View Full Version : A little rant about ignorant people

Miss Z
09-22-2006, 06:13 PM
Generally, I am not usually a ranter but lately I've been getting pretty irritated by people at my school. I'm now in the year where my GCSE subjects have begun, which are our main public examinations that play roles in universtiy and job applications. Of course, my ambition is to be a vet, and due to the GCSEs being involved in job application, most people are talking about what they want to be.

I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in my year, perhaps the only person in my school, who is serious on becoming a vet. And what I am going to rant about is how it seems to be looked down on as a career by my generation, and sometimes even the one above. I've had a lot of comments such as:
"Why on earth do you want to do THAT?"
"Don't you think it would be better to help people instead of animals which will die anyway."
"You know that all vets are poor as their wage is crap"
"Ha! You'll have to stick your hand up a cow's arse!"

Quite frankly I'm very fed up with it. I pride myself on being patient with people, but I do have a temper. I don't like getting angry at people but I am becoming more and more ratty. For instance, here is a conversation that happened:
Person X: " I can't believe you want to be a vet"
Me: "Is that so? Beyond your understanding is it?"
Person X: "Yeah it is actually, because it's a crap job."
Me : "A crap job, is it? Well, thanks so much for the advice, as I evidently treasure your opinion so much more than that of university scholars."
Person X: "And you know you have to kill them too"
Me: "I believe the expression is putting to sleep."
Person X: "You can kill them and eat them, that's what you do to animals."
Me: " I see! Well, you better watch out then, because I believe you fit into that category, and then perhaps I will f***ing eat you and enjoy every damn scrap."

Another thing is the vegetarianism that people can't seem to grasp. It's MY decision and I'll eat what I want to eat. It doesn't help when people might call me 'cruel to vegetables', what do they expect me to eat then, rocks?

Don't get me wrong, I can stick up for myself perfectly well, I just get annoyed at all these idiots contaminating our beautiful world.

Thanks for letting me rant, I feel a little better now.

09-22-2006, 06:28 PM
Some people. They need to grow up!:rolleyes:

(p.s come on Gabbly)

09-22-2006, 06:30 PM
Zara, sadly ignorant people are something we all will have to deal with, everyday! Yes it is very unfourtunate but it happens, and I think it sucks to. If I so much as mention my dog in a conversation we are having as a class, everyone begins saying things like "HOW DO YOU ALWAYS GET A DOG INTO THIS??" and they always think I "ruin" their conversation. During the summer, I was talking with Jenna and my other friend, Kathleen about invisible fences I think it was, and these boys begin saying "Omg invisible fences are sooo mean!" and other crap and making fun of us. :rolleyes:

I don't understand people like that, and furthermore, I think you should just ignore them and I'm serious. I know everyone says that but it's completely true. Where the hell did they get the idea that being a Vet is a crap job?? Some people... :rolleyes:

09-22-2006, 06:43 PM
Don't get me wrong, I can stick up for myself perfectly well, I just get annoyed at all these idiots contaminating our beautiful world.


You just DID stick up for yourself and I am damn proud of you!! There are TONS of idiots out there, pathetic as they are, there's not much you can do about it except ignore the jerks and continue with your dream of becoming a vet, and a great one at that, I just know it!!! ;)

09-22-2006, 08:12 PM
Zara (((HUGS)))
Some People are just stupid and don't understand your loves and all of PTs love for that matter for animals.Animals who can't speak for themselves.You will become a vet and be the best dang vet there ever was. :D
You did a good job sticking up for yourself.Remember we all here for you if you ever want to talk and vent again.

09-22-2006, 08:57 PM
You tell em girl! :cool: lol...

Yes there are many people who dont have an education on vets and such but it does not mean they have to complain about it. So what if you want to become a vet thats your choice not there's,so when they say Why do you want to be a dumb vet or somthing you say..

''Because I can and if you dont like it then go complain to yourself as I dont want to hear about'' ;)

Those Looders... :rolleyes:

Miss Z
09-23-2006, 05:22 AM
Thanks so much everyone. It's good to be able to know other pet lovers around the world who know exactly what I mean about these losers.

(((GROUP HUG!!!))) :D

09-23-2006, 08:08 AM
Miss Z

I've been thinking about your thread. I agree that they are losers. But may I suggest an alternative to "ignorant"--at least for some of them?

Sounds to me like some of them are being bullies. They're just being nasty because they can. And probably some of them are just a little jealous or feel somehow threatened. ("I eat meat...does that make me bad? No, I'll just say something nasty to the vegetarian to prove I'm better.")


