View Full Version : My mom and her cat...I am worried...wee update

09-22-2006, 10:11 PM
She has my late sister's lilac points, litter mates. My sis was in long term care for several years, so they have been Mom's for that long...and she loves them, and they are "hers".

They are 8 years old. The bigger one, Pyka, has been prone to the sniffles from time to time, but really got a long-term one several months ago. One vet kind of brushed it off, but another vet at the clinic has even phoned specialists on meds and the condition.

He started with a couple of weeks on Clavamox, which threw him into scratching frenzies. A newer med seems better, but he threw up 8 times tonight.

A week ago, x-rays were taken, and there were shadows on the lungs. They are going to be taken again in a month to see if the shadows are just residual pneumonia or tumours.

He is snuffling a lot, and Mom has given him nose drops several times.

She thinks he is getting to the end. She knows her cats, she says...at the same time, I reminded her that she is not a vet. I don't want her to act rashly.

The meds specialist said there are MANY different meds to be tried. I told mom that because of the side effects Pyka has had that there hasn't been time to try out a different med long term.

The illness specialist said that she has about four feline patients that have long-term colds, and they are on a low dose of antibiotics for the rest of their lives.

I think five weeks of trying two different meds and one set of x-rays is just the beginning - in other words, it is TOO early to just give up!

PLEASE share any experience you can, maybe an antibiotic that was effective and gentle for your cat.

If he had had cancer for even two months - wouldn't he have gone more downhill by now?

Mom thinks he has lost a bit of weight - but with feeling unwell and the meds, his appetite has been erratic.

Sorry this is so long...I just feel frustrated and helpless!

What can I say to encourage my mom?


09-22-2006, 11:09 PM
I can tell you that I have had two cats with lung cancer and that they both had obvious breathing problem within a few weeks of diagnosis, and they were diagnosed quite early for cats. They had noisy breathing soon moving to labored breathing, it's quite obvious. They never had the sniffles or any signs of a cold. You are very right, it's far, far too soon to say it's the end.

I understand your frustration very well. My step-mother doesn't take her cats to the vet very often, and says the same kind of thing "I know my cats, I can sense things". Well, yes, I sense things too but my cats are off to the vet at the first sign of a problem, and they keep going to the vet until they are either well or we can do no more.

09-23-2006, 09:41 AM
Zythromax, a pediatric antibiotic is wonderful for sniffles. I'll say prayers for you Mom and her cats.

09-23-2006, 09:53 AM
We at the Found Cat Hotel send our prayers for your Mom and Her Cats, that they have many years of life left to them.

09-23-2006, 10:02 AM
I'm sorry I can't give any advice, but I'm sending lots of positive thoughts for Pyka. In any case, look into the Zythromax Donna suggested, it can't hurt. Hope Pyka will get better!

09-23-2006, 03:17 PM
No ideas. Just want to say I am praying for Pyka and your mom and you. Let us know as things develop!

09-23-2006, 04:51 PM
I really don't have any advice either but just wanted to let you know that Pyka is in my thoughts and prayers. Please continue to update us about her.

09-23-2006, 04:52 PM
Antibiotics often take a really long time to work, and it's imperative NOT to cut the course short if the animal's health isn't improving, because if it's only allowed to do a partial job, it'll just breed a superbug (a resistant strain of the initial infection!) :eek:

ALWAYS complete the full course of ANY antibiotic. No matter what species you are.

Love, Columbine

09-23-2006, 05:45 PM
THANK YOU all. I forwarded my mom the info about the one antibiotic.

We would LOVE to run the full course of AB's - except he gets side effects. So we keep trying to find the right one!

Here's a couple of pics of Pyka!




09-24-2006, 02:45 PM
I have to agree with you that it's too early to give up on poor Pyka. It must be frustrating to try a medication only to see side effects. This is just a thought, is there a veterinary college anywhere near you or your mom? My concern is Pyka's ongoing problems with side effects from the meds that have been tried. The reason I mention this is because a co-worker was having problems with her cat that continued in spite of numerous visits to the vet. She took Callie to the veterinary college at the U of Penn where they finally figured things out. Prayers that Pyka will be feeling better very soon. Please keep us updated?

09-24-2006, 03:06 PM
Thanks, I will. There will be a vet school opening at the University of Calgary in 2008....gotta wait a bit yet.

Has anyone tried the old vaporizer-with-Vicks method to help clear snuffles?


09-24-2006, 05:21 PM
Pyka is beautiful! Lilac point, correct??? I would highly recommend the Zythromax, or at least check into it. Keep us posted Catty1.

