View Full Version : fish pic

06-01-2002, 02:21 AM
I have posted alot on cat talk, and a couple times on the dog talk, but this is my first post on this part of pettalk... heres a pic of my fishies,

Oscar & Leo, the goldfish
& Fatboy, the darker one

Heather Wallace
06-01-2002, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by toughCookie
I have posted alot on cat talk, and a couple times on the dog talk, but this is my first post on this part of pettalk... heres a pic of my fishies,

Oscar & Leo, the goldfish
& Fatboy, the darker one

We where thinking of getting some cold water fish. iused to have some when I was young, they lasted a long time too.

Also thank you TG for your personal message which I receive today, it meant a lot to me. I will reply personally to you soon.

Sam's My Baby
06-01-2002, 12:22 PM
Hey they are really cute! :) I remember my first fish, which was a pair of guppies. I also remember when the female had her first baby! Then they kept having more and more and more babies..But one day I dont remember why, they all died! :(

06-01-2002, 12:49 PM
Aren't they pretty?? I'm so glad you shared the picture!!

I'm "wishing" and "planning" for an outdoor pond, so I can have some fish too! :)

06-01-2002, 04:23 PM
does anyone, or has anyone, ever owned a seahorse? I would love to get one, one of these days when I can get the right tank and whatever else is needed... I saw one in a tank someplace, years ago, and have thought of getting one from time to time since then. I know they must take alot of care.

I would also like to get some aqua turtles, I saw them at petsmart the other day, anyone know anything about them?:confused:

I like turtles, would also like to get a land one, but not sure about that with cats...:eek:

any advice on any of these would be appreciated:)

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-01-2002, 04:27 PM
My hubby has a saltwater tank and I tried to take pics but they did not turn out..... anyway.... The fish store where he buys his fish said that it is hard to care for seahorses... I don't know why it is so hard, I guess they can die easily... GOOD LUCK THOUGH... I just loved the pic of your fishies...