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View Full Version : My uncle & cousin got a new dogs!

09-23-2006, 08:48 PM
(Just in case you don't know we're living with my uncle's right now). My dogs are doing really well, Buddy hasn't run off from my uncle's once. There's a chocolate lab from down the street that came down to my uncle's the 4th of September and has been there since. My uncle (Bob) has called the owner many times and she says "I can't right now I'll come down tommorow", but she never does. At first he had to sleep in the kennel, Bales is what we named him. But now he gets to sleep in the house with Elly. He slept in the trailer on my bed with me for a while, too =D But just while my parents were gone. My cousin, Bobby, got a new dog! He's a tiny 6 week old Miniature Pinscher named Wheels, he's black & tan. A very cute little puppy! And very lively, too. He'll go hopping and pouncing around the house happily. And his ears just started standing up. I got pictures of Bales but none of Wheels yet... (god do I wish I remembered to bring my camera! It seems when I forget my camera everything exciting happens!). The pictures will probably be posted in the first week of October... ANYWAY, if you're interested in how I'm doing with moving you can PM me. Maybe I'll post a board about it later.

09-24-2006, 10:19 AM
Congrats to your uncle and cousin! The doggies sound very cute. I'm glad things are going good with your dogs too. Once again, congrats! :)

09-24-2006, 10:44 AM
Contrats on your cousin's new dog! Can't wait to see pics. of Wheels & Bales. Buddy, we're all happy you're staying put! The owner of the chocolate lab doesn't seem very interested in the welfare of her dog. :confused:

09-26-2006, 06:31 PM
Hey again everyone I am at the library right now because my aunt's computer broke down and my home one is all packed up. I wish I could be on more, I miss PT so much!!

Contrats on your cousin's new dog! Can't wait to see pics. of Wheels & Bales. Buddy, we're all happy you're staying put! The owner of the chocolate lab doesn't seem very interested in the welfare of her dog. :confused:
No, she doesn't care at all about that poor dog, but at least he's in excellent hands now!!!