View Full Version : My Rally-O champion

09-22-2006, 09:32 AM
Visa had her first rally-o classs lastnight. Even without training for three weeks she did VERY well. We were big show offs. :D I missed working with her SO much. I've been working with Jaguar and Loki the past few weeks and my God I missed having her LOL. At the end of the classes there is a titling trial! Four chances to title! If we qualify on the first three we will title and then we can move on to advanced. I'm so excited!

And in other news...lol. Solo is running around like a madman, barking up a storm. He's an interesting puppy -- the first puppy Marla has had that doesn't like being held. That's always been a bad thing in my book so I'm not sure what to think, but I'm going to hold him as much as possible. It's weird for a Belgian to not like being held, they are very touchy feely dogs. He's trying his best to play but the poor guy has no one to play back like a puppy. So I'm going to ask Jynnelle if I can borrow one or two of her puppies (they are only half a week older) so he'll have afriend. He sits in his crate and howls, the poor man.

Anyways, I'm off to work, just wanted to give you guys an update. Visa, Jag, and Loki will all be in the Rally-O trial. It's going to be a big turnout. I'll definatly get lots of pictures. I do't think it's till November but I forget. I REALLY hope Visa titles!

09-22-2006, 09:39 AM
That's great!!!! I will look for photos of The Rally-O.

Hope I am on and using my DSL connection soon !!!!!