View Full Version : Never a dull moment.

09-22-2006, 09:01 PM
There is just never a dull moment with Anvik. In the three weeks he's been here, he's showed me several new weak spots in my fence. Who knew that six feet of game fencing was weak! Six feet barely slows Anvik down. I've met a few new people in my subdivision while out looking for Anvik! I've figured out his pattern now so I find him relatively quickly. He's howled to the point my neighbor complained, our first ever noise complaint! We learned how to crate train in a hurry! He has shown us that Goldie is more accepting than we give her credit for. He's made me laugh, he's had me in tears. Today I paid his first vet bill!

In one of his escapes, Anvik apparently got a small puncture in his side, about the size of a fence wire! I never noticed it, it never bled, but it did get infected! He has an abscess on his ribcage! Fortunately, I noticed it before it got too bad and a couple weeks of antibiotics should clear it right up. No surgical intervention needed at this point.

He didn't have a vet appointment this morning, but I dropped him off anyway. When the vet called me at 5 to update me, I could clearly hear Anvik doing his "death howl"--"I am alone, I am going to die from it!". She asked as politely as possible if I could pick him up asap! Apparently, the Anvik Death Howl has been heard all day!

09-22-2006, 09:19 PM
But he loves you mom! I am glad my dog isn't the only one that others aren't sure how to deal with! My Lou Lou is a handful. Winchester got a puncture wound when he was hunting with my husband in another state and I found it when they got home, who knows what day he did it, he was put on antibotics too for a few weeks and was just fine. My husband now checks him over every night when they are hunting! Good luck with your boy. Be a good boy Anvik and stop getting mom in trouble! :)

Cinder & Smoke
09-22-2006, 09:45 PM
There is just never a dull moment with Anvik.

* he's showed me several new weak spots in my fence.

* I've met a few new people in my subdivision while out looking for Anvik!

* He's howled to the point my neighbor complained

* Today I paid his first vet bill!

* I could clearly hear Anvik doing his "death howl" -
- "I am alone, I am going to die from it!".
* Apparently, the Anvik Death Howl has been heard all day!



Hey Anvik - EASE OFF, Bud!!
Last we heard, Mom hadn't "Paid your 'Doption Fee", (YET)!!!

You're still classified as a FOSTER Mutt - means ya otta be a GOOD Child for a while!

Reminds me of Bowser and his early daze ...
A Hunting he did go. A Hunting he did go ... :rolleyes:

The Joys of ParentHood! :eek: :p

09-22-2006, 11:09 PM
"the Anvik Death Howl" has been heard all day!LOL! :D I love it! What a character! Sounds like a legend in the making!

09-22-2006, 11:15 PM

I looked up the introduction thread about Anvik(yeah, the picture heavy one ) :D

I had to see what his "Death Howl " looked like!!!!!

He is a trained Sled Dog, yes, but he really wants to be your "House Dog".

You are his Mommy!!!!!!! :D (the call from the Vet is a priceless story)

09-23-2006, 01:19 PM


Hey Anvik - EASE OFF, Bud!!
Last we heard, Mom hadn't "Paid your 'Doption Fee", (YET)!!!

You're still classified as a FOSTER Mutt - means ya otta be a GOOD Child for a while!

Reminds me of Bowser and his early daze ...
A Hunting he did go. A Hunting he did go ... :rolleyes:

The Joys of ParentHood! :eek: :p

WOO Mr. Phred,

Thanks for the advice. I'm trying to be good, but I just can't control myself sometimes. Mom says if she had been chained up for most of her life, she'd probably be jumping fences too! She doesn't get mad at me for escaping, but she keeps saying "Annie you are going to be the death of me". Whatever that means!

Mom says she spent my adoption fee on my vet bill!

Tail wags

Cinder & Smoke
09-23-2006, 01:58 PM
Mom says she spent my adoption fee on my vet bill!

Tail wags


Can you Float a Loan at the Shelter?

Or maybe hope for a BIG Tip on your first Sled Ride with a paying customer.

Let us know if you're in danger of being RE-PO'd -
we can take up a collection!


finn's mom
09-23-2006, 03:46 PM
Aw, Anvik sounds like he's giving you a run for your money! ;) He'll learn to settle in sooner or later. Hopefully it's sooner!

09-23-2006, 05:16 PM
RE-PO'd[/b] -
we can take up a collection!


Not much danger of that happening! Only one person has called about him since he got here and by the time I was done describing Anvik, including all the good stuff, he had decided not to even come meet him!

Ginger's Mom
09-24-2006, 06:44 AM
Not much danger of that happening! Only one person has called about him since he got here and by the time I was done describing Anvik, including all the good stuff, he had decided not to even come meet him!
LOL. Poor Anvik, lol. It's a good thing is is so handsome. :) I bet once the weather gets better (?) and he gets to go on lots more runs he will settle right in. I also think it is funny (hey, I don't have to hear him :) ) that out of all of the friends he has there he has decided to bond with you. :) He is a smart boy.

09-24-2006, 08:01 AM
Lol. You're meeting neighbors you might never have met!
Back when I cared for Roxy and Sadie at the old house.
I met practically everybody on our block and the 5 surrounding blocks! :cool: Keeping your sense of humour is key...as is writing your phone number on the inside of his collar, if it's not on his tag! I'm glad you found the absess and that he's gonna' be okay! He sounds like a keeper who will bring much joy and adventure! *Hugs* :D :D

Queen of Poop
09-25-2006, 08:36 AM
He's certainly giving you a good test, isn't he? Pushing all the boundaries to see if you will keep him. Anvik, word of wisdom, you've hit doggie heaven on earth, settle down sweetheart, you're going to be living there the rest of your doggie days.