But here's another thought: These type of people don't go away. Many of them mature and stop this nonsense, but many people don't.

As a vet, you'll meet people that will exasperate you every day. So, think of this as practice. ;)

Good luck to you and congratulations on your noble career selection!

Miss Z
09-23-2006, 10:32 AM
Sounds to me like some of them are being bullies. They're just being nasty because they can. And probably some of them are just a little jealous or feel somehow threatened. ("I eat meat...does that make me bad? No, I'll just say something nasty to the vegetarian to prove I'm better.")

You probably do have a point there. It isn't bullying as such, as people know I don't tolerate people like that, but they are doing it to tick me off certainly. I suppose really what they say doesn't affect me, I know I'm right and they're wrong and that's that. It's getting angry and hostile that I don't like. I naturally snap when people push me over the edge.

As a vet, you'll meet people that will exasperate you every day. So, think of this as practice. ;)

Good luck to you and congratulations on your noble career selection!

Yes, that is true ;) And thanks a lot for the advice :)

09-23-2006, 03:16 PM
I wouldn't be bothered by those people. :) In 10 years when you're single handly running your practice and making a good living, those will be the people dragging their dog in a complaining that they can't afford $50 for shots. :)

09-23-2006, 03:27 PM
Just to make you feel better, there is a place for people who share your passion - the University of Findlay. They have a pre-vet program and two huge stables - an English stable and a western stable. For many students, if they haven't shoveled s### by the time class starts, they'll be shoveling it when classes end and loving it! The people here are animal lovers, most are horse-crazy. And NOBODY looks down at them!

Sometimes you just gotta flock with birds of a feather to be appreciated. :) I think your passion to become a vet is admirable!

09-23-2006, 06:56 PM
Good job! I wanted to punch that idiot. Ignorant people are everywhere, it's so frusterating.

10-02-2006, 02:10 PM
i also want to be a vet and people nag me about it too. They're always saying that i'm obsessed with my dogs (Which i am, they are smarter and nicer than most people i know) i am putting 2 pictures in my senior video that have me and dogs in them and people think thats weird. They think i should put "family" in them. They are my family!

I just became a vegetarian (2 days ago) and my brother keeps telling me that i just want attention. No, i just want to save an animal. People are so stupid sometimes, and sometimes they are afraid of people who are different. Just tell em what you think! I'm glad you are sticking up for yourself.

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-02-2006, 02:45 PM
My standard answer to insulting / rude people....

"How many times do I have to flush before you will go away???!!!"

10-02-2006, 05:11 PM
I think being a vet is about the greatest profession you could strive for. The idea that you want to help God's creatures and take all the necessary schooling and hard work it takes to get there is nothing, but commendable.
If there were no people above the materialism in this world, it would be a very sad place, indeed. In your heart you know your goal is admirable, and so do all of us. Some people just don't get it. Their arrogant contempt probably comes from seeing something in you they wish they had. Something that might not be cool or hip, but something good.

10-02-2006, 05:17 PM
Me: " I see! Well, you better watch out then, because I believe you fit into that category, and then perhaps I will f***ing eat you and enjoy every damn scrap."

LMAO! I'm so sorry, Zara.. but that cracked me up! You sure are clever and quick with your words! I'm glad you stood up for yourself!

10-02-2006, 07:23 PM
Sadly, this world is full of people who are rude to others because they have different opinions. These people are not worth your time whatsoever. Sounds like you've got alot of juvenile people in your school. You definatly got the point across to that person... but there are hundreds of ignorant people you'll meet in your lifetime, so you've just got to learn to deal with them. I definatly know a few jerks like that. Just tell them to grow up and get a life.

Good for you for becoming a vet!! :) I want to become one, too, but I really am not emotionally strong enough for it... I know when it comes time to choose a job, I've got to be realistic.

Miss Z
10-03-2006, 01:27 PM
I think I've got over these idiots now for the most part. I was feeling a little down when I made this thread, but ya know, life goes on I suppose! Thanks for all of your inspiring words though, they reall helped. :)

My standard answer to insulting / rude people....

"How many times do I have to flush before you will go away???!!!"

Ha ha, oh my gosh, that is GOLDEN! Would you mind if I ever used that? It's pure genius! :D

LMAO! I'm so sorry, Zara.. but that cracked me up! You sure are clever and quick with your words! I'm glad you stood up for yourself!

LOL, thanks. A few days after the incident occurred I began to see the funny side of what I said. I do have a bit of a temper so when I get narked I dish out a whole pallette of insults. It's one of my main quirks I guess:p

Once again, thanks everyone, Pet Talk is such a wonderful place.