View Full Version : Curly-Coated Retrievers

09-21-2006, 07:25 PM
I've recently become very interested in this breed! I just think they're gorgeous and i would love to learn more about them. I'm considering owning atleast one sometime in the future.I think its going to be difficult finding a breeder though, since they aren't a common breed of dog ( where i live anyways) I'm not sure how common they are in canada.I would love some information about them and if anyone has had any experience with them. I'm reading about them on websites and everything.Are they similar to the other Retrievers, like Goldens,Labs,etc?Of course i would love to know about any reputable breeders in Canada, and i would love to rescue one.
There was a curly in one of the Kodies obediance classes and s/he seemed like a very nice dog.



09-21-2006, 07:34 PM
They are more reserved than Labs and Goldens - of course Labs and Goldens want to know everyone but Curlies are happier not meeting every new person. Their temperment more closely resembles a Chesapeake.

Other than that, they are a lot like Labs in that they are active, need lots of daily physical activity, and they need an owner who can deal with stuff being in their mouth all the time. Retrievers always seem to have something in their mouths, whether you swear you just picked it up off of the floor or not!

The few Curlies I've known have all been from reputable breeders and the owners were active with them in obedience, agility, and/or hunt tests. All are very nice, well-rounded dogs.

09-21-2006, 07:47 PM
As Sarah said, Curlies are more reserved than Goldens, Labs, or Flatcoats but they are very nice dogs. When it comes to retrievers, there are 3 breeds who are outgoing and love everyone (which would be the Golden, Flat-Coat, and Lab) and then there are the 3 who are friendly towards strangers but are more reserved and aren't interested in knowing absolutely everyone (Curlies, Chessies, and Tollers). I've met quite a few Curlies at dog shows and all were very nice dogs, I really liked their temperaments. Each one seemed to be very accepting, well rounded dogs. As Sarah said again, Curlies definitely need their exercise. They love to have fun and are very active dogs. They constantly have something in their mouths, I don't think I've passed any that haven't had some sort of toy in their mouth unless they were in the ring of course.

09-21-2006, 08:28 PM
thanks for the info!Both of your posts have helped me alot. I'm definently going to do agility, and i would love to do something with retrieving. I'm very interested in this breed and i'm considering owning one in the future.

09-24-2006, 02:43 AM
Here is a picture I took today of Gypsy. She was in novice obedience class with Nova earlier this year and I saw her at a conformation match today.


09-28-2006, 12:24 AM
There was a breeder in Westbank a few years back -- haven't heard of her in a long time though, not sure if she's still around.