View Full Version : How does your Cat wake you up?

09-22-2006, 09:26 PM
I have 7 cats. Each one wakes me up in a different way. Unfortunately, they all agree on the TIME. I have to be up by 7 AM, according to them.

Chestnut gets up on the pillow, behind my head, and slowly, gently, moves his paw through my hair, which is just below shoulder length. Claws come out, yet he never has touched my scalp, in 8 years. This is actually a NICE way to be woken.

Vita walks up to my face and presses her nose to my nose. She slowly applies more and more pressure, until my eyes pop open. It used to startle me to see her big round eyes in front of mine!

Sparkle doesn't bother being dainty or delicate. She just clears everything off of a piece of furniture. Picture frames, books, the clock radio if she is clearing the night table, everything goes crashing down.

Ebony goes to the bedroom door, I guess because she knows I have to go out that way to get the food. Then she gives this awful metallic twang sound which I really hate. NOT a good way to wake up.

Cuddles will sit on me. She starts down at my feet and keeps shifting her weight and moving her way up. Back of the knees often gets me. If she misses that tender spot, she keeps moving until she is seated on a kidney. Ouch! I don't recall her ever needing to move further up to waken me.

Ruffles is the rattler. She rattles and hammers away at the closet doors in my bedroom.

Crystal has never had to wake me up; she always has one of the other 6 do this for her (smart kitty!)

Amber (Mr. Amber Cat)(now over the Rainbow Bridge) used to be quite good at waking me. I rarely sleep on my back; I am on my side or on my stomach. So, my head is on the pillow with one ear down into the pillow, and one ear up to the ceiling. Amber just positioned himself behind my head, then leaned forward so he was right over my ear, and HOWLED. I never got used to this, in the 8 years he lived with me. I often hit his head as I jumped up.

09-22-2006, 11:05 PM
LOL - Amber HOWLING into your ear!

Oscar is my wake up cat. Snuggles right by my head, holds me down with the left front leg - then nose and forehead grooming! Rough tongue...though this morning I kind of moved my head so he couldn't reach the forehead as easily...and he snuggled his head against mine and slept.

Sometimes this means he is snuggled against my ear - and PURRRS!


I hate getting up in the morning - but this helps!

09-22-2006, 11:11 PM
Well i have two pesky kitties my Ash and Lexie, Lexie will come up to your face and touch your nose with her nose, she also makes a lot of noise in the bedroom scratching her scratch post, the old velour computer chair lol, and then my old boy who is a big cat and weighs over a stone runs across us,mainly me, after he has done that around four times i usually stir, my two downstairs kitties as i call them are little angels, and never say boo. :) :D

09-23-2006, 10:23 PM
Smudge just jumps on the bed - he weighs 16 pounds, so I'm sure to notice! But he's not trying to wake me up, he just likes being near me. He sits down next to me and purrs, and maybe has a nap, then jumps down again, sometimes two or three times a night. He's just letting me know he's watching over me.

My bed's kind of high, so he can't always see how I'm oriented. But if he sees that he's landing on exposed skin, he retracts his claws in midair, even if it compromises his landing a little and he has to scramble for more resilient footing.

Love, Columbine

09-23-2006, 10:28 PM
He never lets me go to sleep to be able to wake me up :(

He meows constantly. :(

09-24-2006, 07:13 AM
Mine don't wake me up, but if they see that I am awake, they will lay beside purring, until I get up and feed them.

Purring is a cat's way of getting attention. Maggie (RB) purred in my face for 30 minutes at 4:00 AM once. It seems she had eaten the dry food bowl down and wanted more. Once I fed her she left me alone to go back and sleep.

09-24-2006, 07:51 AM
Fister is quite civilised, he jumps up and walks across my pilllow over the head, then settles down in front of me. If I don't get up he'll jump down after a while and try again an hour later. :D If he really wants me to get up, he gives me headbumpies or start washing my arm. :)

09-24-2006, 02:21 PM
Jack is the only one that won't wake me up, he just sits quietly next to the bed patiently waiting. The others however......

Cami paws at me and has this little tiny kitten like meow she uses.

Pooky walks all over me and occasionally paws at me, and has a pathetic sounding little meow.

