not be as spooked.

Maybe take Suzie with you in a carrier when you go?

HUGs to that beauty!

09-24-2006, 09:23 AM
Beautiful girl! Good luck with the vet on Monday; and with capturing the mom and sibling.

And, could someone please explain to me what is a "capstar?" Thanks.

09-24-2006, 10:42 AM
And, could someone please explain to me what is a "capstar?" Thanks. I was wondering the same thing.

As you definitely know they are owned by someone, I would try to find the owners first before you kitnap the whole family. She is beautiful and I can see how you could fall in love instantly, but she and her family do belong to someone else. Perhaps you can educate the owners.

09-24-2006, 11:26 AM
Capstar is a pill administered orally that kills all fleas currently residing on the animal. It has no residual effect so it does not prevent new fleas from jumping on. But it is very safe, can be used several days in a row if needed and can be used in conjunction with other flea products.

09-24-2006, 12:25 PM
Another rescue from the careless and the stupid of the world.
Bless you for getting her off the street, and into a safe place.

09-24-2006, 01:01 PM
Wow... what a face!!! Suzie is beautiful and it's easy to see why you fell in love with her. Prayers being prayed for a good check-up at the vet's and that her mommycat and fursibs are safe. A mommycat and her babies should not be out in the road at any hour day or night. Scritchies being sent for your little sweetheart, please let us know how this works out?

09-24-2006, 01:36 PM
Welcome to little Suzie Siamese! She goes well with my Sassy Siamese and Sahara Siamese! ;) I hope she gets a clean bill of health on Monday!
She sure has some cute face markings! She blends in well with your other babies! :D

09-24-2006, 05:00 PM
Thank you all very much! Yes I do know that she is owned. She will be checked for a microchip at the vet, along with a exam, fecal, and first shots. BUT I highly doubt that she has one, as they did not care enough to keep her close to the house and out of the road. Even if her owners want her back, I can not see myself handing over a kitten to someone who would just throw her back outside (covered with fleas, ear mites and a tick). It might be considered wrong, BUT I feel she is better off with me, inside with NO fleas and clean ears. Plus, if they did want her, they should have put a collar on her and kept her close. She could have been hit by a car, or grabbed by someone with no so good intentions.
I will look for lost cat signs, as well as lost and found ads- and I WILL call to let them know she is safe, but I am very doubtful I would hand her over.
Goind right now to look for momma and babies... I will keep you all updated.
Suzie says THANK YOU for the welcome:D Katie and kitties

09-24-2006, 05:20 PM
Suzy is as cute as you described last night on the phone.
Good luck fiding the others. i hope ytou find them before they get killed in the road like the other kitten.

K & L
09-24-2006, 05:43 PM
What beautiful and unusual markings. Thanks for saving this gorgeous baby! Good luck on catching mom and other siblings!

09-24-2006, 06:19 PM
Me and my mother found where they live. It is about 5 minutes from my mothers house. We drove 3 times down this street before we found them. They were asleep on the porch of a modular home. Momma and TWO more babies. So, on goes the black clothes and attempts to "help" the other cats out.
I wonder, should I leave a note in the mailbox telling them about this kitten, and hopefully the others? What do I do now? I hate to be this "mean" but it urks me and worries me about these kittens being in the road. That is NOT the best place for them. Wish me luck, at least we have a starting point now. Katie and Kitties

09-24-2006, 06:24 PM
I wish you all the luck in the world.

09-24-2006, 06:31 PM
Katie, when you get your one call from jail just remember I am broke and can't bail ya out! LOL

09-24-2006, 07:15 PM
Not sure what to do....call the Humane Society from a pay phone and ask their advice?

Or, ask your vet, if he/she is a wise and trustworthy sort.

I agree, them being outside is not good...

If thye live in a modular home, maybe the income there isn't that high? If the owner was re-educated, would you be willing to pay for the mom's spay and getting the other two kittens their checkup...and returning them?

It's a tough call - some people honestly don't know, and didn't realize what they were doing.

I think it was Catnapper whose neighbours happily took their young male in to be surgically "re-educated" once they got information?

Hopefully you'll get more feedback here - maybe the Humane people would talk to the owner for you.

The owner WILL be very worried that they disappeared off the front porch...I am sure they had no idea that they were out in the middle of the road at night.

I think they deserve a chance to change. Do you feel okay about telling them?

Something like: "Your cat and 3 kittens are okay. We saw them in the middle of the road the other night, and rescued the one kitten because of traffic.
We have the rest of them because we are afraid they will get hit by cars as they are outside all the time." Then tell them about the condition of the one kitten.

Something like that.

Again, tough call. I do think the owners should KNOW.

09-25-2006, 12:20 AM
Katie I so support you on this. Good luck and please oh please keep me updated. Give Suzie a big big hug from all of us here at Reach Out Rescue, NFP!!

09-25-2006, 05:17 PM
Suzie went to the vet today, and had her combo test. Negative/negative. She also had her first set of shots, deworming, and she was scanned for a microchip (none).
I DO NOT plan on taking them from the front porch *that is stealing* but only if I see them wandering too far away. I was thinking about simply putting a spay/neuter pamplet in their mailbox explaining WHY we spay and neuter, and also reasons to keep all cats and kittens INDOORS. I would also put that I do have kitten#1 and that she is being well looked after. I do not want to give her back, I would not trust it.
But Suzie is doing well, all the vets and nurses went nuts over her because she purred the whole time. She is such a sweet kitty. Other than earmites she is healthy and weighs 3.2 pounds. She did have worms but that has been taken care of as well. I will post more pictures later tonight. Katie and Kitties

09-25-2006, 05:27 PM
:) :)

09-25-2006, 06:19 PM
I am glad little kai li, suki no it is Suzie( just kidding! LOL) is ok.

09-25-2006, 07:09 PM
Great news on little Suzie - and the note is a good idea, I'm sure you'll mention she and her mom and one sibling were OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD at night! The owners might be surprised!

Suzie sure sounds like a happy little girl! :)