09-24-2006, 05:27 PM
Pyka is absolutely beautiful! I pray that the Zithromax will do the trick. I have heard in the past that it is a good one to try as well!


09-24-2006, 05:38 PM
Random thought here, but didn't I read someone with a sniffly kitty put her in a bathroom and ran the shower on hot to steam up the bathroom and it helped? I'm an advocate of natural remedies so perhaps eucalyptus(sp) might help as well...steamed in the shower I mean.
Good luck and remind your mom that cats have nine lives and Pyka may surprise her yet :) Siamese are so fragile and tiny too that her symptoms may be more pronounced due to her size. :confused:

09-25-2006, 07:14 PM
Pyka was put under anesthetic today and got head(sinus) and chest x-rays.

The vet even flushed out his sinuses while he was under - she said there wasn't much there and he wasn't blocked.

And that antibiotic that is good for sniffles? The vet said it DOES work well, but is only available in a cherry-flavoured liquid, and most cats spit it up! :rolleyes:

The shadow on his lung is completely unchanged from a couple of weeks ago.
All the x-rays are being packed up and sent to a specialist.

They are staying on the present AB, and will see what happens. Last resort is trying a steroid.

I mean - he is not fatally ill or anything. Mom is running out of ideas...will she just have to live with a 'sickly kitty'?

She is willing to use my vaporizer and some Vicks...but not til later. Later? :confused: OH well, that's Mom.

Thanks, everyone.

Any other ideas are welcome.

09-25-2006, 11:18 PM

And that antibiotic that is good for sniffles? The vet said it DOES work well, but is only available in a cherry-flavoured liquid, and most cats spit it up! :rolleyes:


If you are referring to the Zithromax, you can get the pill form in the Z-pack! You take one tablet, mix measured amounts of water to dissolve it into a liquid. I have the dosing instructions if your mom would like to try it. The only hassle with it, is it needs to be given on an empty stomach .... an hour before, or 2 hrs after a meal!


09-25-2006, 11:30 PM
Kim - any idea if it is only available in pill form in the USA?

I'll Google a bit, then head to bed...


09-25-2006, 11:36 PM
Here is one link http://www.jandrugs.com/momex/NavCode/drugs/DrugName/Zithromax


09-25-2006, 11:40 PM
Here is one link http://www.jandrugs.com/momex/NavCode/drugs/DrugName/Zithromax


another: http://www.canpharm.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.search&product_namefilter=Zithromycin

You'll have to get your vet to write a prescription for it! ;)

09-27-2006, 02:56 PM
Pyka is still in my thoughts and prayers... is he feeling any better?

09-27-2006, 03:13 PM
I'm sorry that I don't have any advice here, but I can tell you that Luna often has to take antibiotics - without any side effects.

Please tell your mom not to give up Pyka!


09-27-2006, 03:52 PM
Hi everyone - I am sure mom won't give up on Pyka. I think her resilience is still down after my sister's death in April - that was her baby, after all!

I keep encouraging her. My vet gave me the name of a place that compounds this stuff into capsules for vets. This expense seems unnecessary, as this stuff DOES exist in tablet form for people.

Not having a clear diagnosis is frustrating too.

A knowledgable friend of mine recommended a wonderful vet that she can at least call to see about getting a second opinion. He trained in China, and in regular vet medicine as well - and just might have some other ideas.

Mom has a bit of a hoarse throat - maybe they're allergic to each other??? :eek:

Thank you all, I won't give up.

09-27-2006, 05:18 PM
I've often used the hot steamy shower bit, and it seems to help with congestion. Molly Rose LOVED Zithromax, cherry flavor and all.

09-30-2006, 01:34 PM
How is Pyka doing? Feeling any better? Prayers are still being prayed that this problem will soon be resolved.....

09-30-2006, 01:43 PM
Pyka is back on Clavamox, and doing a LOT better. Mom also thinks he got the scratchies from salmon flavoured Fancy Feast (I won't feed my cats that junk!). So he will stay on that till everything seems to clear up. Mom assured me she won't give up until he's BETTER! :)

She's going to ask her vet about the Vicks and vaporizer!


09-30-2006, 03:18 PM
Glad to hear that Pyka is doing better! Thanks for the update!!! ;)

09-30-2006, 05:54 PM
Wonderful! For Pyka and your Mom!


09-30-2006, 06:31 PM
I'm glad to hear that he's doing better.:) If fish products cause him to become itchy, then he may be allergic to them. Storm has the same problem and will scatch and loose fur on his ears and face so I have to make sure that he doesn't eat any fish products. Please continue to keep us updated about him.