Bear chews on my hair, paws at my face, goes in and out under my covers and has a VERY LOUD 'MAR-RRROOWW'. LOL

Dusty is my favorite, she'll sit there nicely staring at me for a time, then when that doesn't work.....she licks my eyelids! Guess she figures that if the eyes are open I'll wake up lol.

09-24-2006, 06:16 PM
Thankfully, none of mine wake us up. When we do get up and go downstairs to start the coffee and pick up the newspaper, Pepper races for the door hoping to go out. Halo stays in bed for a few more hours and Cammie snoozes most of the day.

09-24-2006, 10:08 PM
she jumps up and walks across my pilllow over the head.

09-25-2006, 10:21 AM
Indigo does not wake me up. Beauty usually does not wake me up, except when she has some hare-brained notion to jump on my side in the middle of the night - her bid for affection. The only other time she wakes us up is when she goes hunting in the middle of the night. Sometimes she has a real mouse, but usually these days, it is one of her catnip mice. She howls and howls over it until someone comes and sees it and praises her - then she is satisfied and we can go back to sleep.

09-26-2006, 07:11 AM
Oliver stands beside me and meows softly until I wake up.

Sundae will kneed me and meow.

Kitten will kneed me and rub his head on me.

Jimmy will jump onto the bed and then jump onto me.

Raisin is a polite little lady and doesn't wake me up.

09-26-2006, 07:32 AM
Eddie was an outdoor cat before we got him, so it's taking a lot of work to convince him to stay inside - he'll run out the door any chance he gets :o

When he's not trying to get out, he's sitting by the door meowing, so I am usually woken up every morning around 5:00 with him howling at the door.

If, by luck, he is not in the mood to go outside, Sam (the youngster) is usually up early batting SOMETHING noisy around or instigating play with the other cats.

Spot doesn't wake me up, he's a lazy boy and will sleep all through the night and most of the morning too. :)

09-26-2006, 08:22 PM
I guess cats named Amber have a tendency to yowl! :rolleyes:

09-27-2006, 10:00 AM
I can hear her coming down the hall, so I grasp the mattress and hang on as she rounds the turn - dives onto the bed with a crash and then springboards off as rapidly as she arrived. If it is the weekend and I don't feel like getting up - she will do this several times as if to say "what's a weekend?"

This is Annie - Rascal and Emma just sit on the sidelines and watch her race acting completely innocent.

09-27-2006, 11:21 AM
My Cassie wakes me up by placing her front paws on any available paper in the room and tearing it with her teeth. She knows that will awaken me and I will then be able to respond to whatever she wants (food, petting, play time, whatever). If I awaken first, she will find her way to me when she hears the sound of the cat food can snapping open, or sometimes not at all. She is in charge of our flat.

09-27-2006, 06:15 PM
My cat Pretty Princess is a princess!!! In the morning she will lick my eyelids and she will kiss me until i wake up. And if I dont wake up and turn over she will paw at me until i do wake up. And it hurts really bad cause she isnt declawed. So that goes to show CATS ARE WEIRD!!! But dispite her weirdness we love her very much!!! :)

09-29-2006, 11:33 AM
Well Bobo doesn't wake anyone up - he sleeps with them as long as he can lol! But for me sometimes CC meows and I wake up with a cat in my face, or he jumps on my bed and headbutts me. But sometimes he waits for me to wake up myself and then runs up and says his good mornings.

09-29-2006, 04:29 PM
Striker has his Feline Paper Torture routine; he will take up a position beside the bed and tear mail order catalogs into tiny pieces until I get up and conduct him to the bedroom door. Once locked out, he will rattle the doorknob, rattle the door on its hinges, and cry pitifully until I get up.

Sassy just sits and stares. If I pull the covers over my head, he will daintily reach under the covers and claw me on the nose.

Missy doesn't wake me up at all. There are "people" to do that.

10-01-2006, 08:37 AM
My girls don't usually wake me up. On rare occasions when their dry food is low and they feel they can't survive another 30 minutes they will be so rude and wake me up. On these mornings Ally will just sit next to me on the bed and stare at me. If I ignore her and turn over and try to go back to sleep, she'll just jump to my face side and continue staring. After awhile she'll lose her patience and will smack me in the face with her paw. Of course, I have to get up then. Gracie is less subtle. She'll usually do something loud and obnoxious to get her meal. Yesterday she puked! That go me up FAST! :eek: